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Why would anyone want to explore space? Amazing Words. Exploring Space. ascend. as - cend When you ascend , you go up. Astronauts ascend into space in their space shuttles. You ascend to the second floor when you walk upstairs. descend. de - scend When you descend , you go down.
ascend • as - cend • When you ascend, you go up. • Astronauts ascend into space in their space shuttles. • You ascend to the second floor when you walk upstairs.
descend • de - scend • When you descend, you go down. • Astronauts descend when they come down from space in their space shuttles. • You descend when you walk downstairs.
orbit • or - bit • An orbit is the path of something like a spacecraft or planet around something in space, such as Earth or the sun. • Earth orbits the sun, and the moon orbits Earth. • We can watch TV because of the satellites that orbit the Earth.
universe • u -ni -verse • The universe is made up of Earth, the sun, the moon, and all the other planets and stars in the sky. • Our world is a small part of the universe. • When we look at the stars, we think how huge our universe must be.
enormous • e – nor - mous • Something that is enormous is very big and huge. • Dr. Street saw enormous clouds in the sky. • An enormous building is so big you can’t see it all at the same time.
journey • jour - ney • A journey is a long trip. • When a family drives for several days to go somewhere, they go on a journey. • An astronaut goes on a journey into space.
launch • launch • You launch something when you get it started or set it going. • We launch a boat or a plane when we get ready to go. • A space shuttle is launched when it starts up and gets into the sky.
meteorite • me – te – or - ite • A meteorite is a piece of stone from space that hits something. • Spaceships sometimes are hit by meteorites. • Some meteorites that hit Earth leave big dents in the ground.