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The Art of Framing by Bengt-Åke Gustafsson

Explore the rules of framing reality in leadership: control the context, define the situation, apply ethics, interpret uncertainty, design the response, and control spontaneity. Learn how framing shapes perceptions and influences outcomes. Discover the power of effective leadership framing in various contexts.

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The Art of Framing by Bengt-Åke Gustafsson

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  2. Regel #1: Control the context. Leadersoftencannotcontrol events, buttheycancontrol the context under which events areseeniftheyrecognize a framingopportunity.

  3. Rule # 2: Definethe situation At itsmostbasiclevel, framingrealitymeansdefining ’the situation here and now” in waysthatconnectwithothers. jfr (W.I )Thomas-teoremet: ”If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences”. (Thomas, William. "The Definition of the Situation," in Self, Symbols, and Society: Classic Readings in Social Psychology, Nathan Rousseau (ed), 2002 (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield), pp. 103-115. ISBN 978-0-7425-1631-1

  4. Rule # 3: ApplyEthics ”Reality” is oftencontested: framing a subject is an actofpersuasion by leaders, oneimbuedwithethicalchoices.

  5. Rule # 4: Interpret uncertainty It is the uncertainty, confusion and undecidabilityof ’the situation here and nowthatopens it up for interpretationand provides an opportunityfor the more verbal skilledamongustoemerge as leaders.

  6. Rule #5: Design the response Ultimately, leadership is a design problem. Leaders must figureoutwhatleadership is in the contextofwhatthey do and, throughtheirframing and actions, persuadethemselves and otherpeoplethattheyaredoing it.

  7. Rule # 6: Control spontaneity Framingrealityrequiresthatleaders be abletocontroltheirownspontaneouscommunication.

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