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Basics of Scientific Publishing. Leena Järveläinen Turku University Library 26.3.2014. This presentation in short. Why publish research ? What and where to publish ? What about University of Turku? Some future trends. 1. Why publish research ?. Why researchers publish ?.
Basics of Scientific Publishing Leena Järveläinen Turku University Library 26.3.2014
Thispresentation in short Whypublishresearch? What and where to publish? Whatabout University of Turku? Somefuturetrends
Whyresearcherspublish? "Researchers are driven by a desire to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the world we inhabit, and to communicate their findings to others." Research Information Network (2009): Communicating knowledge: How and why UK researchers publish and disseminate their findings (pdf-file)
Research Information Network (2011): Social Media: A guide for researchers(pdf-file)
The new universityfinancingmodel 2013 Yliopistojen rahoitusmalli 2013 alkaen (pdf); abstract of the proposal (2011) in English; bothfrom the webpages of Ministry of Education and Culture
Whattype of publication? A Peer-reviewedscientificarticles B Non-refereed scientific articles C Scientific books (monographs) D Publications intended for professionalcommunities E Publications intended for the general public F Public artistic and design activities G ThesesH Patentsand innovationannouncements I Audiovisualmaterial, ICT software According to Ministry of Education and Culture Publication Data Collection Manual 2012(pdf-file; English version 10 January 2013; the newest version only in Finnish)
Differentdisciplines, differentchannels • refereed / peerreviewedarticlesin international scientificjournalsarehighlyvaluedwithin the scientificcommunity • The high status of refereedarticles is emphasizedespecially in medical and naturalsciences, wheretheyclearlydominatepublishing. • In social sciences and humanities, monographs and editedbooksarestill the most common type of publication. • Engineering is characterisedby a high publishing activity in conferenceproceedings. Hanna-Mari Puuska ja Marita Miettinen. 2008. Disciplinarydifferences in publishing practices. (The wholedocumentin Finnish; abstract in inEnglish)
Whatis a scientificpublication? • Definition of a scientific publication • mustgenerate new information • mustbepresented in a formthatallows the researchresults to beverifiedand/orused in a new study • the publication and at leastitsbibliographic data mustbepresented in a language and publishedthrough a channelthatmakesitavailable to allinterestedresearchers • the publicationchannelmusthave an evaluationpractice in place, whereby the textintended for publication is evaluatedby at leastoneexternal party familiar with the field • According to Ministry of Education and Culture Publication Data Collection Manual 2012(pdf-file; English version 10 January2013; the newest version only in Finnish)
Peer-reviewprocess Cartoon: Nick (Nick D. Kim)
Whichjournalsorpublishers to choose? • Somethings to consider: • What does your supervisor say? • What is the discipline and the purpose of your article? • What is the reputation of the journal? • impactfactor (see Journal CitationReports) • PublicationForum (Julkaisufoorumi) classification (1-3): seee.g. Searchpage • JeffreyBeall'sList of PredatoryPublishers2014 • Will you publish at traditional or open access channels? • University of Turku recommendation23.4.2007, 375/002/2007 • Consult your peers!
Publishing yourdissertation The Doctoral Candidate is responsible for publishing and distributing the dissertation. The dissertation can be published in the University's own Annales series or by an outside publisher. Moredetailedinformationsee: Guidelines for the Doctoral Candidate
Publishing in the Turku University Series • The Turku university library maintains the publication archive of the University of Turku and dealsonly with twoseries • Publications of the University of Turku – AnnalesUniversitatisTurkuensis • University of Turku doctoraldissertations • alldissertations with permissionfromfacultyareaccepted • The School of EconomicsPublicationSeries • differenttypes of publications; Series A = dissertations • the authorsubmits a writtenapplication to the Publication Board of TSE Moredetailedinformationsee: http://utu.fi/library > Request, Buy, Publish > Publish http://www.utu.fi/en/units/library/requestbuypublish/publish/publishing-doctoral-dissertation/Pages/home.aspx
Youraffiliation is University of Turku • Affiliation relates to where the author was at the time the research leading to the publication was conducted. • ”…the authorhasbeen in an employmentrelationship with the institutionwhileconducting the research and writing the publication, or the institutionhasbeen a keyfacilitator of the publicationbyofferingfacilitiesorguidance(includingpostgraduatestudentsorscientistswhoarebeneficiaries of a grant). • The affiliation with the highereducationinstitution is primarilyestablished on the basis of affiliationsmentioned in the publication (in otherwords, the authorgives the name of the institution in the publication).” • rector'sletter 20.2.2009, 130/002/2009 According to Ministry of Education and Culture Publication Data Collection Manual 2012(pdf-file; English version 10 January 2013; the newest version only in Finnish) Seealso: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nobel_laureates_by_university_affiliation
Changes in scientific publishing • Seee.g. • http://www.theguardian.com/science/peer-review-scientific-publishing
Thankyou for yourattention! Leena Järveläinen, leena.jarvelainen@utu.fi