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English: The High Variety of Norway?. By Ragnhild Ljosland. Politics. Divergent §7:”T he language of instruction is normally Norwegian” was deleted from the Universities and Colleges Act in 2002 Implementation of the Bologna Declaration
English: The High Variety of Norway? By Ragnhild Ljosland
Politics • Divergent • §7:”The language of instruction is normally Norwegian” was deleted from the Universities and Colleges Act in 2002 • Implementation of the Bologna Declaration • Language Council working to to protect Norwegian (status planning) • Linguistic parallelism
Policies • Universities/colleges do not have any approved language policy • Language policy implied in other types of regulations • Students read set books in English • Most lectures are in Norwegian, some are in English • PhD theses in English compulsory in some subject fields • Funding indirectly depends upon publishing in English • No/few translation services
Attitudes • Interviewee 1: If it were decided that we should write in English, I would see many positive reasons for that, but if it were said that we should write in Norwegian, then ... No, I would ... Confining, like. Backward.
Attitudes • Interviewer: Can you tell me, what made you choose to write [your PhD thesis] in English? • Interviewee 2: It was never really a ... I think I never even considered writing [it] in Norwegian. • Interviewer: You mean, you didn’t spend time wondering about it: “Should I write my thesis in English or Norwegian?” • Interviewee 2: It was never ... It was altogether no ... I don’t think I ever made any conscious decision about it, seeing that it was rather self-evident.
Will English become the High variety of Norway? • Tyrannosaurus Rex imagery not always helpful • No language has a will of its own • The individual speaker’s role
Adapted from Keller, R. (1994): On language change. The invisible hand in language
Adapted from Keller, R. (1994): On language change. The invisible hand in language
Will English become the High Variety of Norway? • Features similar to diglossia: • Feeling of superiority/inferiority • English used in some high prestige areas of society • Features different from diglossia: • Written language, literature • Norwegian is used in some high prestige areas of society, as well as in informal situations
Bibliography • Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs (2001): “Do your duty – Demand your rights. Reform of the quality of higher education.” Fact sheet by the Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs. http://www.dep.no/ufd/engelsk/publ/stmeld/014071-120002/index-dok000-b-n-a.html • Ferguson, C. A. (1972 [1959]): ”Diglossia”. In: Giglioli, P. P. (ed.): Language and Social Context. Penguin Modern Sociology Readings. • Keller, R. (1994): On language change. The invisible hand in language. London/New York: Routledge. • Kyvik, S. (2001):”Publiseringsvirksomheten ved universiteter og vitenskapelige høgskoler.” Oslo: NIFU skriftserie 15/2001. This is the source of the publication language statistics for University/college staff • Ljosland, R. (2003): Engelsk som akademisk språk i Norge. En domenetapsstudie. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. MA thesis. • Ministry of Education and Research (2003): Stortingsproposisjon nr. 1 2002/2003.http://www.odin.dep.no/ufd/norsk/publ/stprp/045001-030004/dok-bn.html
Norway. Implementation of the Elements of the Bologna Process. http://www.bologna-berlin2003.de/pdf/Norway1.pdf • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2004): “Justert inntektsfordelingsmodell”. Intranet news 08.06.2004. https://innsida.ntnu.no/ua_lesmer_fra_innsida.php?kategori=nyheter&dokid=40c5d5a6eac295.22707496 • Norsk språkråd (2001): “Plan for styrking av norsk språk” (Plan for strengthening the Norwegian language). http://www.sprakrad.no/spraksty.htm • Smith, A. (1991 [1776]): The Wealth of Nations. Everyman’s Library. London: David Campbell Publishers Ltd. • Swales, J. M. (1997): “English as Tyrannosaurus Rex”. In: World Englishes 16/3. • The Universities and Colleges Act: http://www.ub.uio.no/ujur/ulovdata/lov-19950512-022-eng.pdf • Universitets- og høgskolerådet (2002): Evaluering av norsk forskerutdanning. http://www.uhr.no/sentraledokument/evforskerutd.htm This is the source for the language statistics for PhD theses