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Factors in the Matrix That Caused the BP Gulf Disaster: The Failure of Regulatory Oversight. Matthew Rosenberg. External Influences on Regulation.
Factors in the Matrix That Caused the BP Gulf Disaster: The Failure of Regulatory Oversight Matthew Rosenberg
External Influences on Regulation According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the oil industry spent $175,189,824 on lobbying in 2009, with the 4 largest contributors comprising: • Exxon Mobil- $27,430,000 • Chevron Corp- $20,815,000 • ConocoPhillips- $18,069,858 • BP- $15,990,000 According to The Washington Post, 3 of every 4 lobbyists for the oil/gas industry has worked for the Federal government, including 18 former members of Congress and more than a dozen former MMS employees.
Regulation of Offshore Drilling • 1953- Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) • 1969- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) • 1982- Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act • 1990- Oil Pollution Act of 1990
The Minerals Management Service • January 1982- Created to expand drilling on the OCS, and to reform royalty collection • Dual Mandate: • Regulatory Oversight- Environmental and Safety • Revenue Collection and Leasing- Area-Wide Sales • Other agencies have lesser roles in regulation: U.S. Coast Guard, EPA, and NOAA
Safety Regulations: • Initially: Onus on the Regulator • Technical Requirements • Announced and Unannounced Inspections • Later: Onus on the Regulated • 2005 MMS Regulation: “The lessee or operator is in the best position to determine the environmental effects of its proposed activity based on whether the operation is routine or non-routine.” • Activities of the Federal government impeded the ability of the MMS to adopt new practices • Budget Shortfalls • Obstruction
Consequences • Lack of Expertise Within the Agency • No certification of inspectors • Failed to conduct research regarding the implications of catastrophic spills • Emphasis of Revenue over Regulation • Culture of accepting gifts from corporations at Denver and Louisiana offices
Problems With the Structure of Inspections • According to the Outer Continental Shelf Safety Oversight Board, the MMS lacks “a formal, bureau-wide compilation of rules, regulations, policies, or practices pertinent to inspections, nor does it have a comprehensive handbook addressing inspector roles and responsibilities.” • Single inspectors are utilized, rather than teams • Lack of communication between regional offices led to inconsistencies in policy
Failures: The Macondo Well • No environmental impact statement (EIS) or “worst case analysis” • BP’s Oil Spill Response Plan approved by the MMS was not specific to the Macondo Well • No site-specific review, and the requirement for an EIS was exempted from the Gulf of Mexico under the OCSLA
Lessons • The separation of financial and regulatory goals is vital to preventing conflicts of interest within agencies • More oversight is required of regulatory agencies to ensure that they are operating in accordance with their mandates • Cross-agency collaboration may help to fill the kinds of gaps in organizational expertise which hamstrung the MMS 4. The impact of political pressures on the conduct of government must be reduced
Considerations • Is the United States government the ideal entity to regulate deepwater drilling? If not, who might be better positioned? • Are there other incentives that motivate corporate compliance with regulation beyond the bottom line? • Was it the weakness of legislation or enforcement which led to the observed breakdowns, or was it some combination of both?
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