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Cellular metabolism Review: anabolism builds large molecules from smaller ones requires energy Catabolism breaks down

Cellular metabolism Review: anabolism builds large molecules from smaller ones requires energy Catabolism breaks down large molecules to smaller ones releases energy Metabolism- the sum of these activities. What do we need cellular energy for? Anabolism! Cell movement

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Cellular metabolism Review: anabolism builds large molecules from smaller ones requires energy Catabolism breaks down

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cellular metabolism Review: anabolism builds large molecules from smaller ones requires energy Catabolism breaks down large molecules to smaller ones releases energy Metabolism- the sum of these activities

  2. What do we need cellular energy for? Anabolism! Cell movement Active transport Cell signaling

  3. The mechanism of anabolism Dehydration synthesis

  4. Hydrolysis: reverse of dehydration synthesis

  5. All cells metabolize carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids Processes are elaborate and involve many steps each step is controlled by a different enzyme Each enzyme has a specific substrate Enzymes catalyze reactions: makes them happen faster (but these are reactions that would happen anyway)

  6. “Shape” of the enzyme must be such that it can interact with substrate Inhibitors: bind to active site and block it (competitive) Bind to enzyme and change shape to substrate cannot bind (allosteric) Enzymes can be denatured Many enzymes require cofactors and coenzymes

  7. Cellular respiration Breaking of chemical bonds to release energy Oxidation (of glucose and other molecules) Transfer of energy to other “carrier” molecules Generation of ATP Much of the energy is given off as heat In humans, oxygen is required

  8. These are not the only metabolic pathways in the cell! Many of the pathways are interconnected Depends on what the cell needs at the time if energy: aerobic respiration if building cell structures: anabolic pathways storage molecules are also accumulated

  9. Protein synthesis within cell Directed by DNA DNA is transcribed to make messenger RNA (mRNA) mRNA provides amino acid sequence Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is a component of ribosomes (site of protein synthesis) Transfer RNA (tRNA) brings amino acids to ribosome to be joined together

  10. DNA must also be copied accurately Errors result in mutations How can bases changes affect protein structure? Can mutations be corrected? What sorts of things cause mutations?

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