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Writing “The” College Essay

Writing “The” College Essay. “Your” Admissions File. Admission Application The Transcript The Interview ACT/SAT Scores Teacher/Counselor Recommendations “The” Essay Resume . Who will read “your” essay? Know your audience. First Cut Regional admissions officers Grad students/temps

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Writing “The” College Essay

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Writing “The” College Essay

  2. “Your” Admissions File • Admission Application • The Transcript • The Interview • ACT/SAT Scores • Teacher/Counselor Recommendations • “The” Essay • Resume

  3. Who will read “your” essay? Know your audience First Cut • Regional admissions officers • Grad students/temps • Hired readers/spouses of admissions staff • Faculty Second/Final Cut • Admissions Director • Deciding Committee

  4. No bad topics, but beware… • The Trip • My Favorite Things • Miss America • Jock • My Room • Three D’s (I honestly believe I have the discipline, determination, and the diversity…) • Tales of My Success • Pet Death • Selling and Telling-Autobiography …only bad essays

  5. Writing “The” College Essay • 1st: Chill Out!...Relax • Approach: • If you ask yourself what “they” are looking for, you’re already on the wrong track. • Find a reader, or readers • Write something only you could write about • Know what you write about • Your college essay is an informal, or familiar, piece: personal statement • Entertain… inject some humor (doesn’t have to be a joke)

  6. 2nd: Warming Up • Use your notebook • Stranger than fiction: Observations • Letter Writing • Rambling & Ranting • Free Association • Boring for Fun • Ranting (“venting”) • Grousing: Change for the worse…for the better • Start anywhere!!!

  7. 3rd: Coming Alive! • Tell a story! • Entertainment Quotient • Sense Detail: see what you saw, hear what you heard, taste what you tasted • Think metaphorically, Metaphor Madness • Verbs and Nouns, describe without adjectives • Be CREATIVE!

  8. 4th: Rewrite • Where am I? What shape am I in? • Tone and mood of your essay • Don’t boast, don’t whine • Be authentic, be you • The Beginning: keep an eye out for a lead, a show opener, an “angle” to your essay. • Stir up curiosity. • Avoid bad leads: “In the following essay I hope to show…” Just do it, don’t announce it. • Avoid false questions: “Have you ever thought about bee pollen?”

  9. 5th: Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite • Read your draft aloud and think about your tone, mood and style • Transitions: avoid overused words (e.g. but, instead, moreover, in addition, thus, secondly) • e.g. Now we are given… • Trim the fat: shorten your essay, say more with less. • Strengthens your essay. Take the time to be short. • Reference to “writing the college application essay”

  10. 6th: Edit • Find readers who are honest and care about you. • Have your English teacher proofread and edit. • Have a friend read it. • Check for run-on sentences and combine to strengthen. • Be thorough: (e.g. “can not” instead of “can’t”, “that is” instead of “that’s”)

  11. Essay Don’ts • Should not mention information listed elsewhere as part of your application package. • Don’t write a resume. • Ex.: GPA, listing activities you are involved in. • Don’t use clichés • Don’t try impressing the judges by using big words • They detract from the story. • Avoid sounding unsure of yourself. • Ex. Don’t use “I think” “maybe” “I want to” “perhaps” • Don’t bore the reader by starting your essay with: • “My name is…” • “I was born” • “ I am a Senior”

  12. Essay Do’s • Captivate your reader’s attention with your first sentence. • Be original and creative. • Write about yourself! • Tell a story and write with passion! • Be honest! • Don’t write what you think they want to hear. • Proofread! • Have someone else read your essay! • Length-limit your essay to two double spaced pages unless otherwise stated. • KIS- Keep It Simple

  13. Essay Types • Scholarship Essays Focus on: • Heritage and family background • Personal and academic achievements • Academic plans and career goals • Financial Need • Community Services • Obstacles you have overcome • Admission Essays: Focus on getting to know you and seeing if you are the right fit with the school.

  14. Apply Texas Essay Topics • Topic A: Person who has made an impact on your life. • Most students are going to write about their mother, father or older sibling. • Try to be original • Topic B: Issue that is of importance to you, your family, your community or your generation. • Do not write a research paper. • Make sure you give your points of view and discuss how the affects are of importance to you, your family, your community or your generation. • Topic C: Personal Essay on Common Application • Write a personal statement about you. You may discuss: heritage and family background, obstacles, goals, passions, community involvement, accomplishments. • Tell a story

  15. Common App Essays • Topic A: Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. • Just like Topic B: Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you. • Just Like Topic A: Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. • Topic of your choice: Could be your Personal Statement

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