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특허 영어 ( 전치사 10 강좌 )

특허 영어 ( 전치사 10 강좌 ). 발명특허학과 윤상원 교수. [ 관계사 ] who ( 그는 / 그녀는 ~) I have a friend + He lives in seoul I have a friend who lives in seoul. [ 관계사 ] wh ich ( 그 물건은 ( 것이 ) ~ ) I can’t find the book which was here a minute ago. [ 관계사 ] that ( 그 물건은 / 그 사람은 ~ )

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특허 영어 ( 전치사 10 강좌 )

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  1. 특허 영어 (전치사 10강좌) 발명특허학과 윤상원 교수

  2. [관계사] who (그는/ 그녀는~) I have a friend + He lives in seoul I have a friend wholives in seoul.

  3. [관계사] which (그 물건은(것이)~) I can’t find the book which was here a minute ago.

  4. [관계사] that (그 물건은/그 사람은 ~) The people that live next door will move out tomorrow. Here’s the book that you asked for.

  5. [관계사] when (그때 일어난 일은 ~) I’ll never forget the day when I first met you.

  6. [관계사] where (그 장소에서 일어난 일은 ~) Do you know a shop where I can find used jeans?

  7. [관계사] why (그이유로 일어난 일은 ~) I don’t know the reason why she didn’t come last night.

  8. [관계사] How (그 방법으로 일어난 일은 ~) I was wondering how that was possible.

  9. [접속사] And, But, Or (그리고, 그러나, 또는)

  10. [접속사] While (동시에 진행되는(일어나는) 일은) I felt asleep while I was reading.

  11. [접속사] After (먼저 일어난 일은) I shall arrive after you leave.

  12. [접속사] Before (뒤에 일어난 일은) I must take a train for seoul before he comes here.

  13. [접속사] Once, Nor, (한번이라도 일어난 일은, 아닌 것은 또한)

  14. [접속사] As (같은 때에 일어난 일(것)은) He came up as I was speaking

  15. [접속사] Because (원인은)

  16. [접속사] Though (상충되는 것은) He is happy, though he is poor.

  17. [접속사] No matter what(who/when/where/how) (없다. 문제는 무엇이든/누구든/언제든/어디든/어떻게든) I will go, no matter what you say

  18. [접속사] Whereas (반면에)

  19. [접속사] Whether(Either) ~ or (둘 중 하나이다.하나~ 다른 하나는 ~) Tell me whether he is at home or not

  20. [접속사] If /Unless(If not) (가정 하는 내용은, 조건은/예외가 되는 것은) We shall go unless it rains

  21. [접속사] Unless (예외가 되는 것은) You miss the bus unless you walk more quickly.

  22. [접속사] More A than B (더 A 하다. 비교대상은 B) He is more intelligent than clever.

  23. [접속사] A as well(soon/long/many) as B (A 그만큼 좋다(빠르다/길다/많다), 같은 것은 B) It begins to rain as soon as he comes.

  24. [접속사] Prefer(senior/junior/prior) A to B (선호(위의/연하의/앞선)하는데, 비교 대상은 B) I prefer coffee to tea

  25. [접속사] Lest (염려되는 바는) Be careful lest you fall from the tree.

  26. [접속사] Both A and B (두 가지인데, 하나는 A 다른 하나는 B) He is both a teacher and a poet

  27. [접속사] Neither A nor B (아닌 첫 번째는 A이고, 또한 아닌 것은 B) He has neither money nor food.

  28. [접속사] Though ~ (어긋나는 바는 ~) He failed the exam though he tried very hard

  29. 감사합니다.

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