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GSI/Santiago fission model

GSI/Santiago fission model. ABLA - Dynamic evaporation-fission with modelling of dissipation PROFI - Nuclide production in fission. ABLA Importance of nuclear dissipation Partial fission cross section Width of Z-distributions. Jurado et al., PRL 93. ABLA. Fission cross section

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GSI/Santiago fission model

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  1. GSI/Santiago fission model ABLA - Dynamic evaporation-fission with modelling of dissipation PROFI - Nuclide production in fission

  2. ABLAImportance of nuclear dissipationPartial fission cross sectionWidth of Z-distributions Jurado et al., PRL 93

  3. ABLA Fission cross section Low-energy fission: High-energy fission: 235Np 238U (1 A GeV) + p  Bernas et al., NPA725 Gavron et al., PRC13

  4. 238U 208Pb PROFI • Semi-empirical Monte-Carlo code theoretically based on the application of the statistical model of nuclear reactions to the concept of fission channels • Mass split - determined near the saddle point, N/Z at the scission

  5. PROFIFF distributions Low-energy fission: High-energy fission:

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