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your Photos in 3D. By: Mohamad Alhamada . What is PhotoSynth ? Using PhotoSynth . Features. In the media. Bibliography . Table of Content. What is PhotoSynth ?. Technology that creates 3D spaces from any 2D photos.
your Photos in 3D. By: MohamadAlhamada.
WhatisPhotoSynth? UsingPhotoSynth. Features. In the media. Bibliography. Table of Content.
WhatisPhotoSynth? • Technology that creates 3D spaces from any 2D photos. • Originally developed by a team in University of Washington (based on Photo Tourism, a research project by graduate student Noah Snavely, Steve Seitz , and Richard Szeliski. • It is composed of two aspects: a "synther" for creating the visual spaces, and a viewer for downloading and navigating these spaces.
UsingPhotoSynth. A few things you should be aware of: All synths are uploaded to the web ( 20GB of online storage). They're big, so you need to use a broadband Internet connection. Synths are by default public and will be visible to everyone on the Internet. Currently the "synther" only runs on Windows. You will need to Sign Up for a Photosynth account. It uses Windows Live ID.
UsingPhotoSynth. • Open the Viewer. • Open the Synther. • How to shoot.
Features. Walk or fly through a scene to see photos from any angle . Zoom in or out of a photo. See where pictures were taken in relation to one another . Smoothly change viewing angle between nearby photos. Smoothly zoom in and out of high-resolution photos . Find similar photos to the one you're currently viewing.
In the media. • On April 30, 2008, Photosynth was featured in the television show CSI: New York episode Admissions . • CNN utilized Photosynth for a user-contributed 3D vision of the inauguration of Barack Obama as the President of the United States. • In the Angels & Demons, Photosynth is used as well as advertised in the website.
Bibliography. • The official site of PhotoSynth. • www.photosynth.net • 2. Photo tourism homepage. • www.phototour.cs.washington.edu • PhotoSynth on Wikipedia. • www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Live_Labs_Photosynth • The CNN inauguration photos using photosynth. • www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2009/44.president/inauguration/themoment
Bibliography. • How to make a photosynth. http://www.ehow.com/how_4700420_make-a-photosynth.html • A blog about CSI: New York episode Admissions. • http://blogs.msdn.com/prophoto/archive/2008/04/28/photosynth-on-csi.aspx • Official site of Angels and Demons: Movie • http://www.angelsanddemons.com/
Bibliography. • An article in PCWorld about photosynth. • http://www.pcworld.com/article/151027/make_3d_photos_with_photosynth.html • An article that contains good information about photosynth. • http://news.softpedia.com/newsTag/Photosynth • A blog that contains good information about photosynth. • blogs.msdn.com/photosynth/