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To Do. 80 copies of nucleotides Ipads out 40 copies of organic molecule relooping worksheet 40 copies (on the back?) of DNA replicationm. DNA Structure!. October 15 th , 2012.

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  1. To Do 80 copies of nucleotides Ipads out 40 copies of organic molecule relooping worksheet 40 copies (on the back?) of DNA replicationm

  2. DNA Structure! October 15th , 2012

  3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/49406174/ns/technology_and_science-science/#__utma=14933801.297198480.1342556601.1350238841.1350259800.224&__utmb=14933801.2.10.1350259800&__utmc=14933801&__utmx=-&__utmz=14933801.1342556601.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=14933801.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc%7Ccover=1^12=Landing%20Content=Mixed=1^13=Landing%20Hostname=www.nbcnews.com=1^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Earned%20to%20Mixed=1&__utmk=178822436http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/49406174/ns/technology_and_science-science/#__utma=14933801.297198480.1342556601.1350238841.1350259800.224&__utmb=14933801.2.10.1350259800&__utmc=14933801&__utmx=-&__utmz=14933801.1342556601.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=14933801.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc%7Ccover=1^12=Landing%20Content=Mixed=1^13=Landing%20Hostname=www.nbcnews.com=1^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Earned%20to%20Mixed=1&__utmk=178822436

  4. Do Now 1) List one way that organic molecules are the same and one characteristic that is unique about each. 2) Are organic molecules essential to living things? Explain one way you know. 3) Are nucleic acids essential to living things? Why or why not?

  5. Watson and Crick

  6. What is DNA? • Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) • The sugar is DeoxyRibose • DNA is a NUCLEIC ACID

  7. Where is DNA found? PROKARYOTES: Found in the cytoplasm EUKARYOTES: Found in the nucleus

  8. How SIMILAR are you to the person sitting next to you? You are 99% identical to the person sitting next to you!!

  9. What is DNA made of (the subunits)? NUCLEOTIDES!!

  10. What are the main parts of a NUCLEOTIDE? Phosphate Sugar Nitrogen Base

  11. What are the FOUR NITROGEN BAES? A = Adenine T =Thymine C =Cytosine G = Guanine

  12. What is COMPLIMENTARY BASE PAIRING? The same bases will ALWAYS pair together! A pairs with T C pairs with G ALWAYS!!! (Unless there is a mutation)

  13. Label the parts of a Nucleotide


  15. How is a DNA molecule MADE? Nucleotides come together Then, HYDROGEN bonds form between the nitrogen bases This makes TWO strands of nucleotides which twist into a DOUBLE HELIX

  16. What is the SHAPE of DNA? • DOUBLE HELIX • It looks like a twisted ladder • OR, a spiral staircase

  17. What are HYDROGEN BONDS? • The bonds that form between the nitrogen bases • They are very WEAK and break easily • This is how DNA is able to make new copies of itself! T.B.C.!

  18. How is DNA STORED in eukaryotes? • The DNA is compacted in the CHROMOSOMES and stored in the nucleus • Chromatin is a complex that make up chromosomes • (remember from mitosis lecture) • Gene is a portion of DNA that codes for RNA, which codes for trait • A trait is a characteristic of a living thing!


  20. Day 2: October 16th, 2012 Do Now: What organic molecule is DNA? What is that organic molecule’s monomer? The monomer has 3 parts: What are the 3? Name the 4 nitrogen bases in the nucleotide: Adenine pairs with _____________ Cytosine pairs with _____________

  21. Video on DNA Structure

  22. Replication The definition of replication: the make an exact copy of an object DNA replication  making 2 new IDENTICLE DNA molecules from 1 DNA molecule

  23. RECAP Living Organisms have DNA, so what part of STERNGRR does duplicating DNA cover? DNA must be duplicated in the ‘S’ Synthesis phase of Interphase in order to make 2 IDENTICLE cells! This must occur because the Nucleus is the “boss” of the cell.

  24. If the nucleus is the boss, who does all the ordering around? The DNA! DNA must be duplicated so all cells have the right instructions! So…what’s got to be copied first?! The DNA

  25. Answer these as a summary: Why might it be important to make exact copies of cells? Which organelle is the “boss?” of the cell? Why is it the “boss?” Who gives all the instructions? How can cells make exact copies? What must be copied first?

  26. MARSHMALLOW CON’T… Watch as Ms Kuipers replicates our DNA Molecule

  27. What is DNA REPLICATION? NEW cells are made by copying OLD cells Before a cell divides, you have to copy or replicate the DNA

  28. Video of Mitosis Real Time…

  29. Why does DNA REPLICATE? • To get ready for cell division • So each new cell has the same exact DNA!

  30. Stations 15 minutes at each station Working together to finish the work before time is called Reasonable noise level! 

  31. 1. Building DNA 2. DNA Current Event 3. Organic Molecules Relooping 3. DNA Replication

  32. What are the STEPS for DNA Replication? • An Enzyme “UNZIPS” the 2 strands of DNA by breaking the weak Hydrogen bonds • New nucleotides are added to the old stand -REVIEW: A = T and C = G • Another Enzyme “ZIPS” the strands back up • What bonds do you think they will re-form? • Another enzyme, DNA Polymerase, “proofreads” the strands to make sure there are no MISTAKES!

  33. What is the ROLE of ENZYMES? • Enzymes help to: 1. Split the DNA in half • Put DNA back together • Proofread for any mistakes in the base pairs

  34. How is DNA Replication SEMI-CONSERVATIVE? When the DNA copies itself, it always has HALF of the parental (OLD) strand and HALD of the daughter (NEW) strand In other words: the DNA is HALF OLD and HALF NEW

  35. DNA Video Clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdDkiRw1PdU&feature=related

  36. DNA Replication Practice DNA strand: ATGGC Complementary DNA strand: _________ Write your own DNA strand Then, pass to a partner and have them decode it!

  37. Challenge Question If 15% of bases are Cs, how many must be Ts? We will answer as a class.

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