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APEXPH Summary

APEXPH Summary. Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health Community Health Planner Panayiota Agamemnonos Owen County Health Department. Owen County Demographic Profile. 2006 Population – 11,428 5,476 (50%) males* 5,477 (50%) female* 11,139 (97.9%) white (2005)

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APEXPH Summary

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  1. APEXPH Summary Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health Community Health Planner Panayiota Agamemnonos Owen County Health Department

  2. Owen County Demographic Profile • 2006 Population – 11,428 • 5,476 (50%) males* • 5,477 (50%) female* • 11,139 (97.9%) white(2005) • 126 (1.1%) black (2005) • 123 (1.1%) Hispanic or Latino origin (2005) National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, *2002 Vital Statistics

  3. 2002 Race Distribution by Sex 2002 Kentucky Vital Statistics

  4. Population Distribution by Age in 2002 2002 Kentucky Vital Statistics

  5. 2010 Population Projections 2000 Census

  6. Socioeconomic Profile • Only 16.0% of Owen County’s population is below the poverty level compared to 16.3% statewide in 2004. • Per capita income in 2004 was $18,426 compared to the state average of $27,265. • Median family income in 2004 was $35,191 compared to Kentucky’s $37,046. • Owen Co.’s unemployment rate was 5.8% compared to 6.1% statewide in 2005. National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau

  7. 2002 Socioeconomic Profile, cont. 2002 County Health Profile

  8. Birth Indicators 2003 Kentucky Vital Statistics, *2006 KIDS COUNT

  9. Child Well-being Indicators • Average daily attendance for students – 94%. Ky.’s average was 94%. (2005) • 75% completed high school to the state’s 83% in 2005. 9.1 % completed 4 or more years of college, and Kentucky 17.1% in 2000. • School drop-out rate in county – 2.7% 2.6% in KY (2000-2001). 2006 KIDS Count Data Book

  10. Owen County High School2004-2005 KY Department of Education

  11. Owen County High School2004-2005 KY Department of Education

  12. Owen County Middle School2004-2005 KY Department of Education

  13. Owen County Middle School2004-2005 KY Department of Education

  14. Owen County Primary/Elementary School2004-2005 KY Department of Education

  15. Owen County Primary/Elementary School2004-2005 KY Department of Education

  16. Child Well-being Indicators • In 2003, 21% of pop. <18 lived in poverty • Only 68% of obligated child support payments were collected in 2006. • In 2005, there were 35 reports cases of physical abuse, 8 reports of sexual abuse, and 66 reports of neglect and/or dependency. 2006 KIDS Count Data Book

  17. 2005 Traffic Collisions • 2005 saw a total of 192 collisions of those 2 involved fatalities, 79 non-fatal injuries, and 111 property damage. • 2 people were killed and 116 people were injured. • Of the 192 collisions, 14 involved drinking drivers and 1 involved drivers under influence of drugs 2005 Traffic Collision Facts

  18. 2005 Driving under the Influence • 0 of the 14 collisions with drinking drivers involved fatal collisions, 8 non-fatal injury, and 6 property damage. • 11 people were injured. • 1 person was injured in the collision involving drugs 2005 Traffic Collision Facts

  19. DUI Convictions Trend 2006 Crime in Kentucky

  20. 2005 Crime • In 2005, 35 DUI arrests with 34 adults and 0 juveniles. • There was a total of 275 arrest in 2005 with 43 arrests for narcotic drug laws making them the highest. • Another 25 of the arrests were for drunkenness. 2006 Crime in Kentucky

  21. Access to Primary Health Care Profile • Primary care provider ratio is the population of a given area divided by the number of full-time primary care providers serving that area. • The Federal Government estimates that 1 primary care provider can provide care to 1500 individuals. • In 2004, Owen County’s ratio is 1 to 2600 ,Kentucky’s ratio is 1917. KY Department of Public Health, Health Care Access Branch

  22. Owen County’s cancer of all sites incidence age-adjusted rate for 2000-2004 was 430.63 compared to KY’s age-adjusted rate as 513.73 2007 Kentucky Cancer Registry

  23. Owen County’s cancer of respiratory system incidence age-adjusted rate for 2000-2004 was 84.38 compared to KY’s age-adjusted rate as 108.12 2007 Kentucky Cancer Registry

  24. Owen County’s cancer of breast incidence age-adjusted rate for 2000-2004 was 65.08 compared to KY’s age-adjusted rate as 66.90 2007 Kentucky Cancer Registry

  25. Owen County’s cancer of all sites mortality age-adjusted rate for 2000-2004 was 195.56 compared to KY’s age-adjusted rate as 224.25 2007 Kentucky Cancer Registry

  26. Owen County’s cancer of respiratory system mortality age-adjusted rate for 2000-2004 was 61.02 compared to KY’s age-adjusted rate as 81.85 2007 Kentucky Cancer Registry

  27. Owen County’s cancer of breast mortality age-adjusted rate for 2000-2004 was 13.00 compared to KY’s age-adjusted rate as 14.99 2007 Kentucky Cancer Registry

  28. 2002 Leading Causes of Mortality 2002 Vital Statistics Report

  29. Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) • Years of Potential Life Lost is a measure of causes of mortality that are responsible for taking the highest number of years of life based on life expectancy. • Years of potential life lost are calculated by multiplying the number of deaths per age group by years of life lost as determined by the difference in age at the time of death and life expectancy.

  30. Death From All Causes /YPLL 2002 Vital Statistics Report

  31. Death From Unintentional Injuries /YPLL 2002 Vital Statistics Report

  32. Malignant Neoplasm • Cancer tops the list for YPLL in Owen County with 145 years of life lost. • Lung cancer is responsible for 55 of those years and breast cancer another 15. 2002 Vital Statistics Report

  33. Unintentional Injuries • Drug-induced death is to blame for the loss of 25 years. 2002 Vital Statistics Report

  34. Heart Disease • Heart disease ranks 3rd for YPLL with 75 years of potential life lost. • Heart disease ranks 1st as cause of mortality in those over the age of 65 and for those between the ages of 45 and 54. 2002 Vital Statistics Report

  35. Other contributors to YPLL • Chronic lower respiratory disease takes 105 years. • Diabetes takes another 45 years. • Cerebrovascular disease takes 5 years. 2002 Vital Statistics Report

  36. Next Steps • The next step in the APEXPH process is to gather input from community leaders regarding actions to be taken to address the preceding statistics.

  37. Sources • National Center for Health Statistics; U.S. Census Bureau (2007) Fedstats. From http://www.fedstats.gov/qf/states/21000.html • Cabinet for Health and Family Services; Kentucky Department for Public Health (2002) Kentucky Vital Statistics. From http://chfs.ky.gov/dph/vital/2002vitalreports.htm • Cabinet for Health and Family Services; Kentucky Department for Public Health (2002) KY County Health Profile. From http://chfs.ky.gov/dph/epi/cohealthprofiles.htm • Kentucky Youth Advocates (2006) KIDS COUNT. From http://www.kyyouth.org/Publications/KIDS_COUNT_2006/2006+County+Data+Book+v3.pdf • KY Department of Education; School Report Card 2000-2005 (2004-2005) School Report Card. From http://apps.kde.state.ky.us/report_card/index.cfm?action=display_cards • Kentucky State Police (2005) Traffic Collision Facts, From http://www.kentuckystatepolice.ky.gov/pdf/KY_Traffic_Collision_Facts_2005.pdf • Kentucky State Police (2006) Crime in Kentucky, From http://www.kentuckystatepolice.ky.gov/pdf/cik_2006.pdf • Kentucky Cancer Registry (2003) From http://cancer-rates.info/ky/index.html • Cabinet for Health and Family Services; Kentucky Department for Public Health (2003) Kentucky Vital Statistics. From http://chfs.ky.gov/dph/vital/2003vitalreports.htm

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