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  1. Note for the presenter - user • This slide deck is an accompaniment to the JSR guidelines. The presenter can ‘pick-and-choose’ from it to fit the desired focus and purpose. It is NOT intended to be presented in ‘one go’. Individual slides can be used as prompts for discussion (slide 13-17 and slides 23, 25,27,29 31). The full slide deck can also be used as a short-hand/taster of the JSR guidelines. It has three parts: 1 What are JSRs? Why are they important? JSR guidelines (7 slides) 2 JSR effectiveness framework (7 slides) 3 Guidance for organizing an effective JSR process (12 slides)

  2. Joint Sector Reviews – JSRs Introducing the JSR guidelines

  3. xxx Introduction

  4. Introduction What are JSRs Why are they important The JSR guidelines • https://www.globalpartnership.org/content/practical-guide-effective-joint-sector-reviews-education-sector

  5. What are JSRs?

  6. Nepal • JSR = organized in two rounds • A joint review on overall progress and corrective measures. • A budget review to review annual work plan and budget • Cambodia • JSR = a complementary mechanisms • Large education congress • The JSR with the ministry and development partners – all subsectors • Retreat - leadership and partners JSRs are diverse across countries • Senegal • JSR = a decentralized approach • To reach out to regions where education opportunities are weakest. • Regional pre-meetings to review progress reporting and annual plan • Burkina Faso • JSR = a longstanding practice • Learning from past JSRs • Standardized format and principles • Systematic reporting on recommendations

  7. Embedded in existing sector policy dialogue A process, not just a meeting Solid preparation Common for JSR success Strong country leadership and engagement Rigor in following up Learning from JSR practices

  8. Why are JSRs important? JSRs… • Foster mutual accountability and shared responsibility for results • Contribute to strengthened, aligned, and comprehensive monitoring • Make education sector planning more responsive and flexible • Capitalize on investments made earlier in the planning process 1 2 3 !

  9. The JSR guidelines WHY WHAT HOW

  10. Evidence How the JSR guidelines were developed Practices Peer review Action research undertaken by the GPE Secretariat • Cross-country exchange, testing tools and practice mapping • DCPs, multi- and bi-lateral agencies, CSOs, academia + health sector • JSR researchpaper: https://www.globalpartnership.org/content/effective-joint-sector-reviews-mutual-accountability-platforms

  11. JSR effectiveness framework And supporting tools

  12. JSR effectiveness framework Five dimensions: Two functions Three characteristics

  13. Inclusive and participatory Are diverse categories of stakeholders represented? Ministry of education, finance, sub-national levels, int’ partners, local NGOs, CSOs, teachers’ organizations, parents Who participates Effective participation Are roles defined and is participation effective ? Roles are clear and agreed-upon; effective engagement may involve technical, financial and logistical support Ownership and leadership Do stakeholders demonstrate leadership & ownership? Ministry (technical and political levels ) take the lead and other stakeholders and partners are engaged – joint process

  14. Aligned to shared policy frameworks Dimension 1: Inclusive and participatory Is the JSR scope defined by ESP & its subsets? JSR input documents (implementation report) are aligned with the ESP and its subsets (e.g. annual/multiyear operational plan) JSR Scope Sector-wide approach Is the JSR sector-wide and comprehensive? It covers all subsectors and is grounded in activities/programs resourced by domestic and external financing Aligned mechanisms Does the JSR contribute to reducing multiple reporting? It is an integral part of regular sector dialogue. The report is used as a core reference + JSR aide-memoire as well

  15. Based on evidence Annual implementation report Is the JSR based on an annual implementation report? The report outlines the results for the period under review, and includes technical and financial data, and analysis Additional analysis Does the JSR benefit from on additional analysis? The JSR draws on relevant commissioned reports, learning assessments indicators, thematic studies, evaluations Evidence based dialogue Does the evidence effectively inform the dialogue? The report is used to focus the JSR agenda on key challenges and is shared to allow participants to discuss its contents

  16. Monitoring tool Is the JSR fulfilling a monitoring function? It leads to strategic monitoring of performance, expenditures and financing, based on stocktaking Monitoring function Is the JSR fulfilling a learning function? JSR discussions deepen understanding of why objectives have been achieved or not achieved Learning function Is the JSR fulfilling a ‘meta-review’ function? It is used to review the quality of the evidence base and to identify gaps to improve future sector reporting Meta-review function

  17. Instrument for change Is the JSR effectively embedded into the policy cycle? The JSR is planned so that the recommendations can feed into operation planning and budgetary processes. Strategic timing Actionable recommendations Do the recommendations specify what, who, how, when? Recommendations are prioritized and limited in number and designate responsible parties and include a timeline Follow-up Are the recommendations integrated and monitored? Integrated into dialogue structures and recommendations are monitoredand reported in the following JSR

  18. Supportingtools JSR self-assessment JSR maturity ladder Exchange toolbox Available online in separate word documents

  19. Click to add title Click to add subtitle Practical guidance

  20. Practical guidance Organizing an effective JSR Illustrated through examples In focus: one-pagers JSR as a process

  21. Leadership and buy-in JSR and sector dialogue Terms of reference Getting started 1 • Pol.tech. leadership agree on: • JSR objectives and timing • JSR scope, policy and monitoring framework • Inputs (AIR) and outputs • Participation and roles • Org. arrangements: steps, responsibilities, follow-up • Costing and financing • Through existing structures - LEG & WGs • Supporting the ministry in organizing the JSR • JSR self-assessment tool in preparatory phase • Lessons from previous JSRs and from other countries • Outlining agreed points within a clear ToR • Including agenda, participants, report and calendar • Using TOR as tool for engagement and comm’s

  22. JSR ToR prepared in close consultation with the LEG This included agreed scope, objectives, inputs and outputs, methodology, budget, organizing principles, detailed calendar leading up to the review. This dialogue was informed by a broader analysis of JSRs to avoid pitfalls, and annexed to TOR. Madagascar Examples Role distribution in preparation of the JSR The Ministry charged the CSO coalition with specific tasks such as undertaking and presenting their own critical assessment of the implementation of targets and proposing strategies for better coordination with CSOs in support of the ESP. . . Ghana

  23. Coverage Preparation Dissemination Annual implementation report - AIR 2 • Implementation status towards ESP annual targets • Data on expenditures and financial trends (dom./ext.) • Analysis of bottlenecks • Focus on equity, quality, learning, operational topics • Follow-up on JSR recommendations • LEG performance? • Ministry responsibility • Point of departure – country priorities for scope, format, and modalities • Planning sufficient time for the AIR • Information sources, data gathering, existing evidence • Production timeline for comments on draft report • Timely distribution of AIR and JSR documents • Public access for transparency

  24. AIR – reporting status against planned activities The 2018 report provided a detailed account of the actual implementation status against the annual targets, using the same format as the annual action plan and reflecting both domestic and external sources of financing. Cote d’Ivoire Examples JSR documents shared two weeks in advance Both the comprehensive review and financial reports are shared well in advance allowing participants to prepare for the JSR. Some partners are also peer reviewers on specific report chapters aligned with their respective area of expertise. Nepal

  25. Planning Agenda Outputs The JSR meeting • Use of AIR to inform the agenda - strategic focus on course correction • Balancing representation and effective dialogue • Role distribution for active engagement • Support to enable meaningful participation • Regional /central JSRs 3 • Designed to match objectives in breadth/depth • Recurring items, deep dives • Plenary, parallel, side, pre- meetings • Experienced moderators • Fulfilling backward- and forward-looking functions • Well-managed process towards stakeholder-owned recommendations • Recommendations: limited in number, ambitious but feasible, clear responsibilities

  26. Regional JSRs and central JSR meeting The central JSR meeting focusses on reviewing and validating the annual implementation report and the next annual action plan, which is informed by a series of regional JSRs with harmonized scope and proceedings, and pre-meetings with CSOs and partners Senegal Examples Support to enable participation in JSR The participation of teacher organizations in strategic policy dialogue has been strengthened through regular training facilitated by technical and financial partners, enabling this group of stakeholders to play an active role in the JSR Benin

  27. Aide-memoire Operational planning Monitoring of follow-up Follow-up 4 • Steps planned in advance to finalize the aide-memoire shortly after the JSR • Finalization of JSR recommendations and agreement on action points • Joint sign-off at high-level • Dissemination of aide-memoire • Strategic timing = key • Course correction of operational annual/multi-annual planning • Integration at sub-national level as relevant • Anchored in dialogue mechanisms – such as the LEG and related WG • Designation of monitoring responsibility • Reporting on progress made on JSR recommendations

  28. JSR aide-memoire usually signed off within two weeks The JSR proceedings enable a constructive dialogue around a focused, actionable, and clear set of recommendations in relevant thematic areas, which helps expedite the finalization and sign-off of the aide-memoire. Burkina Faso Examples Monitoring on progress made on JSR recommendations The JSR recommendations designed to address clearly identified problem areas are delineated into concrete action points with designated responsible party, expected timeline. Progress on their implementation fully reported in the following JSR. Togo

  29. Feedback Cross-country exchange JSR effectiveness Learning from JSRs 5 • Mutually beneficial peer learning exchange • Learn from JSR practices in other countries • Learning objectives matching challenges • Use of tools to facilitate cross-country exchange • Stakeholder perspectives to understand: • What worked well, what worked less well • What’s the added value for participants • What they want to see improved • Feeding into preparations • JSR self-assessment tool – post JSR • Strengths, quick-wins and improvement areas • Reflecting on the quality of the evidence base • Integrating lessons from previous JSR – maturing JSR

  30. Review of the JSR effectiveness The agenda of the central JSR included reporting and discussion of the results of a JSR self-assessment, carried out through three working groups during the JSR preparations along with a review and discussion of a roadmap of the LEG. Senegal Examples Key take-aways from JSR practices in other countries Several countries have benefitted from knowledge exchange with their peers around good JSR practices. Exchanges can happen at several levels, including through in-country visit to observe a JSR and capture take-aways Cross-country

  31. Supporting one-pagers: In focus JSR terms of reference Annual implementation report JSR aide-mémoire

  32. Thank you!

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