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This article discusses the usage of a magnetic spectrometer based on straws operating in a vacuum environment. It presents the first results from the LHC and their physical interpretation.
Magnetic spectrometer based on the straws operated in vacuum environment Yu. Potrebenikov First Results from the LHC and Their Physical Interpretation 19-21 October 2010
- +11.5 -10.5 Present measurement (E787/949): BR(K+p+nn) = 17.3 × 10-11(2009 - 7 events) The K+p+nn decays: a clean test of SM CKM unitarity triangle with kaons VudV*ub+VcdV*cb+VtdV*tb=0 • Flavor Changing Neutral Current loop process: sd coupling and highest CKM suppression, proceed via Z-penguin and W-box diagrams • Very clean theoretically: short distance contributions dominate in the matrix element; hadronic matrix element can be related to measured quantities (K+ 0e+ ). SM predictions (uncertainties from CKM elements): BR(K+ + ) (1.6×10-5)|Vcb|4[sh2+(rc-r)2] (8.0 ± 1.1)×10-11 BR(KL0 ) (7.6×10-5)|Vcb|4h2 (3.0 ± 0.6)×10-11 Unique in K and B physics and extremely sensitive to New Physics
p qKp K+ n n m2miss=(PK-Pp)2 Goal and Principles of the NA62 O(100) (55 ev/year) K+p+nnevents ~ 10% (<7.5 ev/year) background Physics:BR(SM) = 8×10-11 Kaon decay in flight technique Intense proton beam from SPS High energy K (PK = 75 GeV/c) Acceptance 10% K decays ~1013 (4.8*1012/year) Kinematical rejection Veto and particle ID Kaon 3-momentum: beam tracker (2 time) and precise timing (100 ps in GTK) Long vacuum decay region Pion 3-momentum: spectrometer and RICH g/m detection: calorimeters Charged veto: spectrometer K/p - CEDAR p/m/e separation: RICH Resolution requirements: Pp< 1 %, PK 0.3 %, qKp 50-60 μrad
Backgrounds Kinematically constrained Not kinematically constrained 92% of total background 8% of total background • Allows us to define a signal region • K+ p+p0 forces us to split it into • two parts (Region I and Region II) Hermetic span across the signal region Rejection must rely on veotes
p- p+ p+ K+ ~2.5 m Current Setup Spectrometer vacuum LKr He Kevlar Window Beam Pipe ~120 m • The Straw Trackers operated in vacuum will enable us to: • Remove the multiple scattering due to the Kevlar Window • Remove the acceptance limitations due to the beam-pipe • Remove the helium between the chambers Straw Tracker Setup: vacuum n RICH p+ Straw Trackers K+ n • The Straw Tracker is essential to study ultra-rare-decays in flight
The Magnetic Spectrometer(i.e. the downstream tracker) Magnetic Spectrometer • 4 chambers with 16 layers of straw tubes each Rate: ~ 40 KHz/cm2 (max 0.8 MHz per 10 mm straw) In vacuum, X/X0~0.1% per view Low X/X0 Good space & angle resolution 130 mm per hit 10 cm >5 cm radius beam hole displaced in the bending plane Free for beam particles
Main parameters Material: Hostaphan RNK 2600with Al (0.075 m at both side) 36 m thickness Cu+Au: (0.050+0.020 m at one side) Material budget (per view): Straws – (0.093 – 0.095) %X0 (450 straws) Wires - 0.0046 %X0 (Luma 861) Gas mixture - 0.010 %X0 (CO2 + CF4 + Isobutene - slow or Ar + CO2 - fast) Inner supports - 0.022 %X0 (Ultem bushes and twisters) Straw dimensions and quality: - 9.750.05 mm (9.2 mm effective area) Length - 2300 mm (2100 mm active area) Straightness - 0.1 mm Elongation - 2.0 mm per m per 1 kG increasing - 0.08 mm per 1 atm overpressure Gas flow - 0.16 cm3/min (70 cm3/min per view) Production technology and rate: Ultrasonic weld, 600 - 1200 mm straw per 1 minute
Straw production and quality Seam 0.40 mm Seam 0.85 mm , mm
Main problems of straw welding Still • Dust accommodation on anvil and sonotrode nose • Anti dust actions: • anvil and sonotrode nose coating by specific • metals (W, Co, Re …) • flow gas around anvil • rotation anvil and/or sonotrode • remove coating from tape edge by ultrasonic • …. Zoom x60 D~1 mm
Simulation From 2006 – GEANT4 + VMC for detector simulation From 2007 – GARFIELD for simulation processes into drift volume: threshold = 4 fC threshold = 6 fC threshold = 12 fC Electron drift lines in a straw Signal shape from ASD-8 chip
48 straws: 36 - Al 12 - Cu+Au Design and assembling of the first straw prototype
Cosmic test in Dubna Residuals Resolution about 110 m cm
Test run 2007 Main goal: estimation of a straw spatial resolution ~90 m to DCH ~127 m from a beam target Gas mixture - CO2+isoC4H10+CF4 (80%:10%:10%) Trigger condition: Q1 x 1-track ~105 triggers/burst (burst - 16.8/4.8 s) TDC resolution – 97.66 ps ASD-8 chip in FE Statistics: Muon beam - 160M Pion beam - 60M Kaon beam - 550M ----------------- Total - 770M
Test run 2008 Burst - 43.0/4.8 s TDC resolution – 195.3 ps CARIOCA and ASDQ chips in FE Non-inflammable gas mixture: CO2+isoC4H10+CF4(82%:5%:13%) Statistics:
Electronics choosing New FE - based on ASDQ chip (120 Ohm; 8-10 mV/fC; 10-12 ns peaking time, 4200 e noise) - based on CARIOCA chip (45 Ohm; 14 mV/fC; 12-14 ns peaking time, 2000 e noise)
Spatial resolution & efficiency CO2+isoC4H10+CF4 (80%:10%:10%), low rate Efficiency 99.98% Th=6 fC Th=12 fC R=4.7 mm 2400V 2400V 2500V 2500V 2600V 2600V
Straw resolution vs R for different gas mixtures Beam test CARIOCA Th=10 fC Gas gain G=2x10**5 Garfield + CARIOCA Th=10 fC Gas gain G=2x10**5 Ar/CO2 CO2/isoC4H10/CF4 Resolution (cm) Residual (µm) R (cm) R (cm) HOD trigger resolution: ~ 1.3 ns (instead 0.2 ns in 2008)
Ar/CO2: straw rate capability study 2 5 7 10 13 15 1 3 6 9 11 14 30 27 25 22 19 17 31 29 26 23 21 18 14 11 9 6 3 1 15 13 10 7 5 2 30 27 25 22 19 17 31 29 26 23 21 18 1 6 7 Straw efficiency vs beam rate (track: 6 hits in the 6 first layers ch2≤2, straw in the 7-th layer – tested) Straw residual vs beam rate for R ~4.45 mm (track: 6 hits in any 7 layers)
Beam test 2010 • Goals: • test of straw prototype • wires positioning (vertical scan – dY=52 mm) • straw bending • check grounding concept • cross-talks study • test 4 new front-end boards based on CARIOCA • TDC binning (0.1 ns/ch ) • DAQ (based on TELL-1 as a RO module) • straw spatial resolution and efficiency study • straw rate test: • total rate capability – up to0.65 MHz per straw • local rate capability – up to 200 kHz/cm2=> (100-200) kHz per 1 cm of wire (Fe-55, Eγ=5.9 KeV) • Gas mixtures: Ar/CO2 (70:30), Ar/CO2 (80:20) – fast gas mixtures • CO2/isoC4H10/CF4 (90:5:5) – slaw gas mixtures • Thresholds: (5-7) fC • Gas gain: 4·104 - 2·105 • Beam:pions, muons
Assembly tooling FEM calculation of deformations and stresses 31
Data Base for detector production http://na62.jinr.ru/straw Page for short description and latest news
The straw detector switching to production…. • Module 0 fabrication in November and start straw insertion in January • A few critical issues/decisions in the fall (December): • Full straw validation (material, metallization and welding) • FE choice from studies in the lab and test beam results in 2010 • Choice for the readout • Run 2011: one or two straw modules with other NA62 some detectors
Located in the same hall of NA48 Proposal to Measure the Rare Decay K+p+nn at the CERN SPS (NA62) CERN-SPSC-2005-013 SPSC-P-326 Schedule September 2005: presented at CERN SPSC December 2005: R&D endorsed by CERN Research Board Start of test beams at CERN in 2006 2007 - 2008: prototypes construction and test at CERN and Frascati beams November 2008 - SPSC decided to recommend NA62 for approval. The SPSC Recommendation was endorsed by the CERN Approved by the CERN Research Board (December 5, 2008) 2009 – 2012: Technical design and construction 2013 - Start of data taking