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Understanding Swine Flu: Prevention and Treatment Guide

Discover the origins of Swine Flu, its spread, symptoms, and preventive measures. Learn how to protect yourself and others during flu season.

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Understanding Swine Flu: Prevention and Treatment Guide

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  1. SWINE FLU • What Is Swine Flu?Swine flu is a highly contagious (spreads from person to person) infection caused by a virus. The name ‘Swine Flu” is however a misnomer as the infection has also been detected in people who were never in contact with pigs. Thus the World Health Organization has changed its name to a more appropriate and scientific one- Influenza a (H1N1) How Does Influenza A (H1N1) Flu Spread?It spreads just like any other flu through: • Coughing • Sneezing • Touching infected surfaces • Signs and Symptoms:Symptoms are similar to the symptoms of a regular human flu and include: • Fever • Cough • Sore throat • Running nose • Burning eyes • Body aches • Headache • Chills • Fatigue • Severe illness like Pneumonia and Respiratory failure has also been reported

  2. What Should We Do? • Avoid travelling to flu prone countries as far as possible. • Maintain good personal hygiene. • Cover your sneeze and cough well with a disposable tissue. • Adhere to good hand washing/cleaning procedures especially after coughing, sneezing and before meals. • Avoid close contact with wild birds or animals. • Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and who have fever cough or cold. • Though there is no evidence of Influenza a H1N1 spread through eating non vegetarian food, it is essential to ensure proper cooking of food before consumption. • In case there is someone around you with flu, Keep distance, wear a face mask and after touching any object that may be carrying the flu virus do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth. • If there is illness, immediately consult your Doctor.

  3. The following hospitals in Delhi are designated by the government of India for collecting blood samples and treating patients suffering from swine flu. They are also admitting the cases. 1. APHO Quarantine Unit 2. Dr RML Hospital 3. L N Hospital (Central District) 4. DDU Hospital (West District) 5. SGM Hospital (NW District) 6. BSA Hospital (NW District) 7. MB Hospital Pooth Kurd ( NW District) 8. BM Hospital Pitampura (NW District) 9. Hindu Rao Hospital (North District) 10. A A A Hospital (North District) 11. GTB Hospital ( NE District) 12. LBS Hospital (East District) 13. Pt MMM Hospital ( South District) Noida District Hospital has created an isolation ward to keep suspected patients, though swine flu cases are being referred to designated hospitals to the above mentioned hospitals of Delhi.


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