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CCTS Town Hall & Information Session August 15, 2013

CCTS Town Hall & Information Session August 15, 2013. Philip A. Kern, MD CCTS Director/CTSA PI. CCTS Town Hall & Information Session CCTS Needs Assessment & Satisfaction Survey! We hear you!! If you have used one CCTS service, you know about one CCTS service. . CCTS Utilization.

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CCTS Town Hall & Information Session August 15, 2013

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  1. CCTS Town Hall& Information SessionAugust 15, 2013 Philip A. Kern, MD CCTS Director/CTSA PI

  2. CCTS Town Hall & Information Session • CCTSNeeds Assessment & Satisfaction Survey! • We hear you!! • If you have used one CCTS service, • you know about one CCTS service.

  3. CCTS Utilization 91% of 333 respondents reporting utilization of CCTS services or support over the past 12 months also report that their research has benefited from that support.

  4. CCTS Town Hall & Information Session • Outline • Presentation: Services, Pilot Awards, Education Programs • Intros: CCTS Core Directors/Co-Directors/Key Staff • Q & A Session • Info Session & Reception in Chandler Hospital Atrium

  5. CCTS Timeline • 1985: General Clinical Research Center (GCRC): 5 renewals to 3/31/08 • 2002:  UK Clinical Research Organization (UKCRO) • 2006: Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)  • 2007-09: 4 CTSA Submissions – Jan & Nov 2007, Oct 2008, Oct 2009 • 2009:   Consolidation of GCRC/CRO → (CR-DOC) • 2010:   5th CTSA Submission:  Oct 2010 • 2011:   CTSA awarded June 1, 2011 – member of CTSA Consortium • 2013: CTSA Project Year 3 (March 1 – February 28)

  6. CCTS Key Functions, aka Cores • Portal (Website & Research Concierge) • Clinical Services Core (now CSC, was GCRC, UKCRO, CR-DOC) • Regulatory Support & Research Ethics • Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design (BERD) • Biomedical Informatics (BMI) • Pilot & Collaborative Studies • Novel Clinical & Translational Methodologies • Drug Discovery & Development (DDD) • Translational Technologies (Biospecimens Core) • Training, Education & Mentoring (TEAM) • Community Engagement & Research and • Appalachian Translational Research Network (ATRN) • Risk-related Behaviors & Substance Abuse • Marshall University Partnership

  7. CCTS Services: Access • Research Concierge: Elodie Elayi, MS • Contact: elodie.elayi@uky.edu, 859-323-7939 • CCTS Website: http://www.ccts.uky.edu/ • Consultations, Services, Resources, Tools for: • Designing a Study • Setting up a Study • Conducting a Study • Closing out a Study

  8. Clinical Services Core (CSC) • Inpatient (5 North)/Outpatient (C-300 UKMC) • Nursing, Study Coordination • Marketing/Participant Recruitment • Clinical Research Opportunities Wildcat Database • ResearchMatch • Biochemical Analysis & Body Composition Labs • Financial Management – industry contracts • Regulatory – IRB submissions, QA/QI audits, DSMB • Access: Submit CSC Service Request Form at www.ccts.uky.edu

  9. Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design (BERD) • Consultations on study design – pre-study initiation preferred!! • Clinical Trials • Community-based Participatory Research • Population-based (epidemiologic) Studies • Quantitative data analysis • Protocol review • For: Pilot Studies, Grant Submissions, Publications • Info: Pizza & Pilots (at lunchtime the last Monday of each month) • OR: Email request to: Catherine.Starnes@uky.edu

  10. Biomedical Informatics (BMI) • Enterprise Data Trust (clinical data warehouse) • Datasets: UKHC inpatient data, Markey Cancer Center, • Kentucky Cancer Registry, KY Medicaid, • Social Security Death Master File • Data extractions: On request • Consultations with faculty in Division of Biomedical Informatics • Expertise: Bioinformatics, data mining, database design, data visualizations, • imaging informatics, natural language processing, social network analysis • Informatics Tools • REDCap: data collection & surveys • i2b2: quick aggregate counts on available patient populations • Request account: http://www.ccts.uky.edu/BIC/InformaticsTools.aspx • Info: Tamela Harper, MHA • Project Director • Contact: Tamela.harper@uky.edu; 859-257-9384

  11. Novel Development 1 • Biospecimens Core • Blood, urine, fingernails of 102 women in Kentucky Women’s Health Registry • Expansion to Appalachian Kentucky • Assistance with access to biospecimens collections at UK, other institutions • Coming soon: Enhanced biobank/tissue bank! • Access: biospecimens@uky.edu • Drug Discovery & Development (DDD) • Therapeutic Advisory Panel – experts on drug development • Medicinal chemistry, assessment of HERG channel interaction, • virtual screening & predictive toxicology • Pilot awards in drug discovery & development • Info: To schedule a consultation, email Charolette Garland • cawgarland@uky.edu,

  12. Novel Development 2 • Community Engagement & Research • Consultations to facilitate community-oriented research • & research collaborations • Training for community-oriented research • Seed grants for community partners • Study Coordinators & Clinical Liaisons in Hazard and • Morehead to support research activities • Appalachian Translational Research Network (ATRN) • Research collaborations & new avenues to address • health challenges and health disparities in Appalachia • UK, OSU, Ohio U, WVU, U of Cincinnati, Marshall, U. of Pikeville • Info: Carol White, MPH • Program Manager • Contact: crwhit3@email.uky.edu; 859-218-0588

  13. Ohio State University West Virginia University Ohio University MarshallUniversity University of Pikeville Center for Rural Health, Morehead University of Cincinnati University of Kentucky Center for Excellence in Rural Health, Hazard Appalachian Translational Research Network

  14. Pilot Awards Program • 32 Awards since CTSA initiation for total of $1,102,988 • 11 NIH awards ($6.9M) from CCTS pilots since 2007 program initiation • January RFA: Joint pilots – UK Centers & CCTS Partners, • CommunityEngagement, Drug Development • July RFA: All other pilot programs • New RFA in 2013: Novel Device Development • Standing Pilot Review Committee • Info: Elodie Elayi, MS • Research Development Director • Contact: elodie.elayi@uky.edu, 859-323-7939

  15. Junior Investigator Award: $25,000 • High Impact and Innovative Award: $50,000 • Community Engagement Award: $25,000 • Drug Development Award: $50,000 • CCTS Partners (OSU, UC, WVU) Collaborative Awards: $50,000 • CCTS Centers (BB, SB, MCC, SCoBIRC) Collaborative Awards: $50,000 • Community Engagement Mini Grant Awards: $2,500 • Marshall University Partnership: $25,000 • Novel Methodology Awards: $15,000 Categories Of Pilot Funding

  16. Training, Education & Mentoring (TEAM) • KL2 Career Development Program for 6 Junior Faculty • 75% release time, research support, mentoring, career development • 3 KL2 Scholars awarded NIH grants • Brandon Fornwalt, MD, PhD, Pediatric Cardiology • Brian Noehren, PT, PhD, Rehabilitation Sciences • Qing-Bai She, PhD, Markey Cancer Center • TL1 Institutional Training Program for Pre-doctoral Students • Stipend, tuition, health insurance for 4 pre-doctoral students • Professional Student Mentored Research Fellowship (PSMRF) • Introduction to Clinical Research Course/Workshop • 1-year mentored research ($3,000) for 25-30 professional students

  17. Training, Education & Mentoring (TEAM) • Certificate and Degree Programs • Graduate Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science • Graduate Certificate in Clinical Research Skills • MS in Medical Sciences – Clinical & Translational Science Pathway • PhD in Clinical and Translational Science • Other Career Development Activities • One-on-one Coaching & Mentoring • K Club for KL2 Scholars, Pilot Awardees • CTS Seminar for TL1, Certificate, PSMRF, MD/PhD Students • Coordinator 101 & Clinical Research Updates for Clinical Researchers • Info: Victoria King, PhD • Research & Leadership Development Director • Contact: vicky.king@uky.edu; 859-323-1225

  18. 8th Annual CCTS Spring Conference: April 8, 2013 • 5 Conferences • CCTS Spring Conference • Community Faculty/PBRN Conference • Research Day: Dentistry, Neuroscience, • Public Health • 648 attendees; 251 oral/poster presentations • Keynote: Chris Austin, MD, Director, • National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS) • 9th Annual CCTS Spring Conference: Thursday, March 27, 2014 • CCTS Spring Conference • ATRN Annual Meeting • Research Day: Dentistry, Health Sciences, Neuroscience, Nursing

  19. Cite! Campaign: Cite UL1TR000117

  20. When to cite: UL1TR000117 • Research with CCTS $$ • CCTS Pilot Awards • CCTS Seed Grants and Mini-grants • KL2/TL1 support • CCTS subsidized research projects and protocols • Faculty/staff funded by CCTS where research benefited • Research utilizing CCTS services, resources, facilities, tools, equipment • Less direct CCTS funding but still appropriate for citation: • Technical assistance • Faculty/staff funding contributed to research • Assistance with collaborations, research development

  21. Benefits of citing the CTSA – UK Basketball Tickets • 2 sets of 2 basketball tickets – pre-SEC & SEC • Who is eligible: First, Last, Corresponding • Author on publications citing CTSA: • UL1TR000117, KL2TR000116, TL1TR000115 • How to enter: • Watch for email announcement on CCTS listserv • We will solicit entries from PubMed search for citations • Eligible author to send publication citing CTSA to Barb Ramsey • Drawings in late fall, early winter • Winner of tickets may determine who gets them, e.g., other member • of research team! NOTE: Tickets may not be sold!

  22. Any questions?

  23. Q & A Session • BERD • Biospecimens • BMI • Community Engagement • ATRN • CSC • MCL • NCTM • Pilot/Research Concierge • Regulatory • TEAM • Dick Kryscio, Heather Bush, Catherine Starnes • Ken Campbell • Todd Johnson, Tamela Harper • Nancy Schoenberg, Kevin Pearce, Carol White • Patrick Kitzman • Peter Sawaya, Marietta Barton-Baxter , Linda Rice, Brian Raisler • Susan Foster-Harper • Greg Gerhardt, Eric Grulke • Elodie Elayi • Ada Sue Selwitz, Marietta Barton-Baxter • Tom Kelly, Vicky King

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