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ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Direct radiation levels, gross beta activity, Cs-137, primary pathways, critical pathways, operating report, dose patterns, weather patterns, population distribution, land use. Description

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ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords

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  1. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Direct radiation levels, gross beta activity, Cs-137, primary pathways, critical pathways, operating report, dose patterns, weather patterns, population distribution, land use. Description Supporting Material Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Instructor Handout

  2. Enabling Objectives • Objectives of REMP • REMP Requirements Document • Two Primary Pathways • Parameters of Critical Pathway Analysis • Importance of Preoperational Monitoring • Direct Radiation Measurements • Local, Perimeter, & Remote Stations

  3. Enabling Objectives • Categories of Food Products • Water Sampling Technique • Categories of Fish • Quality Control Samples • Purpose of Land Use Survey • Predominant Fission/Activation Product • Results Report

  4. REMP Objectives • Determine Plant Effects on People • Determine Trends of Radioactivity in the Environment • Provide Assurance to the Public • Meet Regulatory Requirements • Provide for Monitoring during Emergencies

  5. REMP Bases • 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, General Design Criterion 64 - Monitor Plant Environs for Radioactivity. • 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Appropriate Monitoring to Evaluate Doses. • NRC Generic Letter 89-01 – Programmatic Controls in Tech Specs & ODCM

  6. REMP Descriptions • FSAR – General Monitoring Program • Plant Technical Specifications – Administrative Controls. • Plant Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) – Specific Requirements for the Monitoring Programs

  7. Critical Pathways • Airborne Pathways • Waterborne Pathways

  8. Airborne Pathways • Direct (Air)1. Direct Radiation2. Inhalation • Indirect (Ground or Terrestrial)1. Materials Deposited on Ground2. Materials Deposited on Plants and Ingested.

  9. Waterborne Pathway • Ingestion of Water • Ingestion of Fish or other Aquatic Animals or Plants • Direct Exposure at the Shoreline

  10. Pathways for Exposure

  11. Parameters for aCritical Pathway Analysis • Dose Projections • Weather Patterns • Population Distribution • Land Use

  12. Air-Related Pathways Dose Conc. LLDmRem/yr1. Air pCi/m3pCi/m3 I-131 0.05 0.0024 0.0100 Noble Gas 0.43 2. Milk pCi/LpCi/L I-131 0.09 0.05 0.503. Vegetables pCi/KgpCi/Kg I-131 0.62 0.21 1-8 Sr-90 1.00 0.11 8 Sr-89 0.70 1.00 40

  13. RankingAir-Related Pathways Based on Calculated Annual Dose (mRem/yr) SrIodineNoble Gases • Vegetation(1.7) Milk (>1)(1.0 Sr-90) (Conservative(0.7 Sr-89) Assumptions) • Vegetation (0.62) Direct (0.43) • Inhalation (0.05) Milk (0.09) (Actual Location)

  14. Dose Distribution – SQN % of Total MonitorsRank Dose Sector 1-10 Miles>10 Miles 1 19.1 SSW LM, PM 2 15.4 NNE LM, PM RM 3 13.9 NE LM 4 9.0 N LM, PM 5 9.0 SW PM RM 6 6.6 S 7 5.0 SSE 8 4.7 ENE 9 3.4 SE 10 3.0 NNW 11 2.5 WSW PM 12 2.3 E 13 2.2 ESE RM 14 1.5 W PM 15 1.4 NW 16 0.9 WNW RM

  15. Dose DistributionTimes Population - SQN % of TotalRank DoseSectorMonitors, 1-10 Miles 1 19 SSW LM, PM 2 15 WSW PM 3 12 SW PM 4 9 NW 5 9 W PM 6 6 WNW 7 5 S 8 3 NNW 9 3 SSE 10 2 N LM 11 2 NNE LM 12 2 SE 13 1 ESE 14 1 NE LM 15 1 ENE 16 1 E

  16. Water-Related Pathways Annual DosemRem/yrConcentrationLLD • Water pCi/LpCi/LMF&AP 0.0023 0.0920 5-10I-131 0.0051 0.0036 1-8H-3 0.0001 2.0000 330Sr-90 0.0022 0.0004 2 • Fish pCi/gpCi/gMF&AP 0.3800 2.0000 0.01-0.10I-131 0.0210 0.0020 0.02Sr-90 0.0055 0.0001 0.10 MF&AP = Mixed Fission & Activated Products

  17. RankingWater-Related Pathways Based on Calculated Annual Dose (mRem/yr) IodineSrMF&AP • Fish (0.38) • Fish Ingestion (0.021) • Water Water Water Ingestion (0.0051) Ingestion (0.0022) Ingestion Fish (0.0055) (0.0023) MF&AP = Mixed Fission & Activated Products

  18. PreoperationalMonitoring Program • Establish Background Radiation Levels • Identify Fluctuations in Background Data

  19. Background Fluctuations • Seasonal • Annual • Random

  20. Gross Beta in Air

  21. ThermoluminescentDosimeter

  22. Direct RadiationMonitoring

  23. Atmospheric MonitoringStations • Local Monitors (LM) – On or Adjacent to the Site Boundary • Perimeter Monitors (PM) – 3-10 Miles from the Site • Remote Monitors (RM) – > 10 Miles from the Site

  24. Air Monitor Station

  25. Original Air Filter

  26. Air FlowMeasuring Equipment

  27. Present Air SampleCollector

  28. Air Filter Assembly

  29. Rainwater Collection Tray

  30. One Type ofSoil Sampler

  31. Typical Food Products - 1 • Fresh Leafy Vegetables1. Lettuce2. Cabbage3. Greens • Other Vegetables1. Tomatoes2. Green Beans3. Corn

  32. Typical Food Products - 2 • Tubers1. Potatoes2. Turnips • Fruits1. Apples2. Peaches • Meat/Poultry1. Beef2. Chicken

  33. Water Sampling Station

  34. Fish Samples • Commercial Species1. Catfish2. Smallmouth Buffalo • Game Species1. Bass2. Crappie

  35. Electrofishing

  36. Sample Analyses • Gross Beta – Low Background Counter • I-131 Specific – Chemical Separation & Beta-Gamma Coincidence Counting • Sr-89,90 – Chemical Separation/Beta Ct. • Tritium – Liquid Scintillation Counting

  37. Liquid ScintillationCounting

  38. Sample Analyses • Gross Beta – Low Background Counter • I-131 Specific – Chemical Separation & Beta-Gamma Coincidence Counting • Sr-89,90 – Chemical Separation/Beta Ct. • Tritium – Liquid Scintillation Counting • Gamma – Gamma Spectroscopy1. Marinelli Beaker2. “Cottage Cheese” Type Container, Various • Charcoal Cartridge – High Resolution Gamma

  39. Marinelli Beakers

  40. Counting Solid Samples

  41. Quality Control Program • Equipment Checks • Laboratory Cross Check Program with Outside Laboratory • Split Samples with AL, TN, & EPA • Quality Control Samples • Supervisors Review Trends/Problems

  42. Quality Control Samples • Blank Samples • Duplicate Samples • Split Samples • Analytical Knowns • Blind Spikes • Internal Cross-Checks

  43. Land Use Survey

  44. Cs-137 in Soil

  45. Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report • Site/Plant Descriptions • Monitoring Program Description • Assessment/Evaluation of Plant Impacts • Monitoring Program Modifications • Missed Samples/Analyses

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