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Secretary In-Service June 2014. Patty Morris 842.8425. Contact information. Patty Morris, Health Services Manager 842.8425 or pmorris @siskiyoucoe.net Elizabeth Robinson, Administrative Secretary 842.8405 or erobinson@siskiyoucoe.net. TB Skin Tests.
Secretary In-ServiceJune 2014 Patty Morris 842.8425
Contact information • Patty Morris, Health Services Manager 842.8425 or pmorris@siskiyoucoe.net • Elizabeth Robinson, Administrative Secretary 842.8405 or erobinson@siskiyoucoe.net
TB Skin Tests • SCOE Clinics North and South County will now only be in the fall. • Staff who have tested positive in the past and have negative chest x-ray on file must now be screened every four years and questionnaire kept on file. No charge. Contact your school nurse when you have staff due for the screening. She will complete the questionnaire with the employee. • Dates, locations, & cost in “Back to School” Packet
First Aid/CPR First Aid/CPR (combined class) • For coaches, staff who have students with health concerns, and secretaries • North and South County in the fall • Dates, locations & cost in the “Back to School” Packet
Illnesses and Injuries • Call nurse if question (should have monthly calendar, call Health Services Secretary) • Let nurse know about chronic conditions, medications, ongoing health concerns, attendance problems, SST’s • First aid/CPR course recommended • Nurse will do trainings for health concerns when required
Flu Surveillance Or let’s call it monitoring absences and illnesses • Forms on SCOE Health Services Department(HSD) website • Calling on all absences and logging • Report to Public Health Department (PHD) weekly • WHY? Required if a severe flu outbreak Helpful for SARB Process Identify problems early
Back to School Packet • E-mail and hardcopy, important stuff so read it • TB and CPR/FA Dates and locations • Immunization clinics (also on PHD website) http://www.co.siskiyou.ca.us/PHS/pershealth/pershealth.aspx
Back to School Packet • Type 2 Diabetes Letter for all incoming 7th graders. Sent out in BTS packet and will be on SCOE HSD website. Adapt letter for your school and administrator. Send out letter, information sheet developed by the state, and list of providers in your BTS Packet You have completed the requirement Concerned parents? Connect them with your school nurse.
Health Insert • You order Health Insert from: KP Education Service product 3700 Seaport Blvd. West Sacramento, CA. 95691 800.498.4377 • Blue CSIR’s are order from PHD: Kara Lemere, PHN 841-2148 klemere@co.siskiyou.ca.us
Health Insert (cont.) • Enter hearing and vision • Color vision 1st grade boys • Scoliosis for 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys The school nurses have promised to give you legible records and to be available for questions. They will also enter all the failed screenings and referrals.
Immunizations Checking for required immunizations • Use the California Immunization Handbook • Page 1, steps in brief • Pages 2-8, basic procedure and determining if requirements are met
Immunizations • Page 7&8, Exemptions “Exemptions” can be medical (Physician’s note, temporary or permanent) or personal beliefs. • Beginning January 1, 2014, there is a new law regarding immunization exemptions! • Parent must receive information about the benefits and risks of immunizations and the risks of vaccine-preventable diseases…a perfect time for them to do this is when they have a physical exam by their health care provider. They have the new forms! • New form signed by parent and health care provider • Form can be completed no sooner than 6 months before requirement • Parents must still show a copy of immunization record for immunizations that have been completed • Exemptions are immunization specific…must be listed on affidavit
Immunizations • There is an exemption for religious beliefs on the new form. • Families who choose this option do not need the signature of a health care provider. • Must keep a list in case of an outbreak requiring exclusions. • Still fill out CSIR if child does have some immunizations.
Immunizations Conditional Admissions • Page 9-11, “conditional” admission. Can get complicated, ask your school nurse Requires ongoing follow-up Notices of Required Immunizations • Pages 12-14, system for follow-up on conditional admissions. It can be done… Letters home. Once you let them in, it’s hard to get results.
Immunizations • Page 15, records • Page 16 & C-66, preparing HS students for college • Page 17, computerized records. • PDF form on DHS website
Immunizations Reviewing CSIR or immunization record of incoming students • Let school nurses know about new students • School nurse can access PHD Immunization Registry if parent cannot find or access record (it may be there). She can also do verification of disease for chickenpox. • Pages B 50&51, Windows for Immunizations (here we go!)
Immunizations Kindergarten • When parent picks up the K Registration Packet, remind her/him that their child will probably need four year shots and it should be done before the child is registered and the record needs to accompany the registration material. Information is in packet. • When parent brings in registration packet, an immunization record should be with it • Check the record while the parent is there. If immunizations are missing, give them a completed Required Immunizations letter and a clinic schedule.
Immunizations Kindergarten • Emphasize that the child is not officially registered until immunizations are completed. If you allow the child to attend school, most likely you will have a long, time-consuming process of bringing the child into compliance. • Work with your administrator & school nurse
Immunizations Kindergarten • You have an additional step of entering the immunizations on to the CSIR. Enter M/D/Y • Then use the window • Update immunization schedule in K Packet in May (on PHD’s website) • Forms will be on website
Immunizations Kindergarten • Report of Kindergarten Immunizations due to state October 15th, so not much time to deal with noncompliant students (read “parents”). State no longer sends you a hardcopy. • Will send you a letter with instructions on doing report online • Make a copy of report before you forward it to the state or you may lose it (cannot be saved).
Immunizations Kindergarten • Copy to local PHD, school nurse, and one for school County of Siskiyou Public Health Department Immunization Coordinator 806 South Main St. Yreka, CA. 96097 • Use Assessment Worksheet (also can use for tracking OHA & First Grade Physical)
7th grade Tdap (whooping cough) • For the 2012-2013 school year, and all future school years, all students entering, advancing or transferring into 7th grade will need proof of an adolescent whooping cough booster immunization (called “Tdap”) for school in the fall. • This new school immunization law affects all students in public and private schools. • For deadlines and instructions on filing the report for this requirement, see this website: http://www.shotsforschool.org/
7th Grade Tdap (continued) • As with all required immunizations, it is very important to enforce this requirement. No student should be allowed to attend 7th grade unless this requirement is met either by getting the shot, parent signing a Personal Beliefs Exemption in the presence of a school employee (special form for this) or supplying a note from a health care provider that allows a medical exemption. • Note: This is the immunization requirement that all of the schools were audited for in Spring of 2012 by the CDE. Apportionment may be adjusted if a student was attending school without meeting the requirement.
First Grade Physical (CHDP) • Information and physical form are in K Packet (Also, will be on SCOE HSD website), but not needed until 1st grade. • Physical can be within 18 months of starting first grade. • Required to have physical or waiver signed within 90 days of starting 1st grade (before Thanksgiving break) • Record CHDP exam in student’s Health Insert.
First Grade Physical (CHDP) • Suggested timeline for implementing mandate: First notification in K Packet Track with immunizations Fall for FIRST Graders: Letter #1 with physical form start of school Letter #2 with physical form and waiver enclosed beginning of Oct. Letter #1 with physical form in May for kindergartners Visit this website for more details on this mandate: http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/formsandpubs/publications/Documents/CMS/CHDPPub108.pdf
Oral Health Assessment (will this ever end?) • Initial information is in K packet. All forms will be on SCOE HSD website. • Dental screening can be done within 12 months of starting kindergarten. • Send out reminder with form and list of dental providers and Family Resource Centers in the fall • Track with immunizations and 1st grade physical • In May, compile data and submit report: SCOHR website. For more information contact SJCOE at scohr@sjcoe.net or call 866.762.9170.
Thank you!! We appreciate your assistance in keeping our students healthy so they can stay in school and learn! Do not hesitate to contact the Health Services Department at 842-8405.