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Two in-country group pictures with company logo printed on picture

Microfinance Brigades Chapter @ University of XYZ Brigades Dates Honduras Brigade Sponsorship Opportunities. About Global Brigades

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Two in-country group pictures with company logo printed on picture

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  1. Microfinance Brigades Chapter @ University of XYZ Brigades Dates Honduras Brigade Sponsorship Opportunities About Global Brigades Global Brigades is the world’s largeststudent-led global health and sustainable development organization. Founded in 2004, Global Brigades works to improve the quality of life in under resourced communities by leveraging the skill, knowledge, and passion of students and professionals. Mission To empower volunteers to facilitate sustainable solutions in under resourced communities while fostering local cultures. Microfinance Brigades Throughout Microfinance Brigades, volunteers divide into groups where they visit several families within a community in Honduras During the community visits, volunteers develop an understanding of the families’ ways of life, aspirations, and financial literacy. Following the visits, the students hold a community meeting about the Caja Rural (community bank) focused on topics such as budgeting, savings incentives programs, and loans. At the end of week, students determine how they will allocate their CIF(community investment fund). Student s work directly with individuals empowering them to become more financially stable and establish economic growth within their communities. PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP $1000+ • Prominent logo placement • Acknowledgement of sponsorship on Chapter’s Facebook Group Page • Two in-country group pictures with company logo printed on picture • Listed on Chapter’s website as sponsor* • Logo Placement on [number] flyers to be distributed to a student population of [number] • Official Letter of Appreciation signed by Global Brigades CEO & Chapter President • Logo on brigade t-shirts GOLD SPONSORSHIP $500 • Two in-country group pictures with company logo printed on picture • Listed on Chapter’s website as sponsor* • Logo Placement on [number] flyers to be distributed to a student • population of [number] • Official Letter of Appreciation signed by Global Brigades CEO & Chapter President • Logo on brigade t-shirts SILVER SPONSORSHIP $350 • Logo Placement on [number] flyers to be distributed to a student • population of [number] • Official Letter of Appreciation signed by Global Brigades CEO & Chapter President • Logo on brigade t-shirts BRONZE SPONSORSHIP $100 • Official Letter of Appreciation signed by Global Brigades CEO & Chapter President • Logo on brigade t-shirts • * Logo placement will be kept on website for remainder of school year • For more information about the • Microfinance Brigades @ University of XYZ Sponsorship Opportunities: • [Phone Number] or [email address] www . g l o b a l b r i g a d e s . o r g

  2. Microfinance Brigades Chapter @ University of XYZ Event Name Event Date | Event Location Event Sponsorship Opportunities • About Global Brigades • Global Brigades is the world’s largeststudent-led global health and sustainable development organization. Founded in 2004, Global Brigades works to improve the quality of life in under resourced communities by leveraging the skill, knowledge, and passion of students and professionals. • Mission • To empower volunteers to facilitate sustainable solutions in under resourced communities while fostering local cultures. • [Event Name] • Insert Event Description. Include: • Purpose • Demographic • Target Population • Event Agenda (if applicable) • For Example • The XYZ Chapter of Global Microfinance Brigades will be hosting a benefit concert to raise money for the upcoming volunteer trip to Honduras. All students will be invited to pay a minimal donation to attend a quality concert featuring student groups and local bands. All sponsorship funds will be used to pay for the concert venue, equipment rental, and food for the event. Marketing for this event is already begun and over 100 students are expected to attend. All sponsorships, big or small, will greatly help the XYZ Chapter reach its fundraising goal. PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP $1000+ • Listed as presenting sponsor – prominent logo placement • Speaking opportunity during event • Table for company display provided during conference • Listed on Chapter’s website as sponsor* • Acknowledgement during opening of event • Logo Placement on [number] flyers to be distributed to a student • population of [number] • Official Letter of Appreciation signed by [GB CEO, Chapter President, • Chairperson] • Logo on event agenda GOLD SPONSORSHIP $500 • Table for company display provided during conference • Listed on Chapter’s website as sponsor* • Acknowledgement during opening of event • Logo Placement on [number] flyers to be distributed to a student • population of [number] • Official Letter of Appreciation signed by [GB CEO, Chapter President, • Chairperson] • Logo on event agenda SILVER SPONSORSHIP $350 • Acknowledgement during opening of event • Logo Placement on [number] flyers to be distributed to a student • population of [number] • Official Letter of Appreciation signed by [GB CEO, Chapter President, • Chairperson] • Logo on event agenda BRONZE SPONSORSHIP $100 • Official Letter of Appreciation signed by [GB CEO, Chapter President, • Chairperson] • Logo on event agenda • * Logo placement will be kept on website for remainder of school year • For more information about the • Microfinance Brigades @ University of XYZ Sponsorship Opportunities: • [Phone Number] or [email address] www . g l o b a l b r i g a d e s . o r g

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