English writing 14010125 YounSoo Bin
What the app can do? • 1.If you want to update your Facebook posts anywhere, you can easily upload the posts by taking these steps. • 2. If you want to learn different languages, (you can use) the “global conversation” app by taking these steps. • 3.If you want to call your friends, you should save battery by deleting unused apps (in these ways.)
What the app can do? • 4. If you want to tune your a guitar and learn some chords to play in apps, you can tune a guitar in a free and handy app that shows how to tune a guitar and how to play chords. • If you want to know subway information, you can use Smart Subway’ app. ‘Smart Subway’ app can explain when subway arrives at the station. You can use this app by downloading file in Play Store app. (If you follow these simple steps.)