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Preventing deaths in police custody

Preventing deaths in police custody. The role of the custody visitor Deborah Coles co-director INQUEST. About INQUEST. Advice Casework Policy and research Campaigning. Police custody deaths in numbers. 269 deaths in police custody in last 10 years (to October 2013)

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Preventing deaths in police custody

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  1. Preventing deaths in police custody The role of the custody visitor Deborah Coles co-director INQUEST

  2. About INQUEST • Advice • Casework • Policy and research • Campaigning

  3. Police custody deaths in numbers • 269 deaths in police custody in last 10 years (to October 2013) • 47 black and minority ethnic deaths • INQUEST has worked on 206 police custody deaths in the last 10 years

  4. Case study: Andrzej Rymarzak • Alcohol intoxication • Failure to follow procedure including: • Failure to conduct rousing checks • Failure to provide adequate medical care and treatment

  5. Case study: Thomas Orchard • Mental health • Restraint • Use of Emergency Response Belt (ERM) • Taken to police custody • Adequacy of medical care

  6. Key issues arising from INQUEST casework on deaths in police custody • Mental health • Restraint (incl. Taser use) • Drug and alcohol intoxication • Drug swallowing • Medical care and role of FME • Self harm and self-inflicted deaths

  7. Cont’d… • Communication problems • Training • Record keeping/monitoring • Cell design/Risk Assessments/Custodial Health & Safety

  8. HMIP/HMIC inspections of police custody • Poor recording and analysis of use of force • Authorisation and incidence of strip searches and use of force – use of strip clothing • Too many mental health detainees in police custody • Unsatisfactory risk management

  9. Regulation 28 Prevention of Future Deaths reports (previously Rule 43 reports) and narrative conclusions/verdicts Learning tool to prevent future fatalities • More meaningful outcome for bereaved families Current limitations: • Lack of detailed monitoring, analysis or follow up

  10. Learning from deaths in custody • The need for a more co-ordinated role on post-inquest learning from regulation, inspection and monitoring bodies • Integration of investigation and inquest findings and follow-up • Incorporate post inquest learning in Custody visitor role

  11. About INQUEST • Learning from Death in Custody Inquests http://www.inquest.org.uk/publications/learning-from-death-in-custody-inquests • ‘Inquest Law’ magazine – subscribe: http://www.inquest.org.uk/ilg/inquest-law-magazine inquest@inquest.org.uk www.inquest.org.uk

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