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GNU/LINUX. Name: Patrick Goergen | Date: 4-15-2008 | Title: LINUX . So Kids Today We Will Learn About:. 1. History. 2. How GNU/Linux came to be. 6. Myths about Linux. 5. Distros and Differences. 3. GNU GPL. 4. Where is GNU/Linux now?. HISTORY. First release in 1991

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  1. GNU/LINUX Name: Patrick Goergen | Date: 4-15-2008 | Title: LINUX

  2. So Kids Today We Will Learn About: 1. History 2. How GNU/Linux came to be 6. Myths about Linux 5. Distros and Differences 3. GNU GPL 4. Where is GNU/Linux now?

  3. HISTORY • First release in 1991 • Creator: Linus Torvalds • Linux is a Kernel only! • Combined with Richard Stallman's GNU Project (1983) and the modern GNU/Linux was born.

  4. Linux Kernel 1) multitasking 2) shared executables 3) demand paging 4) swap 5) dynamically shared libraries 6) file system support GNU and Linux GNU 1) Covers Utilities 2) “compilers, tools, debuggers, and editors” 3) Ex: GNU Compiler Collection (gcc)‏

  5. Here is how GNU and Linux fell in love. Hi. I am Richard Stallman and this is my GNU Project I started in 1983. Last thing to finish is the kernel that I started in 1990. Hi I am Linus Torvalds and my project is the Linux Kernel and it is 1991 and I finished. Is that what you are sitting on? Lets put our projects together. But I see you did not publish under the GNU GPL. No I did not but I will. And then you can cut into the Linux Kernel. Good you do that and I will do my thing and will support open source. Aaaahhh. That feels good to combine. I will continue writing and revising the GNU GPL so free software with reign.

  6. GNU GPL • “With free software, the users are in control. Most of the time, users want interoperability, and when the software is free, they get what they want. With non-free software, the developer controls the users. The developer permits interoperability when that suits the developer; what the users want is beside the point.” - Richard Stallman

  7. Goals of GNU GPL • the freedom to use the software for any purpose, • the freedom to share the software with your friends and neighbors, • the freedom to change the software to suit your needs, and • the freedom to share the changes you make.

  8. Where is GNU/Linux now? 1) Where isn't GNU/Linux now? • Servers • Supercomputers • PC's(including Mac's)‏ • Embedded Devices • Xbox 2) One Laptop Per Child?

  9. Where is Windows? This is Vista's Kernel Map:

  10. What Microsoft Does • “Microsoft believes it is so powerful that it can design an incompatible format, create obstacles to its implementation by others, and pressure most users to switch to it. Do you think users are really as foolish as Microsoft predicts?” - Richard Stallman

  11. Distros and Differences • Gentoo • redhat • Fedora Core • Suse • Ubuntu Desktop Environments KDE Gnome XFree86 etc. X Fluxbox

  12. Screen Shot KDE

  13. Screen Shot GNOME

  14. Screen Shot Fluxbox

  15. x Myths about Linux “Plug and Play- is not a windows level” “Kernel needs stable API so vendors will write drivers” “You can't get your driver into the kernel” “Linux has no obvious design” From: Greg Harman's Keynote Speech 2006 @ OLS

  16. Support From: Greg Harman's Keynote Speech 2006 @ OLS

  17. Design From: Greg Harman's Keynote Speech 2006 @ OLS

  18. Stable API From: Greg Harman's Keynote Speech 2006 @ OLS

  19. Get your code in kernel From: Greg Harman's Keynote Speech 2006 @ OLS

  20. Homework 1) What is Linux the OS's real name? 2) List the 4 things that the GNU GPL wants to protect.

  21. References Parker, Tim. Linux Unleashed. Chapter 1:Introduction to Linux. Sams. 1998. Hartman, Greg. OLS 2006 Keynote. Ottawa Linux Symposium. 2006. Stallman, Richard. Published Interview. 2007. Moon, Peter. Stallan: If you want freedom don't follow Linus Torvalds. 2007. ComputerWorld

  22. Image References • http://homepage.mac.com/pigeonfarmboy/Images/Photos/spaghetti.jpg • http://ltp.sourceforge.net/images/2.6.8-poster-small.jpg • http://www.gnu.org/graphics/agnuhead.html • http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/zoom.php?shots-dev/majes_fluxbox.jpg • http://art.gnome.org/screenshots/gnome218/460 • http://www.kde.org/screenshots/images/3.4/snapshot05.png

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