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Priority Project "Conservative Dynamical Core" Final report COSMO General Meeting 10-13 Sept. 2012, Lugano. Michael Baldauf Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany. from project proposal: April 2008. Motivation: The current COSMO dynamical core does not possess any conservation
Priority Project "Conservative Dynamical Core" Final report COSMO General Meeting 10-13 Sept. 2012, Lugano Michael Baldauf Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany M. Baldauf (DWD)
from project proposal: April 2008 Motivation: The current COSMO dynamical core does not possess any conservation properties! project : 'Conservative dynamical core' • Conservation of • mass (total and tracer) • energy • momentum • Strategical advantages: • general trend in atmospheric modeling • collaboration with CLM ('climate COSMO')hint: 'regional ICON'-climate modelling could be competivie to CLM • collaboration with COSMO-ART (chemical/aerosol modeling) M. Baldauf (DWD)
from project proposal: April 2008 • Methodology: Finite-Volume-Methods (applied to equations in conservation form) • well established in CFD • become increasing meaning in atmospheric modeling • Advantages: • conserves the prognostic variable • big flexibility • positive definite, if desired (by flux limitation) • can handle steep gradients in the solution (e.g. by flux correction) (even shocks and other discontinuities, though they are not so important in atmosphere) • advantages in steep orography (?) implicit solver important • (applicable on arbitrary unstructured grids)in this project, structured grid is plannedfar range plans could use unstructured grid, e.g. for a more efficient implementation of a z-coordinate version M. Baldauf (DWD)
Whyconservationcanbeimportant … thelessobviousaspect Example: 1-dim. Shallowwaterequations, Dam break problem expansionof a shock (totheright) and a rarefactionwave (totheleft) Initial statefor H and u: Solution methods: Exact Riemann-solver(Godunov method) Simple FD-schemecent. Diff. 2nd order Simple FV-scheme: fluxescalc.withcent. Diff. 2nd ordertime integrationwith RK 4. order as 3.: but withartificialdiffusion H u
Riemann-solver FD; cent. Diff. +diffusion H H u H u FV; cent. Diff.;+ diffusion FV; cent. Diff.; H H H u H u
Riemann-solver FD; cent. Diff. +diffusion FV; cent. Diff.;+ diffusion FV; cent. Diff.;
FD; cent. Diff. +diffusion ‚Exact‘ Riemann-solver FV; cent. Diff.;+ diffusion FV; cent. Diff.;
Riemann-solver FV-scheme (equations in conservation form) FD-scheme (equations in advection form) Wrong position of the shock front M. Baldauf (DWD)
from project proposal: April 2008 • Issue: steep orography • Motivation: COSMO with 1 km resosution (MeteoCH, PP CORSO, …) • What are the limitations of the terrain-following coordinate? • How can these limits be shifted towards steeper orography? • Issue: Advection of scalars (Moisture variables, TKE, …) • full 3D (non-splitted) schemethe problems with splitted schemes could be seen during the development of the Bott-scheme (Task 4 of PP RK) • robustnesscurrently the (non-conserving) Semi-Lagrange-scheme is more robust than Bott • mass-consistency:should the advection scheme for scalars be the same than that for ? M. Baldauf (DWD)
Solutions came up soon ... • Implicit Finite-Volume solver CONSOL'borrowed' from aeronautics(proposal by Pier Luigi Vitagliano, CIRA)transfer to meteorological applications is quite innovative compressible branch • EULAG model(proposal by Michal Ziemianski, IMGW) there exist a quite large community that uses the EULAG model EULAG (anelastic) branch • (further ideas (finite volume form of current RK, ...) were stopped by STC) M. Baldauf (DWD)
Whathappeneduntilnow … April 2008 proposalofnew PP CDC in the SMC Sept 2008 proposalofnew PP CDC presented at GM in Krakow = officialstartoftheproject June 2009 Kick off meetingorganizedby IMGW in Wirzba/Poland 2009 EULAG: Idealized (colddensitycurrent, risingthermals, inertia-gravitywaves, mountainflows) andfirst semi-realistictests (COSMO 2.2 km overthe Alps) CONSOL: implementationofbuoyancyprocessesandidealizedtestswithmountainflow 2010 definitionofthedecisiontree EULAG: finalizeidealizedtests, more semi-realisticsimulations June 2010 SMC evaluationmeeting in Sopot continuation 2011 startoftheimplementationof EULAG dyn. coreinto COSMO MPDATA in COSMO; comparisontowards Semi-Lagr., Bott 2012 testingof COSMO-EULAG with all idealizedand quasi-realistictests July 2012 common CDC/POMPA meeting, statusof CDC; follow-up PP M. Baldauf (DWD)
Management issues FTE's used + ~0.2 FTE's/year for project leadership = 0.8 FTE in total M. Baldauf (DWD)
Whatdidweget (I) • EULAG-branch: • welearnedquite a lotabouttheanelasticapproximations • wegot a soundfeelingaboutprincipalpropertiesofthe EULAG dynamicalcore • a newdynamicalcoreisavailable in COSMO as a prototype • split-explicit, HE-VI (Runge-Kutta, leapfrog): finite difference, compressible • semi-implicit: finite difference, compressible • COSMO-EULAG: finite volume, anelasticconservationofmomentum, tracermassflux form eq. forinternalenergyabilityto handle steepslopes • Almost all itemsofthe „EULAG branch“ (=task1) andmostofthedecisiontreewerefulfilled M. Baldauf (DWD)
What did we get (II) • compressiblebranch • welearned a lotaboutimplicit Finite-Volume solver • Toy model CONSOL formeteorologicaltestsavailable • dual time steppingas an alternative time-integration (?) • MPDATA as a possible alternative traceradvectionalgorithmisavailable(not yet in theofficialversion) M. Baldauf (DWD)
What did we get (III) : Publications M. Z. Ziemiański, M. J. Kurowski, Z. P. Piotrowski, B. Rosa and O. Fuhrer: Toward very high resolution NWP over Alps: Influence of the increasing model resolution on the flow pattern, Acta Geophysica 59 (6), 2011, 1205-1235 B. Rosa, M. J. Kurowski, and M. Z. Ziemiański: Testing the anelasticnonhydrostatic model EULAG as aprospective dynamical core of a numericalweather prediction model. Part I: Dry Benchmarks, Acta Geophysica 59 (6), 2011, 1235-1266 M. J. Kurowski, B. Rosa and M. Z. Ziemiański: Testing the anelasticnonhydrostatic model EULAG as a prospective dynamical core of numerical weather prediction model. Part II: Simulations of a supercell, Acta Geophysica 59 (6), 2011, 1267-1293 M. Baldauf: Non-hydrostatic modelling with the COSMO model,Proceedings of ‘ECMWF workshop on non-hydrostatic modelling’, ECMWF, 2010, p. 161-169(compare dispersion relation of compressible eqns. with divergence damping and anelastic approximation) M. Baldauf (DWD)
What next? The 'compressible branch' CONSOL will (hopefully) be continued in WG2 The 'EULAG-branch' will (probably) be continued in a follow-up project"COSMO-EULAG operationalization (CELO)" project leader: Zbigniew Piotrowski (IMGW) Many thanks to the CDC development team (in alphabetical order): Oliver Fuhrer, Marcin Kurowski, Guy de Morsier, Marie Müllner, Zbigniew Piotrovski,Bogdan Rosa, Pier Luigi Vitagliano, Damian Wojcik, Michal Ziemianski M. Baldauf (DWD)