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AP World History Review Session 600 – 1450 C.E. Sample Questions

AP World History Review Session 600 – 1450 C.E. Sample Questions. During the Medieval period, the dominant ethnic group in Eastern Europe was the Vikings Slavs Normans Carolingians Russians. Answer: B. 2. Feudal states arose in both Europe and China directly as a result of

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AP World History Review Session 600 – 1450 C.E. Sample Questions

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  1. AP World HistoryReview Session600 – 1450 C.E.Sample Questions

  2. During the Medieval period, the dominant ethnic group in Eastern Europe was the • Vikings • Slavs • Normans • Carolingians • Russians

  3. Answer: B

  4. 2. Feudal states arose in both Europe and China directly as a result of • The decline of the Roman and Byzantine Empires. • The fragmentation of central government units. • Poor living and unsanitary conditions in larger towns and cities. • Economic changes brought about by new technologies. • Religious ideology which legitimized the rule of warlords.

  5. Answer: B

  6. 3. Feudalism and manoralism were different in which of the following ways? • While feudalism was employed in Europe and China, Japan and India adopted manoralism instead. • Trade and commerce were more important in the feudal system. • Feudalism was a political system while manorialism was an economic system. • Advances in agricultural technology had a more positive impact on feudalism than on manorialism. • While feudalism involved the exchange of military services, only manorialisminvoved a social hierarchy.

  7. Answer: C

  8. 4. The split between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims occurred as a result of • Divergent interpretations of religious texts. • Conflict over the translation of liturgy into native languages. • Disagreement over leadership succession issues. • A rift between more fundamentalist and more liberal branches of Islam • Disagreement of the role and the location of the annual pilgrimage.

  9. Answer: C

  10. One major difference between the Inca and the Aztec civilizations was • While the Inca were agrarian, the Aztecs were nomadic. • The Aztecs built religious monuments while the Inca did not. • Incans were monotheistic while the Aztecs worshipped many gods. • The Aztec developed a system of writing while the Inca did not. • Inca society was not built on expansion while Aztec civilization was.

  11. Answer: D

  12. 6. The three major mercantile city-states in medieval Italy were • Genoa, Sicily, Rome • Genoa, Pisa, Venice • Pisa, Genao, Marseilles • Vienna, Genoa, Rome • Florence, Goa, Venice

  13. Answer: B

  14. 7. Which of these is a true statement about Mongol invasions between 1100 and 1500 C.E.? • While Mongols were able to convert Russia to Islam, they failed to spread Muslim beliefs throughout India • Mongols adopted elements of Chinese culture, which were then spread to other parts of Asia. • Mongol invasions were successful in China and Japan, but unsuccessful in Korea. • Mongol rule in Russia helped build a successful overland trade route and a strong economy based on trade. • Akbar was one of the most important leaders of Persia under Mughal rule.

  15. Answer: B

  16. 8. In the 1100s, manorialism began to end in European nations for all of the following reasons EXCEPT • The development of a money-based economy. • The formation of towns and cities. • Peasant rebellions against nobles. • Severe floods that destroyed fields and crops. • The impact of the Black Death.

  17. Answer: D

  18. 9. In the mid-1300s, Mansa Musa created a strong centralized Islamic government in • Great Zimbabwe • Kush • Ethiopia • Axum • Mali

  19. Answer: E

  20. 10. Which of the following in NOT a true statement about the Holy Roman Empire? • The empire was Europe’s largest political unit during the Middle Ages. • The empire did not have one common language or nationality. • The empire granted citizenship to men in some conquered territories. • The empire had a decentralized government with strong local autonomy. • The empire split into Germany, Austria and Italy in the late 1300s.

  21. Answer: E

  22. 11. Which of these scientific and cultural achievements are incorrectly matched with the civilization in which they developed? • Gunpowder and papermaking – China • Poetry and algebra – Islam • Cyrillic alphabet and engineering – Rome • Geometry and drama - Greece • Astronomy and calendar – Maya

  23. Answer: C

  24. 12. Which of the following did NOT play a role in the Crusades? • Militaristic and expansionistic European monarchies. • Turkish conquest of Jerusalem. • The promise of salvation to Christian crusaders. • The desire of nobility to become more involved in trade. • The establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

  25. Answer: E

  26. 13. Which of these statements about women’s rights before 800 C.E. is accurate? • Hindu law and custom extended property rights to women in the upper castes only. • Confucianism gave women a limited role; however, they could become members of the meritocracy. • Women in the Jewish faith were allowed to hold positions in the religious hierarchy, but they could not own land or divorce. • According to Islamic law, women could own property, inherit belongings, and have dowries. • With increased urbanization and expanded trade routes, women in pre-modern societies gained additional rights and responsibilities.

  27. Answer: D

  28. 14. During the Middle Ages, in which of these societies did invasion and migration NOT play a significant role in social, cultural, and economic change? • Great Zimbabwe • Byzantium • Kievan Russia • Mali • Song China

  29. Answer: E

  30. 15. Which of the following reflects a similarity between Arabic settlements of the eighth century and Viking settlements of the ninth century? • Both established villages along the rivers of Russia. • Both reached areas of present-day northern France. • Both diminished intellectual activity in the regions they settled. • Both groups created temporary settlements. • Both groups established settlements in Western Europe.

  31. Answer: E

  32. 16. Which of the following is true of Pacific Ocean trade during the period 600-1450 C.E.? • European traders carried on active trade with Pacific islanders. • It was dominated by Malay sailors. • Pacific islanders concentrated on regional trade. • It included active trade between Mongol China and Japan. • Pacific islanders carried on trade with East Asia.

  33. Answer: C

  34. 17. Which of the following was the most isolated from world trade during the period 600-1450 C.E.? • Russia • Japan • China • East Africa • India

  35. Answer: B

  36. 18. In the period between 600 and 1450, which of the following roles were pursued by many Indian and European women? • Workers in domestic industries and field workers. • Political activists and public speakers. • Long-distance merchants and guild leaders. • Scholars and physicians. • Religious leaders and legislative representatives.

  37. Answer: A

  38. 19. By 1450, Islam had spread to all of the following regions EXCEPT: • Western Europe. • East Asia. • The Middle East. • India. • East Africa.

  39. Answer: B

  40. 20. In the period between 600 and 1450 • Agriculture increased the aboriginal population of Australia. • North American nations north of Mexico were more settled than the natives of Mesoamerica. • North American and Mesoamerican societies were connected by trade. • Asian trade networks reached to the islands of Oceania. • Metallurgy was more advanced in Polynesia than in Mesoamerica and South America.

  41. Answer: C

  42. 21. Which is true of the Mongol Empire? • It was responsible for spreading Buddhism to Japan. • It was based upon tribute. • The Mongols displayed their efficient administrative skills in Persia. • It imposed harsh rule over Russia. • It broadened the Chinese civil service examinations.

  43. Answer: B

  44. 22. Which of the following is true concerning trade in Eurasia and the Americas in the period 600 to 1450? • Both involved overland and oceanic trade. • Trade in Eurasia moved along an east-west axis, while that in the Americas moved along a north-south axis. • Only Eurasian trade involved the exchange of gemstones. • Both involved the interchange of major religions. • Both involved nomadic peoples as trade facilitators.

  45. Answer: B

  46. 23. Which of the following groups of women saw their roles change most profoundly in the period between 600 and 1450? • European women • Islamic women • Hindu women of India • African women • Latin American women

  47. Answer: B

  48. 24. The Mongols • Failed in their campaign against Southwest Asian territories • Brought foreign administrators into China • Expanded their rule into Japan in the thirteenth century • Persecuted Christians within their empire. • Encouraged intermarriage between themselves and the Chinese

  49. Answer: B

  50. 25. Which of the following was the most industrialized during the period 1000 to 1450? • Russia • England • China • India • Persia

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