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Hip Muscles

Hip Muscles. Anterior Muscles. Sartorius. O – ASIS I – Proximal anteromedial aspect of tibial condyle N – Femoral F – Hip FLx, ABD, ER Knee Flx & medial rotation. Can palpate off ASIS but difficult to palpate in medium to heavy legged persons. Rectus Femoris. O – AIIS I –

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Hip Muscles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hip Muscles

  2. Anterior Muscles

  3. Sartorius • O – • ASIS • I – • Proximal anteromedial aspect of tibial condyle • N – • Femoral • F – • Hip FLx, ABD, ER • Knee Flx & medial rotation Can palpate off ASIS but difficult to palpate in medium to heavy legged persons

  4. Rectus Femoris • O – • AIIS • I – • Tibial tuberosity • N – • Femoral • F – • Knee EXT & Hip FLX Any place over anterior thigh

  5. Tensor Fascia Lata • O – • Iliac crest • I – • IT band and then into the knee via Gerdy’s tubercle • N – • Superior Gluteal • F – • Hip Flx, ABD, IR • Assist with knee Flx Slightly in front of greater trochanter

  6. Psoas Major • O – • Transverse processes T12-L5 • Intervertebral Disks T12-L5 • I – • Lesser trochanter of femur • N – • Lumbar Plexus (L1-L4) • F – • Hip Flex & ER Cannot be palpated unless rectus abdominus is relaxed

  7. Iliacus • O – • Illiac Fossa • I – • Lesser trochanter • N – • Femoral • F – • Hip Flx & ER • Assist with Hip ADD Cannot be palpated unless rectus abdominus is relaxed

  8. Lateral Muscles

  9. Gluteus Medius • O – • External surface of ilium between anterior & posterior gluteal lines • I – • greater trochanter • N – • Superior Gluteal • F – • Hip ABD, • Anterior fibers – IR & Flx • Posterior fibers -- ER and EXT Slightly in front and above the greater trochanter

  10. Gluteus Minimus • O – • External surface of ilium between anterior and inferior lines • I – • Greater trochanter • N – • Superior Gluteal • F – • Hip ABD, IR & Flx Cannot be palpated

  11. Posterior Muscles

  12. Gluteus Maximus • O – • Posterior gluteal line of ilium • Posterior surface of lower sacrum • Coccyx • I – • IT band and gluteal tuberosity • N – • Inferior Gluteal • F – • Hip EXT & ER • Upper fibers – Hip ABD • Lower Fibers – Hip ADD Wide area on posterior pelvis

  13. Semitendinosus • O – • Ishial Tuberosity • I – • Proximal medial surface of tibia • N – • Sciatic (tibial) • F – • Knee flexion • Assists with hip EXT Near the knee on posteromedial side

  14. Semimembranosus • O – • Ishial tuberosity • I – • Posteromedial apsect of medial tibial condyle • Medial meniscus • N – • Sciatic (tibial branch) • F – • Knee FLX • Assists with hip EXT Largely covered by other muscles, can palpate tendon on posteromedial aspect of tibia

  15. Biceps Femoris • O – • Long Head • Ishial tuberosity • Short Head • Linea Aspera • I • fibular head • N – • Long Head – Sciatic (tibial) • Short Head – Sciatic (Peroneal) • F – • Knee FLX & Hip EXT Posterolateral side of distal knee

  16. Deep Hip Rotators

  17. Piriformis • O – • Sacrum • I – • greater trochanter • N – • Sacral (L5-S2) • F – • Hip ER

  18. Gemellus Superior • O – • Anterior sacrum • Posterior portions of ishium • I – • greater trochanter • N – • Sacral (L5-S2) • F – • Hip ER

  19. Obturator Internus • O – • Anterior Ishium • I – • Greater trochanter • N – • Sacral (L4-L5, S1-S2) • F – • Hip ER

  20. Gemellus Inferior • O – • Anterior sacrum • Posterior portions of ishium • Obturator foramen • I – • Superior and poster portions of greater trochanter • N – • Sacral (L4-L5, S1-S2) • F – • Hip ER

  21. Obturator Externus • O – • Posterior portions of ishium • I – • Greater trochanter • N – • Obturator • F – • Hip ER

  22. Quadratus Femoris • O – • Posterior portions of ishium • I – • Greater trochanter • N – • Sacral (L4 -S1) • F – • Hip ER

  23. Medial Muscles

  24. Pectineus Angle between the pubic bone and femur • O – • Superior ramus of pubis • I – • Pectineal line of femur • N – • Femoral • F – • Hip ADD

  25. Adductor Brevis • O – • Body & Inferior pubic ramus • I – • Distal 2/3 of pectineal line • Proximal ½ of medial lip of linea aspera • N – • Obturator • F – • Hip ADD Cannot be palpated

  26. Adductor Longus • O – • Anterior pubis just below its crest • I – • Middle 1/3 of medial lip of linea aspera • N – • Obturator • F – • Hip ADD Just below pubic bone on medial side

  27. Adductor Magnus Posteromedial surface of thigh • O – • Inferior pubic ramus • Ishium ramus • Ishial tuberosity • I – • Line aspera • Adductor tubercle • Medial supracondylar line • N – • Anterior Portion --Obturator • Posterior Portion – Sciatic (Tibial) • F – • Hip ADD • Anterior Portion – Hip Flx • Posterior Portion – Hip EXT

  28. Gracilis • O – • Inferior ½ pubic symphysis • Medial margin of inferior pubic ramus • I – • Medial surface of proximal tibia • N – • Obturator • F – • Hip ADD • Assist knee Flx & IR Medial side of thigh 2-3 inches below pubic bone

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