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The Acceleration of the Population, FP, and Family Development Program aims to increase modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) and enhance access to family planning methods. With a focus on 11 districts, the program strives to double post-partum family planning use, improve contraceptive supply chain management, and strengthen program managers' capacities. Various initiatives have been undertaken to boost demand, enhance health facilities, and bolster supply chain management. This comprehensive approach has led to notable achievements in improving mCPR and utilization of IUD and implants. Future plans include expanding the program's reach through advocacy, capacity building, and replication of successful strategies at both central and provincial levels.

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  1. Acceleration of the Population, FP, and Family Development (KKBPK) Program through the “My Choice” Global Partnership(2014-2019)

  2. BACKGROUND PROGRAM OBJECTIVES • Support the government to increase mCPR and the use of long-acting contraceptive methods • Accelerate government efforts to ensure that all families are able to choose and receive the right contraceptive method at the right time

  3. BACKGROUND Expected Results (11 Districts) Increase mCPR: 5%. Double the use of post-partum family planning. Strengthen contraceptive supply chain management through the decrease in stock outs. Increase the capacity of family planning program managers at all levels to develop policies, programs, and communication strategies that are based on need.

  4. BACKGROUND PROGRAM AREAS Gowa Average mCPR in 11 Districts 55,5% Source: Susenas, 2013


  6. BACKGROUND COMPONENTS OF THE MY CHOICE PROGRAM Increase Demand Strengthen the health facilities for KBPP Supply Chain Management

  7. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE INCREASE DEMAND Mass media campaign on National TV. Technology, Information, and Communication through the launch of a website and SKATA application. Community outreach in partnership with Aisyiyah and Muslimat (training of 600 cadres on how to conduct IT-based IEC). Advocacy by strengthening the FP teams at the provincial, district, and village levels to strengthen the FP program and increase budget allocation from local sources.

  8. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE INCREASE DEMAND • Adolescent reproductive health: (1) Mapping of ARH situation and programs ;(2) Development of strategic ARH activities through the Adolescent Summit; (3) IEC for ARH through ICT. • Kampung KB: • Facilitate 12 Kampung KB locations in 4 provinces by training 2 village facilitators (on the job training) in each location. • Empower communities to identify the collective needs and expectations that will be used to plan and implement action. • Designed from the perspective of family and community needs

  9. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE PENGUATAN PELAYANAN FASILITAS KESEHATAN UNTUK KBPP Strengthen KBPP in 95 health facilities through technical medical training and balance counseling as well as strengthening of the planning, monitoring, and evaluation system of KBPP in the facilities. Increase/strengthen provider skills MeningkatkanPencatatandanAnalisa data Pelayanan KBPP/PK Strengthen KBPP/PK management and leadership

  10. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE Strengthening Supply Chain Management/SCM • Increase the availability of contraceptives for each method at registered health facilities through the development of: • Design and implement the min-max stock system based on consumption with a clear schedule • Strengthen the logistic recording and reporting to improve the quality and use of data • Establishment of a team that collaborates to monitor the SCM performance. • Design and implement bimtek & OJT mechanism as part of monitoring & evaluation and feedback



  13. ACHIEVEMENTS: MIDLINE mCPRin 11 DistrictsModest increase in 6 districtsBaseline - June 2015 ; Midline December 2016 Sumber: My Choice Midline Survye in 11 Districts *p<.01

  14. ACHIEVEMENTS: MIDLINE Use of IUD and Implants (Increase in 8 districts)Baseline - Juni 2015 ; Midline December 2016 Source: My Choice Midline Survey in 11 Districts *p<.01

  15. PLANS FOR 2018-2019: REPLICATION PERIOD • At the Central Level: • Replicate the advocacy strategy in all provinces. • Replicate the balance counseling method in all provinces & “My Choice” will focus on ¾ of districts and all Puskesmas. • Continue the use of digital media (SKATA) for the national FP campaign.

  16. PLANS FOR 2018-2019: REPLICATION PERIOD • Replicate the IT-based outreach strategy for FP Field Workers (PLKB/PKB). • Replicate the strengthening of KBPP in 15 facilities in West Java and East Java. • Integrate the Kampung KB implementation model into the Kampung KB management training module developed by BKKBN. • Integrate the IT-based outreach model into the training module for FP Field Workers (PLKB/PKB).

  17. PLANS FOR 2018-2019: REPLICATION PERIOD • Mereplikasiimplementasi SOP manajemeninventariskedalamrevisiPedomanPenerimaan, PenyimpanandanPendistribusianKontrasepsi (Perka 286/2011) • Replicate the implementation of distribution plan development based on use into the guidelines. MereplikasiimplementasipenyusunanRencanaDistribusi (Rensi) berbasiskonsumsikedalamPedomanRensi • Implement the quantification reference book Mengimplementasikan Buku Referensi Kuantifikasi dalam perhitungan kebutuhan tahunan kontrasepsi dan mereplikasi kedalam revisi Pedoman Perencanaan Kebutuhan Kontrasepsi (Perka 287/2011) • Replicate the Manajemen Inventaris dan Monitoring Tool into BKKBN‘s logistic system.

  18. PLANS FOR 2018-2019: REPLICATION PERIOD • With BKKBN at the Provincial Level: • Program replication (increase demand, KBPP, and supply chain) in other districts: • South Sulawesi: All districts • Central Java: Focus on 3 new districts for KBPP and more than 3 districts for other components. • North Sumatera: 5 new districts

  19. Thank You!

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