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Rapid Intervention Crew. A Way To A Safer Fire Ground. Presented By: Bucks County Public Safety Training Center. Objectives. Standards Case Histories Who Acts As The RIT? Size UP Duties Of The RIT Team. Exercises. N.F.P.A. 1561-fire Department Incident Management System.
Rapid Intervention Crew A Way To A Safer Fire Ground Presented By: Bucks County Public Safety Training Center
Objectives • Standards • Case Histories • Who Acts As The RIT? • Size UP • Duties Of The RIT Team. • Exercises
N.F.P.A. 1561-fire Department Incident Management System 4-1.8-the fire department shall provide for the rescue of individuals operating at an emergency incident A minimum of 2 Fire Fighter are required
O.S.H.A. Standard C.F.R. 1910.134“Two in Two Out Rule” • Fire fighters engaged in interior structural suppression use S.C.B.A. and work in teams of 2 or more. • Once fire fighters have engaged in interior operations this standard applies. • A minimum of 2 fire fighters properly equipped and trained must be outside the IDLH area.
What Is A Rapid Intervention Crew? • A RAPID INTERVENTION CREW is a group of trained individuals who are fully equipped and ready to go into action in a seconds notice • Their purpose is to help reduce the risk of injuries and fatalities during an unexpected emergency on the fireground
Case Study 1988-Hackensack, NJ. • Five firefighters killed while fighting a fire at an auto dealership. • The five firefighters were trapped after the roof collapsed. • An important factor was the limited manpower available for an effective rescue attempt.
Case Study 1995-Mission, KS. • 1 Fire fighter dies when he falls through the floor. • Numerous attempts where made by fellow fire fighters, but to no avail. • Fire fighters not trained in fire fighter removal and insufficient fire fighters contributed to the death.
Case Study 1995-Pittsburgh, PA. • Three firefighters killed while battling a fire in a four level house when a collapse occurred trapping them inside. • No effective accountability system was in effect.
Case Study 1999-Worchester, MA. • Six Firefighters killed while battling a fire in an abandon 5 story cold storage building. • Initially two fire fighters where lost in building and other crews where sent in to find them, a rapid change fire condition prevented them from success. • No effective accountability system was in effect.
Case Study 1999-Keokuk, Iowa. • Three fire fighters killed attempting a rescue during a dwelling fire. • The “Incident Commander” left the scene to transport one of the victims to the hospital. • No effective accountability system was in effect, nor was there enough manpower to affect rescue of the fire fighters.
Organization What is the ideal number of fire fighters that should be assigned to the RIC team?
Organization What type of training or certifications should be required of a RIC Team? • Fire fighter 1? • Fire fighter 2? • Rescue training? • PA department of health E.M.T. or First Responder?
Organization • Should the RIC be the same crew though out the entire incident, or should the IC use them as needed and have another team dispatched to replace them? • If the RIC team is placed into service should they be replaced with another team?
Organization Who should place the RIC into service and should they take the place of the safety officer or be responsible for fire fighter accountability?
Organization What type of apparatus and/or fire fighters should be used by the R.I.C.? • Engine company • Truck company • Rescue company
Engine Company Pro’s Has capability of Water supply Everyone has an engine company Variety of tools, hose and training Con’s May lack technical training Limited amount of powered forcible entry/rescue tools Limited ground ladders
Pro’s Full complement of ground ladders Variety of powered rescue/forcible entry tools and equipment Con.’s May not be equipped with a pump or hose Not everyone has a “truck/ladder” company Limited reach of the main ladder Truck Company
Pro.’s Wide variety of fire rescue equipment Usually have personal with a higher levels of training Con.’s May not be equipped with a pump or hose Not everyone has a rescue company Limited complement of ground ladders Rescue Company
RIT Team Procedures • Size-up • Recon the incident scene • Side determination • Apparatus and tool staging • Accountability system • Deployment • Search • Recovery
Pre-arrival Size Up C- construction of building O-occupancy of building A-apparatus and manpower L-life hazard(s)
Arrival Size-up W-water supply A-auxiliary appliances S-street conditions
Post Arrival Size-up W-weather E-exposures A-area of the fire jurisdiction L-location and extent of fire T-time of incident H-height of target hazard
Fire Fighter Accountability • Do you use an accountability system? • Does you RIT company know your accountability system? • Is your mutual aid departments using the same accountability system as your department? • Who is keeping track of the fire fighters?
Apparatus and Equipment Staging • R.I.C. Should report to the I.C. And then be staged within verbal distance from the command post • What tools should the R.I.C. Have staged with them? • What should each R.I.C. Member be equipped with?
Recon And Side Determination • Perform a 360 of the fire building • Look for egress and ingress • Are ladders properly placed? • Mark which side of the fire building is Side 1 or A?
Radio Monitoring • The R.I.C. Team officer should have a scan able radio. • The R.I.C. Team should have their own radio frequency to operate on. • Every member of the R.I.C. Should have a portable radio set to the R.I.C. frequency.
Search Procedures • Left hand search • Right hand search • Search rope with or without knots • Hose line with search ropes • Systematic floor by floor search
What Should A Fire Fighter In Trouble Do? • Activate their pass device • Radio for help (mayday) • Press the assist button on the portable radio • Should the fire fighter keep moving if able or stay in one spot?
The Three “W’s” • What fire fighters must know and do to keep themselves out of trouble. • What fire fighters must know and do when they find themselves in trouble. • What the R.I.C. teams must know and do to rescue or remove a fire fighter(s) in trouble.
Procedures in Managing the Downed Fire Fighter • Mayday • Clear radio traffic • Evacuate the fire building • Attempt to identify the fire fighter in trouble by your accountability system, radio or role call. • Place companies back into action doing essential fire suppression duties.
Downed Firefighter Preparation • Locate • Initial emergency S.C.B.A. Procedures • Is PASS activated? If so turn it off • Renew his or her air supply (New Bottle Vs. Complete New Pack) • Disentanglement • Harness placement
Fire Building Evacuation • Upon notification of a downed fire fighter should the IC evacuate the fire building? • Should interior fire fighter aid in the search of a downed fire fighter?
Most Important Questions • Who is trapped? • How many are trapped? • What was the last location(s) of the member(s)? • What was the last assignment(s)of the member(s)? • Are they radio equipped?
5 Points to Remember • L Last known location • U Unit number • N Name • A Assignment • R Radio equipped
Downed Firefighter Removal Techniques • Searching • Large area searching • Breaching walls and floors • Enlarging openings • Removing a fire fighter up a set of stairs • Fire fighter removal in a confined area
Downed Firefighter Removal Techniques • Removal using a ladder as an overhead with rope • Raising a firefighter using a handcuff knot or wristlets • Removing a fire fighter through a window • Bringing a fire fighter down a ladder
The RIC Team • Must not have tunnel vision, monitor the fire conditions. • Do not ignore safe practices. • RIC teams will need to be rotated and rehabbed also, so if the initial team goes into service get another team in place. • Consider assigning a safety officer to the RIC team.
Considerations • Fire fighters will have the natural tendency to help their brother and sister fire fighters. • On occasion this could lead to a rapid and successful rescue. • In most cases it will lead to confusion, chaos, and possible additional injuries or problems.
Remember! • Always observe the fire conditions • Never put yourself in a position where you are dependent on someone else to get you out of! • Always know an escape route! • Always know a back-up escape route! • A good RIT Team is to be proactive not reactive
Safety Is an Attitude Whether its about wearing our full PPE including SCBA or wearing seatbelts on the apparatus. These are all tools of our trade and are no different from using a forcible entry tool or an attack line. We must have the same proper attitude for all of them Be safe!!!!