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Investment, Trade & Transport Facilitation ACMECS Bangkok March 13, 2007

Investment, Trade & Transport Facilitation ACMECS Bangkok March 13, 2007. I. Who is IFC and what do we do II. IFC in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos III. How to work with the IFC. One of the largest and most knowledgeable investors in the Emerging Markets Global private sector investor

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Investment, Trade & Transport Facilitation ACMECS Bangkok March 13, 2007

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  1. Investment, Trade & Transport Facilitation ACMECS Bangkok March 13, 2007

  2. I. Who is IFC and what do we do II. IFC in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos III. How to work with the IFC

  3. One of the largest and most knowledgeable investors in the Emerging Markets • Global private sector investor • The world’s largest loan and equity investor in private sector companies & projects • in the Emerging Markets • Established track record • US$56 Bn invested in over 3,500 companies across all sectors in 140 Emerging Market countries • US$25 Bn syndicated to commercial banks and other lending institutions • US$27 Bn of current porftfolio (includes $5 Bn in syndicated loans) • AAA credit rating; no loss years since inception in 1956 • Global reach and expertise • Over 2,900 staff; over 1,400 in the field • Relationship with market leaders in key industries • In-house industry, government, financial, environmental expertise • Part of the World Bank Group • Premier global development institution with mandate to reduce poverty • 178 countries as shareholders; US, EU, Japan are the largest OVERVIEW OF IFC

  4. IFC Products and Services To assist private enterprise in developing countries, IFC: • Provide loans and equity for viable projects • Mobilizes capital from other sources • Provide technical assistance & advisory services

  5. IFC Defining Characteristics • Participates only in private sector ventures • Shares same risks as other investors • Invests in equity • Has market pricing policies • Does not accept government guarantees • Is profit oriented

  6. IFC’s Beneficial Role • IFC’s presence reassures foreign investors, local partners, governments • Reputation and standing to help negotiations • Measure of political risk cover • Catalyst for other investors and lenders

  7. IFC in Vietnam • IFC has been active in Vietnam since 1992, commencing with a technical assistance, and its first investment in 1994. • Todate approved investments $500m in > 25 companies • Expect to ramp up in future: $100-150m per year • Focus on financial sector and infrastructure • Active advisory program, mainly through Mekong Private Sector Development Facility (MPDF)

  8. IFC in Cambodia and Laos • Given the nascent private sector, focus is on capacity building, business enabling environment • Effort spearheaded by MPDF • Selective investments in financial sector, infrastructure, tourism, manufacturing • Desire to do more, especially in agribusiness

  9. How to work with the IFC Internal to IFC As Seen by Client Initial Discussions Initial Review & Authorization to Appraise Mandate Letter Appraisal Financing Negotiations ManagementApproval Info. Memo and Syndication Legal Documentation Disbursement Board Approval Supervision/Evaluation

  10. For inquiries, please contact: Mr. SIN FOONG WONG, Country Manager, IFC Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos 3rd Floor, 63 Ly Thai To Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: (04) 934 2282 Fax: (04) 934 2289 Cell: 090 346 0477 Email: swong@ifc.org Web: www.ifc.org


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