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The Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning (GOAL)

The Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning (GOAL). Kelly Butler Western Quebec School Board An Overview. Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning (GOAL). What is it? Why do it? How do kids get it?. GOAL: What Is It?. GOAL: What is it?.

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The Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning (GOAL)

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  1. The Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning (GOAL) Kelly Butler Western Quebec School Board An Overview

  2. Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning (GOAL) What is it? Why do it? How do kids get it?

  3. GOAL: What Is It?

  4. GOAL: What is it? The Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning (GOAL) is a continuum of career oriented instruction and learning throughout a child’s schooling to help students lay the foundations for lifelong career development.

  5. GOAL: What is it? • Concerted TEAM approach involving ALL in-school and community partners. • Integration of QEP projects and services into schools’ success plans, educational projects and subjects. • Activities, tools, and resources combine to guide all students from K-11 in their identity development and career-life planning.

  6. GOAL: What It’s Not • NOT a separate course, rather a school-wide APPROACH supported by the school board and the wider community. • Not a series of isolated actions or activities in classes. • Not the sole responsibility of the Guidance Counselor. • Not limited to specifically identified student groups.

  7. Students need to be asking themselves….. What Will I Be When I Grow Up?

  8. A Magician? A Rock Star?

  9. GOAL: Why Do It?

  10. “Career development is a lifelong process through which individuals come to understand themselves as they relate what they are learning in school to the world of work, their families and their communities”.

  11. GOAL: Why Do It? • 59% of students at present lack career plans for their future. • Students’ are ambivalent concerning their studies. • Students’ find themselves in the wrong post-secondary programs more often than not. • Career choices are limited due to misinformation and stereotypes. • There are insufficient graduates to filllabor shortages. • To reduce students’ risk of failure or dropping out.

  12. Why Do It? • The QEP includes a Broad Area of Learning entitled Personal and Career Planning. This states that “the elementary and secondary schools educational aim is to enable students to undertake and complete projects that develop their potential and help them integrate into society”. (QEP, 2001)

  13. GOAL: Benefits for Students • Students and teachers make links between the information they are learning in school and the requirements of citizenship (the world of work), outside of school. • Students’ will increase knowledge of themselves, their interests and aptitudes. • Students are more interested in the courses they are taking and therefore perform better. • Students will discover various educational and career paths in relation to subject areas. • Students are more focused upon HS graduation and have a clearer understanding of future plans and opportunities. • Students will be more prepared to make realistic career choices by basing their dreams on reality.

  14. GOAL: The Benefits for Teachers • Provides a TEAM effort to address the QEP including the Broad Areas of Learning and Cross Curricular Competencies. • Enriches your knowledge of career planning and current workplace realities. • Encourages positive, supportive relationships.

  15. Why Do It? To Ensure Our Students Achieve Educational Success and Obtain Qualifications

  16. The World of Work

  17. Current Realities of the World of Work • There is a demand for creativity, enterprise and collaboration. • There is a greater need for integration of knowledge/disciplines and technology. • There is pressure for speed and diversity of learning. • There is increased work/learning and life style flexibility. • There is increased self managed career development. • Employers of choice offering employability and lifestyle options. • Competition: Where workers need to offer demonstrated personal qualities; multiple transferable skill sets and adaptability.

  18. Employability Principles L – Learning: Continuously broaden & deepen self understanding and skill sets. I – Integration: combine and transfer unique skill sets and personal attributes to different settings and teams. F – Flexibility: willing to quickly adapt and thrive with changing opportunities and realities. E – Exploration: continually explore and create work/learning and lifestyle opportunities.

  19. GOAL: How Do Kids Get It?

  20. GOAL: How Do Kids Get It? • Career awareness in elementary school. • Career exploration in middle school. • Career preparation in high school and beyond

  21. GOAL: How Do Kids Get It? • Integrating career orientation elements into the curriculum • Developing related school life activities and projects • Ensuring access to a variety of career orientation tools and resources • Providing access to individual counseling

  22. By weaving together as many and as varied connections as possible among subjects belonging to different subject areas.

  23. Math – Create a Business: integrate business and finance English – Resumes, write a poem about a career of their interest, have a debate: grades and diplomas should be eliminated to allow for learning for the pleasure of it. Computers - Create a e-portfolio. French – Students research and give a presentation on their dream career. Geography – Research different careers in the area. Cross Curricula: Connecting curricula to work and later education

  24. GOAL: Lesson Facilitators • School Counselors • Teacher Advisors • Classroom Teachers • Community Partners

  25. GOAL: Resources for Implementation • Career Activities & Lesson Plans – http://www.khake.com/page94.html • Newsletter – Above and Beyond – www.casaa-resources.net • BizWorld designing your own business – www.bizworld.org • Supermarket Unit: www.chevron.com/about/programs/edwards/lessonplans6.shtm

  26. Conclusion The mind shapes the reality we experience by creating a vision of the life we desire. We set all our powers in motion to bring it about. That picture of the future becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Maurice Gibbons

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