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THE GUIDANCE- ORIENTED APPROACH TO LEARNING. Presented by: Sandra Salesas and Cheryl Pratt Quebec federation of home and school association October 21st, 2006. A Little Reminder.
THE GUIDANCE- ORIENTED APPROACH TO LEARNING Presented by: Sandra Salesas and Cheryl Pratt Quebec federation of home and school association October 21st, 2006
A Little Reminder • “GOAL is a concerted action between the school team and its partners, in which objectives are set and services (individual and collective), tools and pedagogical activities implemented to guide students in their identity development and career planning. These activities and services are integrated into the school’s success plan and its educational project… (1) • (1) Making dream come true, MEQ, 2002, p.18
What GOAL is not? • Not a series of isolated actions or activities • Not an «add-on » to existing programs • Not the sole responsibility of the counsellor • Not limited to specifically identified student groups • Not a course, rather a career culture which is school-wide and supported by administration and by the teaching personnel.
The School’s Mission • To instruct, to socialize and to qualify are all taken into account with GOAL; • To qualify links directly with GOAL and the broad area of learning, Personal and Career Planning; • Cross-curricular competencies reflect those required by most employers; • Qualification is essential to prepare students with the necessary competencies for the school-to-work transition as indicated in numerous ministerial reports; References: Final report from the Commission on the estates general (1996, p. 23), MEL’s Strategic Plan 2000-2003 (2000, p.16). Quebec Education Program at the Secondary School Level (2003, p.6) and the Education Act (EA, art.36, al.2)
CONSENSUS FROM THE ESTATES GENERAL IN 1996 AND THE QUEBEC YOUTH SUMMIT IN 2000 With regard to Career-Life Planning, students receive: Too little support Too late in students’ schooling
The Consequences • 75 % of students in Secondary 5 admit to having no idea of their career plan at the beginning of the school year (Landry 1995) • Before the age of 20, the dropout rate is 33.3% (2002-2003) • 20.2% of students dropout without any professional qualification, either because they do not have any diploma such as a High School Leaving or a CEGEP diploma (2002-2003)
Provocative Statistics • 65.8% of Quebec’s youth under 20 years of age obtained a secondary school diploma in 2002-2003. • 59% of Quebec secondary graduates move directly on to CEGEP. Only 38% of those actually complete a pre-university CEGEP DEC. Only 78.6% of that small percentage continue on to university. • 60% of Quebec’s anticipated labour force needs will require graduates of our vocational and technical programs, while less than 10% of anticipated jobs will be filled by university graduates.
Why students drop out Lack of a sense of school relevancy is the most commonly cited reason for “at risk” youth Source: Statistics Canada
BASIC SCHOOL REGULATION Educational Services: Social integration Personal & career goals Complementary Services: Success in learning Team-building with Complementary Educational Services Academic & career counselling and information QUEBEC EDUCATION PROGRAM Broad Areas of Learning: Personal & Career Planning Citizenship & Community Life Personal Development Cross-Curricular Competencies: To construct his/her identity (Elementary) To achieve his/her potential (Secondary) To use information Exercises critical judgment Communicates appropriately Meeting the Challenge
Why GOAL?What are the benefits? • Success for all. • Students… • understand relevance of school • are more aware of their own identity • are less disruptive in class • choose a more appropriate academic path • have career aspirations and supporting academic plans • are more motivated and achieve more success.
Alan King's Double Cohort Study Phase 3 Report Jan 2004http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/reports/phase3/
Career Pathways …don’t ask me what I want to be until you show me what there is to be. - Anonymous Student
GOAL is everywhere! • Classroom • School-life activities • Guidance programs and activities • School Success Plan • Supporting Montreal Schools • NANS Schools • School Board Mission Statement • In the home • In local businesses, organizations, and other community agencies Career infusion and collaboration
Who’s on the team? • Students • Parents • Information and counselling professionals • Teachers • Support personnel • School administration and Governing Board • School board • Commissioners • Community partners
Show me how! • Assess needs of school community • Build upon established success • Invite keen stakeholders to join your team then expand • Ask for support from your administration, school board, and community • Use and share best practices • Use resources that have been created to support your GOAL initiatives • Build GOAL into your School Success Plan
Practical Examples of GOAL in the Classroom • Have students write about a fantasy job …”If I were a….”, draw a picture of themselves in the job, and identify the tools they would use. Discuss in class. Have students participate in a career dress-up day in which they wear the uniform connected to their occupation. • Have students construct a career pyramid that illustrates the different types of jobs in a career area at different levels of education and responsibility. For example, the variety of jobs found in a hospital (orderly, ambulance driver, doctor, janitors, etc.). • “These are the people of your neighbourhood” … students collect pictures illustrating various community workers (police officer, truck driver, salesperson, teacher, etc.). Have students give a job title for each, discuss the work activities involved, and the problems they solve.
More Classroom Examples • Read Dr. Seuss’, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” (or invite someone from the business community to read to students). Have students do a composition on the “Places they plan or would like to go…”. • Have students prepare an autobiography and address at least three ways in which their life is influenced by family, school, and friends. • Have students research some aspect of change – such as a means of transportation – compile pictures depicting changes and occupations affected, and arrange a bulletin board display related to the project. • Do oral reports on different occupations with the student pretending to be the worker in the report.
More Classroom Examples • Have students design a simple machine and build an assembly line to build it. The assembly line is set up and test in class, and everyone has a job to do. Students then market their product by writing advertisements. • Who builds the stuff in my neighborhood? How many people does it take to build a house? Who grows my food and how does it get to the store? How many workers does it take to design and sew my jeans? What do I know about the country in which they are produced? Have students do a research project to answer many questions related to their surroundings. • Plan, cook, and serve a meal while studying nutrition.
More Classroom Examples • Design the layout of a home and decorate it while following a set budget. • Use The Real Gameas a classroom tool to explore careers and real-life situations such as a monthly grocery budget. • Design and build a robot in science class. • Project-based learning such as “Weather Whys” (WQSB) or “The Laurier Challenge” (SWLSB)
Practical Examples of GOAL in School-life Activities • Career fair with employers from the community • Have students interview workers concerning their career paths – how did they decide upon the field, etc. • Have students plan and carry out a Hobby Fair in which each student is invited to bring in an example of his or her hobby and demonstrate or describe the hobby to the class. • Students form clubs: e.g., radio club, drama club, Junior Achievement, etc. • Job shadowing, job training (stages), and other career exploration activities • Students organize a Talent Show or other arts event as a fund raiser and to develop creativity, cooperation, and project skills.
Parentscan also get involved in GOAL • To talk about their career path • To organize an industry visit • To participate in school activities • To get involved in home activities such as a career portfolio or CEGEP decision-making • To engage in the “career dialogue”
References • Career Cruising, http://www.careercruising.com • Career Prospects Magazine, http://www.canadacareerweek.com/ccw/ • Smart Options, http://lifework.ca/home.htm • The Real Game Series, www.realgame.ca • Work-Study Programs, www.schooltocareer.ca • Government of Quebec, Heading for Success, http://www.toutpourreussir.com/en/ • Careers to explore, http://www.space.gc.ca • Alberta Career Resources, www.alis.gov.ab.ca/career/cr/alberta.asp • Take our kids to work, www.takeourkidstowork.ca • Blueprint for Life, www.blueprint4life.ca • Québec Entrepreneurship Contest and Toolkit, www.concours-entrepreneur.org • Destination 2020 – www.tgmag.ca/D2020
Resources • The GOAL Post, look fora copy in your school or download one from www.qesnrecit.qc.ca/goal • Career Development Resource for parents: http://www.ccip-picc.ca/ccip/nav.cfm?l=e#130 • Making Dreams Come True, parent brochure • www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/dgfj/csc/pdf/Brochure_eng.pdg • Complementary Educational Services – In Brief http://www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/DGFJ/csc/pdf/19-7036A.pdf • Human Resources and Skills Development Canada www.hrsdc.gc.ca • Youth Canada www.youth.gc.ca • Conference Board of Canada www. conferenceboard.ca • Canadian Career Consortium www.careerccc.org • Sector Councils www.councils.org • Groupe provincial pour soutenir l’approche orientante à l’école www.gpsao.educ.usherbrooke.ca
With GOAL, we can better prepare ourselves for POP Brief presentation on the Personal Orientation Project (POP) Secondary III as of 2007-2008 Secondary IV as of 2008-2009
More Statistics • Only 20% of collegial students have a specific career plan (CSE) • 50% of students are seeking their career path but only do so at the second year of CEGEP or even once enrolled in university (CSE) • Approximately one third of CEGEP students change their program during their studies (SRAM, 2000) • 640,000 new jobs between 2004-2008 with 200,000 of these opening requiring a vocation or technical training when only 26% of youth go into vocational training • 50% of Canadian post secondary students drop out or change programs (Phil Jarvis, Natcon 2004) • Our students will work in approximately 5 different sectors in as many as 25 different jobs throughout their lives (Phil Jarvis, GOAL Symposium, April 2005).
Choice of Path • Choice of path is student selected. • Students choose their path each school year based on their interests. • Your school will be informing you and your child of the paths. • If a student chooses the Applied General Education path, then POP is a compulsory course in secondary III. • POP is available to students as an optional course in both the Applied General Education path and the General Education path as an optional course in secondary IV.
What is POP? The POP gives the students the central role to explore, reflect and discover various fields that interest them through the support of pedagogical resources and actively trying out a variety of work functions It is a process that starts early in a students’ elementary school life through GOAL It carries on throughout their lives in the development of their career identities as a consequence of the new competencies they acquire from POP
Personal Orientation Project • on an individual basis, the student develops his/her own project • The student develops between three to eight career exploration processes by: • using “tool kits”, consulting career resources, job shadowing, visiting to educational institutions, etc. • using a ministerial Web site offering a virtual resource library of specific tools such as experiential tools, virtual visits, key resource people
Tool Kit • Gives students a “taste” of field or sector • Students try out activities in the kit • Not tied to any one occupation or level of education • May or may not complete the activities in the kit • One component of the exploration process
Specific competencies linked to the POP and its key features Plans his/her exploration process • Determines some of his/her fields of interest • Defines the purpose of the exploration • Selects the means of exploration • Sets out the steps of the process Varies the means of exploration • Tries out work functions • Visits workplaces and educational institutions • Uses documentary resources in academic and career information Meets with key people Carries out a process of career exploration Looks critically at his/her exploration process • Compares his/her process with those of classmates • Assesses the usefulness of his/her process • Envisions other processes • Judges the quality of his/her process • Evaluates the relevance of the resources used
Specific competencies linked to the POP and its key features Consolidates his/her personal profile • Makes connections between his/her personal qualities and discoveries • Considers the personal commitments required to reach his/her goals • Recognizes the impact of self-esteem on his/her aspirations • Sets objectives for his/her personal development • Determines his/her ways of making decisions Shares his/her reflections • Compares his/her impressions with those of classmates • Broadens his/her reflection by drawing on that of others • Talks with parents or other trusted people Contemplates his/her learning and work possibilities Considers possible career paths • Envisions the stages of his/her possible career paths • Recognizes opportunities and their related constraints • Considers his/her possible career paths in a time frame • Critically compares possible career paths
Role of involved collaborators and the POP • Students • Teachers • Guidance Counsellors and other professionals • School community • The community • The family
Skills that they will use throughout their lives in the transition from job to job within the 5 different sectors they work in. POP helps students develop lifelong skills
Discussion period Cheryl Pratt, POP Provincial Coordinator cpratt@lbpsb.qc.ca Tel: 450-622-2212 Sandra Salesas, c.o., Provincial Coordinator for GOAL, sandra.salesas@csmb.qc.ca Tel: 450-622-2212