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This draft framework suggests recommendations for improving the institutional environment, planning and budgeting, delivery, and monitoring of climate finance at the local level. It emphasizes the importance of strengthening capacities, promoting coordination, and integrating climate resilience into local infrastructure investments.
Common recommendations and next steps for improving local delivery of climate financeBangkok, October 31, 2012
Draft framework for local delivery of climate finance • Enabling institutional environment for climate financing • Planning and budgeting for climate change at the local level • Delivering climate change expenditures at the local level • Monitoring the impact of climate finance at the local level
We recommend the following next steps to create an enabling institutional environment for climate financing: • Review institutional mechanisms to pick the most relevant to mainstreaming CC, review their mandates and assess capacity gaps • Strengthen political leadership to mobilise international and national finance for the local level • Expand the knowledge base of local level climate change challenges and strengthen capacity • More technical guidance from the national level to support local practitioners • Promote coordination across government and non-government institutions to deliver a coherent approach to climate financing • Establish a climate financing framework at the local level building on existing institutional frameworks and processes where available
We recommend the following to strengthening planning and budgeting for climate change at the local level • Strengthen capacity to mainstream climate change within national, sector and local planning and budgeting • Where climate funds exist, ensure coherence with the overall planning and budgeting and adequate allocation for local level action • Ensure provision of adequate finance across stakeholders, including civil society • Consider performance-based budgeting as a mechanism for promoting more climate expenditures at the local level • Facilitate local level stakeholders to tap into private sector funds
We recommend the following to deliver more and better climate change expenditures at the local level • Use existing development programmes to deliver climate expenditures where possible • Social protection programmes should be linked to climate change and expanded • Programme based approaches should be promoted that include actors at the local level including CSOs, local administrations and line agencies • Implementation should be based on standardised approaches to vulnerability risk assessments • Implementation should be aligned with existing local level plans and budgets • Strengthen the role of local governments to coordinate with multiple actors • Integrate climate resilience into local level infrastructure investment
We recommend the following to strengthen the monitoring of climate finance at the local level: • Develop budget codes to track climate finance at national and local levels • Facilitate third party / independent reviews • Building on existing M&E systems • Develop social audit and participatory monitoring to promote local level accountability and transparency • Develop capacity to monitor and eval2uate climate finance
We recommend the following be taken forward at the international level: • International efforts need to focus on enabling more climate finance to be delivered a the local level, building capacities and providing funds • Support south-south exchange on experience in delivering local level climate finance • Harmonise and align international monitoring requirements with existing government systems • Support knowledge management on best practice for scaling up climate finance and bringing climate finance to policy forums