2. Stress Intensity of Force
Stress = ____ /____
3. Types of Stress Normal : load perpendicular to area
7. Types of Strain Normal : deformation in the the direction of length
8. Transverse Strain Materials tend to expand/contract in the directions perpendicular to the load application.
Poissons Ratio
? = - _____________ axial strain
9. Why Poissons Ratio ?
13. Relating Stress and Strain Called a Constitutive Model
Simple Linear Model:
Hookes Law
17. Real Material Behavior -Hookean to a limiting strain
-Proportional limit : Deviation from linear
-After PL
*Non linear
18. Tensile Test
21. Slope of Recovery Line
22. Unload/Reload
23. Yield Strength from S-e Curve
24. Everything Together
25. What is Viscoelastic Deformation?
26. Creep Test Viscoelasticity
27. Deformation Types
Name Math Model Time Dependency Type
Elastic Linear/Nonlinear None Recoverable
Plastic Linear/Nonlinear None Nonrecoverable
Viscoelastic Linear/Nonlinear Strong Recoverable
Viscoplastic Nonlinear Strong Nonrecoverable
28. Representative Modulii