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EXTRAVERTING (E) VS INTROVERTING (I). INTROVERTS: Like to be Alone Enjoy One-On-One Think First, Then Speak or Act Conserve Energy Focus Inwardly Quiet One Thing at a Time Reserved Think to Oneself Enjoy Reflecting.
INTROVERTS:Like to be AloneEnjoy One-On-OneThink First, Then Speak or Act Conserve EnergyFocus InwardlyQuiet One Thing at a TimeReserved Think to OneselfEnjoy Reflecting EXTRAVERTS:Seek InteractionEnjoy GroupsAct or Speak First, Then ThinkExpend (Use) Energy Focus Outwardly TalkativeLike Variety & ActionOutgoingThink Out LoudEnjoy Discussion
INtuitives:Prefer Insights, Abstract InformationInterested in What is Possible Focus on the Big Picture Inspired & Imaginative Focus on the Future Value Innovation Speculative SENSORS:Prefer Facts, Concrete InformationInterested in What is ActualPay Attention to SpecificsPractical & Realistic Focus on the Present Value Common Sense Pragmatic
FEELERS:Gentle-Hearted Sympathize with One’s Problems Subjective & Convinced by Values Tactful Value Relationships Decide with their Heart Value Harmony Can be Seen as Overemotional Usually Take Things Personally THINKERS:Firm-MindedAnalyze the ProblemObjective & Convinced DirectValue CompetenceDecide with their HeadValue Justice Can be Seen as InsensitiveGood at CritiquingUsually Don’t Take Things Personally
PERCEIVING:Seek Openness Value the Flow Adapt As They Go Like Flexibility Play Now/Work Later Like to Start Projects Process-Oriented More Easygoing JUDGING:Seek ClosureValue StructurePlan AheadLike OrderWork Now/Play LaterLike to Complete ProjectsGoal OrientedLike Things Settled & Decided