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Finance Committee Report to the National Executive Committee 4 May 2012

Finance Committee Report to the National Executive Committee 4 May 2012. Approval of Minutes. Finance Committee approved minutes from its meeting on 3 November 2011. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES. CAPR 173-1 requires Wings/Regions/Units to develop Financial Management Procedures for:

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Finance Committee Report to the National Executive Committee 4 May 2012

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  1. Finance Committee Report to the National Executive Committee 4 May 2012

  2. Approval of Minutes Finance Committee approved minutes from its meeting on 3 November 2011

  3. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES • CAPR 173-1 requires Wings/Regions/Units to develop Financial Management Procedures for: • Expense approval • Recurring expenses • Credit card authorizations • Bank transfers • Travel • With the exception of travel, all requirements could be met using a standardized form. • Utilizing a standard form will simplify the financial process for units

  4. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Finance Committee recommends that: The NEC mandate use of a standardized form to eliminate the requirement for Wings/Regions/Units to develop their own Financial Management Procedures for expense approvals, recurring expenses, credit card authorizations, and bank transfers.

  5. CASH ADVANCES • Cash advances are allowed per CAPR 173-1 • Current regulation does not provide sufficient guidance on terms of the advance • Some advances have been treated as “petty cash” • Purpose for the advance changes

  6. CASH ADVANCES Finance Committee recommends that: The NEC authorize a change to CAPR 173-1 to limit the term of a cash advance to 60 days and limit advances to one per member at a time.

  7. DONATIONS • CAPR 173-1 currently requires units to send all donation checks to Wing HQ for deposit • Both Wings and Units have requested a change to the regulation to allow the Units to deposit checks locally and forward a copy of the check and supporting documentation to the Wing • Changing this process will still allow Wing oversight for issuance of donation letters by the Commander

  8. DONATIONS Finance Committee recommends that: The NEC support a change to CAPR 173-1 to allow Units to deposit donations locally and forward a copy of the check and/or supporting documentation to the Wing.

  9. CREDIT CARD POLICY • CAPR 173-1 does not provide specific guidance on the action to be taken if a cardholder fails to comply with credit card reporting requirements • New language in the regulation ensures corporate policies are standardized • New policy will also support the use of the Consolidated Financial Form which only requires a list of authorized card holders

  10. CREDIT CARD POLICY • Policy details reporting requirements • Documentary evidence showing the amount, date, place, and essential character of each expense within 21 days after the date of the billing statement • Meals on travel, except for meals associated with business entertainment, are not allowed if individual elects per diem • Noncompliance with reporting or personal use requirements is grounds for cancelling the credit card • Credit card revoked upon the third such incident

  11. CREDIT CARD POLICY Finance Committee recommends that: The NEC approve the revised credit card policy.

  12. WING FINANCIAL ANALYST • CAPR 173-1 requires additional information on the WFA audit function to include unit audits • New language in the regulation will provide clarity regarding the purpose of the function of the WFA • WFA’s now audit all assets, including financial assets as well as supplies and equipment documented in ORMS

  13. WING FINANCIAL ANALYST Finance Committee recommends that: The NEC authorize a change to CAPR 173-1 to provide additional detail on the Wing Financial Analyst’s expanded role that now includes audit of all assets including supplies and equipment recorded in ORMS as well as financial assets.

  14. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE • Due to confusion about policy requirements in CAP 173-1, additional guidance will be included in the regulation regarding: • W-9 reporting • Internal Financial Review • Business meals and entertainment • Changing reference from NovelAspect to Smart Vault

  15. VEHICLE REIMBURSEMENTS • CAPR 173-3 currently authorizes reimbursement to members for “Automotive fuel and lubricants actually used while enroute to/from and while performing the mission.” • Vehicle lubricants, such as oil, are not mission specific. • Some questionable claims have been filed for lubricants.

  16. VEHICLE REIMBURSEMENTS Finance Committee recommends that: The NEC authorize a change to CAPR 173-3 to eliminate reimbursements for privately owned vehicle lubricants. Note: Reimbursement for aircraft lubricants continues. Reimbursement for aircraft and vehicle fuel continues.

  17. USAA AGREEMENT • CAP’S affinity card agreement with Bank of America has expired • CAP/PA has been researching a replacement card for the membership • USAA has prepared a proposal for a new affinity card agreement • Proposal is on the NEC agenda for consideration

  18. USAA AGREEMENT Finance Committee recommends that: The NEC approve the new USAA affinity card proposal.

  19. SER REQUEST Item has been withdrawn.

  20. MEMBERSHIP DUES Item has been withdrawn.

  21. SOUTH CAROLINA WING ADVANCE Item has been withdrawn.

  22. VANGUARD FUNDS • Funds previously restricted by NEC to support Region Training Centers • NESA, Blue Beret, and Hawk Mountain • In FY12 NEC authorized $25,000 for volunteer staff support • Proposal now is to authorize in FY12 $10,000 for each region restricted to direct support of cadets and cadet program activities • $10,650 has also been requested for Blue Beret facility repairs and improvements


  24. VANGUARD FUNDS • Total of $224,534 available after funding remaining volunteer staff support • Current requests • $80,000 – Cadet support to regions • $10,650 – Blue Beret facility • Leaving $133,884 available in FY12

  25. VANGUARD FUNDS Finance Committee recommends that: The NEC approve spending $80,000 in FY12 from Vanguard funds as a $10,000 grant to each region for direct support of cadets and cadet program activities excluding expenses for any senior members.

  26. VANGUARD FUNDS Finance Committee recommends that: The NEC approve spending $10,650 in FY12 from Vanguard funds for Blue Beret facility repairs and improvements as requested.

  27. UNIT VISITS • 198 Units visited since 1 June 2010 • 16% of units had no reportable issues • ORMS Value of total items reviewed: Aircraft $3,414,153 Vehicle 1,181,491 Supplies & Equipment 1,126,737 Communications 2,050,205 Total Value $7,772,586

  28. ORMS ISSUES NOTED AT UNIT VISITS Top Five ORMS Issues at Units Finding% of units visited Non-tagged Items 34% Items not found 24% Assigned items not present 22% Not updating ORMS timely 14% Items on site not in ORMS 14%

  29. FINANCE ISSUES NOTED AT UNIT VISITS Top Five Financial Issues at Units Finding % of units visited Missing Finance Committee minutes 32% No budget 12% Budget not balanced or reviewed 9% Year-end reporting not correct 5% Late year-end reporting 4%


  31. FY12 Financial Plans Update

  32. FY12 CORPORATE BUDGET EXECUTION As of 26 Apr 12 FY11FY12 BUDGET $2,421,754 $2,520,505 INCOME $ 1,392,223 $1,346,711 57% 53% EXPENSES $ 1,093,997 $1,018,153 45% 41% Straight Line Execution 55% Historical 52% Revenue Historical 42% Expenditures Sidebar: Explanation of change to accounting procedures for dues

  33. FY12 APPROPRIATED BUDGET EXECUTION As of 26 Apr 12 BUDGET EXECUTED% O&M 27,838,000 14,123,456 51 DDR 450,000 174,217 39 Straight Line Execution: 55% Historical Execution: 51% A/C ProcurementFY10FY11FY12 Budgeted 6,406,000 2,424,000 8,990,000 Expensed 6,406,000 2,424,000 8,663,814 Balance - 0 - - 0 - 325,186 100% 100% 97% Vehicle ProcurementFY10FY11FY12 Budgeted 1,065,855 902,000 917,000 Expensed 883,128857,640 -0- Balance 187,727* 12,665 917,000 83% 99% 0%

  34. FY12 APPROPRIATED BUDGET EXECUTION As of 26 Apr 12 PROGRAM INCOME FUNDS: CASH ON HANDEXECUTEDBALANCE 201 A/C Sales 619,843 619,843 - 0 - 202 Vehicle Sales 3,440 - 0 - 3,440 203 CMx Funds 936,995 151,515 785,480 204 Comm & IT 15,178 - 0 - 15,178* 205 ARCHER 46,375 - 0 - 46,375* *Pending execution for SDIS/ADIS Laptop computers

  35. FY12 Mission Execution – WMIRS vs. NAVISION As of 30 Apr 12 NAVISIONWMIRS (% Actually Paid) (% Spent & Obligated) AF Missions 30% 33% Counterdrug 4% 7% AF Training 21% 52% Cadet O-Flights 29% 41% CMx Ferry Flights 42% 49% Cadet Orientation Flight Goal - 37,300* Flights Flights as of 30 Apr 12 -15,448 Flights Percentage Complete - 41.4% * 52% increase from prior year

  36. FY12 GLIDER MX UPDATE • Glider budget was established to provide additional resources and ensure gliders are maintained to a national standard • Current budget is $140k • Requests for glider MX to date total $34,227 • Balance remaining is $105,773

  37. INVESTMENTS • As of 31 March 2012 RestrictedUnrestricted Beginning Cost 177,291 5,002,376 (30-September-2011) Interest & Dividends 3,798 116,312 Investment Fees (625) (15,434) Realized G(L) from Sales -0-(201,531) Ending Cost 180,464 4,901,722 Market Value 182,9675,059,230 Unrealized Gain (Loss) 2,504 157,508

  38. INVESTMENTS • As of 31 March 2012 RestrictedUnrestricted Change in Market Value 10.71% 13.38% (Excludes Interest and Dividends) Interest & Dividends 2.34% 2.56% Total Return 13.05% 15.94% (Includes Interest and Dividends) Gain (Loss) on Sales + Fees (0.38)% (4.77%) Net Return 12.66% 11.17% Weighted Return of Indexes: 12.95% (35.75% Wilshire 5000; 19.25% MSCI ACWI, ex US; 40% Barclays Aggregate; 5% Citigroup 3mo Treasury)

  39. Proposed FY13 Corporate Financial Plan


  41. FY10FY11FY12FY13 (Actual $) (Actual $) (Projected $) (Projected $) Income 2,431,950 2,452,164 2,520,505 2,538,400 % Increase from prior year 1% 1% 1% Membership Income Projections (Figures are based on data as of 1 Mar of full paying memberships) FY10FY11FY12FY13 Senior Mbrs32,459 32,202 33,413 32,542 Cadet Mbrs22,89125,160 25,48825,080 55,350 57,362 57,559 57,622 FY13 CORPORATE FINANCIAL PLAN The Historical Perspective

  42. FY13 CORPORATE FINANCIAL PLAN The Beginning – From Basic requests Revenue Projection: $2,538,400 Expense Requests: $2,682.667 Opening Delta: $ 144,267 FMB Recommendations:* $ -29,200 Finance Committee Delta: $ 115,067 *moved to unfunded list

  43. FY13 CORPORATE FINANCIAL PLAN FMB Recommended Unfunded • FM – Investment Cmt/FM Summit Travel $ 5,000 • PA – National Curator Expenses $ 2,000 • NEC Committee Expenses $ 5,000 • Wreaths Across America $ 2,000 • CP - Supplies $ 500 • CP - Summit $ 1,000 • Nat’l Cadet Competition $ 2,000 • Overseas Cadet O-Flights $ 9,200 • LG - Corporate Mail-outs $ 2,000 • LG – Mbr. packet pgrm. – Salaries & Benefits $500 • TOTAL $29,200

  44. FY13 CORPORATE FINANCIAL PLAN New Initiatives & Significant Changes • EXPENSE INCREASES – $$ Amount of Variance($3k or greater from prior yr.): • Nat’l Vice Commander + $ 3,000 • Nat’l Chief of Staff Travel + $ 4,000 • Nat’l Staff Travel + $11,150 • Nat’l Staff – Operating Funds* + $ 1,350 • Nat’l Safety Officer Travel + $ 3,000 • Dep. Ch of Chaplains Travel* + $ 4,000 • Dep. Asst to Ch. Of Chaplains Travel* + $ 1,500 • Chief Emeritus CAP Chaplain Travel* + $ 1,400 • Chaplain Staff Colleges + $ 8,000 • Sec. of the CCAC + $ 3,000 * Indicates New Initiative for FY 13

  45. FY13 CORPORATE FINANCIAL PLAN New Initiatives & Significant Changes • EXPENSE INCREASES – $$ Amount of Variance($3k or greater from prior yr.): • Nat’l Diversity Officer Section* +$ 22,045 • NER CC Travel + $ 3,690 • Corporate Development Section* + $89,450 • Sr. Mbr Accident Medical Claims + $ 5,000 • Misc. Bank Expenses + $ 8,000 • Cash Reserves + $53,448 • Nat’l Staff College + $ 4,752 * Indicates New Initiative for FY 13




  49. FY13 CORPORATE BUDGET OPTIONS • Move more items to unfunded list • Cut expenses • Increase income • Use Vanguard funds • ?

  50. FY13 CORPORATE FINANCIAL PLAN Finance Committee Recommendations • Move to unfunded list: • Deputy Chief of Chaplains $ 2,000 • Chief Emeritus, CAP Chaplain Corps $ 1,400 • Secretary of the CCAC $ 2,000 • National Diversity Officer – Supplies $ 5,606 • National Diversity Officer – Postage $ 939 • National Diversity Officer – Travel $ 13,500 • Northeast Region – Travel $ 3,690 • Miscellaneous Bank Expenses $ 8,000 • Cash Reserve $ 60,000 • TOTAL MOVED TO UNFUNDED $ 97,135 • Combination of and in this order: $ 17,932 • (1) Expense reductions from national activities • (2) Income increases from national activities • (3) Balance paid from Vanguard funds • _______ • TOTAL MOVED OR FUNDED $ 115,067 • Which balances the FY13 Corporate Financial Plan.

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