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EXPLORING THE MARKET: Why You Should Consider Investing In Hotels

EXPLORING THE MARKET: Why You Should Consider Investing In Hotels

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EXPLORING THE MARKET: Why You Should Consider Investing In Hotels

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  1.     EXPLORING THE MARKET:  Why You Should Consider Investing In  Hotels    1. Travel and tourism drives the global economy  In 2018, travel and tourism grewfasterthanallsectorsbutone.Withthegenerationof               319 million jobs worldwide, this profitable sector generated a record $8.8 trillion in           Gross Domestic Product. A 3.9% jump from the previous year, travel and tourism             remains one of the world’s largest economic sectors. Over the next decade, the             tourism industry is expected to contribute more than 100 million new jobs globally,           accounting for 421 million jobs by 2029.                                                                                     

  2.     2. It’s the second fastest growing sector in the world  According to a report by Zion Market Research, the global hotels market was valued               around $147.57 billion in 2018. Between 2019 and 2026, the hotel market is expected             to bring in an additional $211.54 billion. That amounts to acompoundannualgrowth               rate (CAGR) of 4.6% in just a few short years.                                                  3. Hotels are attracting millennials and keeping up with  technology  Predicted by many as one of the top sectors to watch in 2019, technology is yet                 another money-making sector the hotel market seems to be keeping up with. From           virtualvacations,totechnology-basedtourismincentives,thehotelindustryismaking         strides to attract millennial travelers. In 2019, eTravel generates nearly $1.2millionin             revenue and is expected to continue growing by 7.4% annually by 2023.                                                                4. Increased opportunities for women and youth  Travel and tourism reportedlyprovideswomenwithmoreopportunitiesforworkforce           participation, leadership, entrepreneurship, and empowerment than many other     sectors. Increased female employment comes with its perks. It has been associated         with lower levels of poverty and maintaining economic growth. A socially conscious             sector, the hotelandtouristmarketisalsoassociatedwithincreasedopportunitiesfor                 youth.                                                                  5. The hotel market is prepped for a recession  With worries of a bear market around the corner at any moment, it may seem a little                 counter-intuitive to invest in a luxury like the hotel market. During a recession, travel               and tourism could easily be the first thing eliminated for personal finance planners               aimingtocutcosts.However,thetrendssuggestthatevenduringarecession,thebest               hotels rise to the challenge to keep rooms full.                                                                   

  3.   Intelligent hoteliers know everyone needs a break, even when times are tough.         Travelers will still be in need of accommodation, but they’ll be looking for the best               rates, closer to home. Investing in local hotels is a smart move for those withadesire               to dabble in the world of hotel real estate investment or ownership. Especially those                   with consistent tourism growth and surges in populations during key times of the           year.    This brings us to the final question:  Are hotels a good investment?                                                                                The bottom line: the hotel market is growing, and it shows no signs ofstopping.The               question is not whether to invest in hotels, but rather: which hotels to invest in. The               best opportunities for hotel investment will include real estate properties located in           areas with a consistent locale to sellto.Citieswhichhave​consistenttourismgrowth                 and surges in population during high travel times are smart investments for aspiring             hotel owners.                                                                                 Interested in sharing in the wealth of the world’s second fastest growing sector?  Sign up today to discover the future of hotel ownership and ROI for hotel owners  with HotelierCo, The Hotel Crowdfunding Company. Click here to get started.      Source:  https://www.hotelierco.com/5-reasons-you-should-consider-investing-in-hotels-rapidly-growing-sector    Follow Us:           

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