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Understanding Computer Networking, Internetworking, and Internet Architecture

Exploring the fundamentals of computer networking, internetworking concepts, and internet architecture, including TCP/IP protocol introduction and network connectivity principles. Learn how routers and protocols facilitate seamless communication between diverse networks in the real world. Gain insights into the layers of the TCP/IP model and the role of IP protocols in managing network data transmission effectively.

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Understanding Computer Networking, Internetworking, and Internet Architecture

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  1. TK3133 Computer Networking Technology Internetworking : Internet architecture and TCP/IP Protocol

  2. Introduction • Internetworking : • Concept • Architecture • Protocol

  3. Introduction • In the real world, computer is connected to various technology of LAN and WAN • In reality, network is heterogeneous – various network (and it is not homogeneous) • Contain millions of networks which connected to high-speed backbone • Each systems should adapt to various technology • Introduce to internetworking concept

  4. Internetworking • Internetworking is a schema for connecting various network with different technology • Use both hardware and software • Additional hardware are placed between network • Software is in the computer that is connected with • Connected networking system is called internetwork / internet • Also called as virtual network

  5. Internetworking • Why different network ? • Network differ with different protocols • Install own network • Different network use different technology • Internetworking Scenario

  6. Internetworking

  7. Network differences

  8. Physical network connection using router • Router is a component or hardware device which is used to connect networking • Router has more interface on various networking • Router send and deliver packet between networks • Change the packet if necessary to fulfill the standard of each network with different technology (is also called as gateway)

  9. Router • Example of two physical networks connected to a router that contain 2 different interfaces for each network connection

  10. Internet architecture • internetwork consist of various networks connected through router (Network can be LAN or WAN)

  11. Internet architecture • Router can have more that two interfaces

  12. Internet • The internet concept. (a) The illusion of a single network that TCP/IP software provides to users and applications, and (b) the underlying physical structure in which a computer attaches to one physical network, and routers interconnect the networks

  13. Internet seen by TCP/IP

  14. Protocol for Internet • TCP/IP is the most popular internetworking protocol • The first internetworking protocol • Maintain by ARPA and taken over by NSF • Independent to platform and manufacturer

  15. TCP/IP layer • OSI 7-layer model not include internetworking • Model TCP/IP layer model contain 5 layers

  16. TCP/IP layer and OSI model

  17. TCP/IP Layer • Layer 5: Application • Similar to layer 5,6 and 7 in OSI model • Layer 4: Transport • Similar to layer 4 in OSI model ; provide reliable transmission of data • Layer 3: Internet • Define standard format packet sent through network with different technology and provide mechanism for packet transmission by router

  18. TCP/IP Layer • Layer 2: Network interface • Similar to layer 2 in OSI; define framework format • Layer 1: Physical • Similar to layer 1 in OSI; define basic of network hardware

  19. Host, Router and Protocol Layer • Host computer is any computer system connected to internet and perform application • TCP/IP allow the hosts at internet have direct communication • Both host and router needs TCP/IP stack • Host normally has an interface and is not forwarding packet • Router forwards packet but does not need layer 4 and 5

  20. Network Layer Internet Protocol (IP) • How to manage network in network? • Use network layer protocol called as Internet Protocol (IP) • Enable for a procedure running on a computer sending data to application procedure that running on other computer at another distance network

  21. Internet Protocol (IP) • IP responsible for providing best-effort transmission for packet (or datagram) • How is the communication in the Internet ? • Transport layer takes data flow and divides them into datagram • Network layer send each datagram through Internet. Division into smaller unit may happen during this process.

  22. Internet Protocol(IP) • At the destination, datagram is re-gathered by network layer to original datagram and is sent to transport layer • Best-effort does not guarantee in managing datagram overlapping problem, slow or not-sequence transmission, lost and corrupted data • Service that offered by IP is without connection • IP define hardware-free packet format that can be sent called Datagram IP

  23. Datagram IP • IPv4 defines datagram at maximum 64Kb • Head format datagram IP

  24. Head Protocol of IPv4

  25. Datagram IP Format

  26. IP Protocol

  27. Fragmentation • Each network technology define the maximum data that can be sent in a packet. This limitation called MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). • When a router accept a datagram that bigger than MTU, router would fragment datagram into smaller fragment • Each fragment is sent to a destination that responsible to match/reconnect the original datagram

  28. Fragmentation • Transparent fragmentation • Nontransparent fragmentation

  29. Fragmentation Fragmentation when the elementary data size is 1 byte. (a) Original packet, containing 10 data bytes. (b) Fragments after passing through a network with maximum packet size of 8 payload bytes plus header. (c) Fragments after passing through a size 5 gateway.

  30. Address issue • Main aspect in virtual network is a standard address format • Cannot use hardware address because different technology use different address format • Address format should independence to any address format of hardware address • Sending Host place internet destination address in packet/datagram • Router check destination address and send packet to destination

  31. TCP/IP address • Addressing in TCP/IP defined by Internet Protocol (IP) • Each host assigned to a 32-bit number • Called IP address or Internet address • Unique to throughout Internet • Each datagram contain IP address of source and destination

  32. IP address • Each IP address divided into two categories : network number (prefix) and host number (suffix) • Network number shows physical network in which computer connected • Host number shows unique number of computer at network • Address format enable routing to be efficient

  33. Define IP address • From 32-bit, some bit assigned to prefix and some to suffix • Prefix bigger , suffix smaller - many network, few host at network • Prefix smaller, suffix bigger - few network, many host at network • Because there are various technology, should allow smaller and bigger networks

  34. Address classification • Various address format to allow both small and big prefix • Each format called an address class • A class is identified through the first four bit

  35. Class Format of IP address

  36. IP address

  37. Using class IP • Class A, B and C are primary class • Used to normal host addressing • Class D for multicasting, a form of limited broadcast • Class E specify for future use

  38. Dotted Decimal Notation • IP number is binary number 32-bit. • To make it easier dotted decimal notation is used • 32-bit number defined as 4 section 8-bit in decimal number and use dot to separate section • To identify class from decimal number, can use address range

  39. Dotted Decimal Notation

  40. Dotted Decimal Notation

  41. Class Range from IP address

  42. Number of networks and hosts

  43. Example of class addressing • Example of assigning IP address to host

  44. Subnet • Able to divide the network into sub-network • Example: a platform has one IP address class B assigned to network but has two or more physical network. Only local router know about various subnet and how to send data to it, other routers know only that there is just one network.

  45. Subnet A campus network with LAN for various departments

  46. Subnet • Needs additional information to differentiate between prefix and suffix called subnet mask A network class B has 64 subnet

  47. IPv6 • 128 bit address • Head is more easier • More service supports • Security

  48. IPv6 Head

  49. Internet control protocols • As addition to IP, Internet network layer has several control protocol : • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) • Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) • Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

  50. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) • Connection between host using IP address, but connection at data link layer using MAC address • This protocol used for finding MAC address for NIC that used by host with certain IP • Send request by broadcast • Host with IP will response

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