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BRUISER Nealshusterman October 4,2012 Realistic fiction. Hunter R. 2 nd period. Setting.
BRUISERNealshustermanOctober 4,2012Realistic fiction Hunter R. 2nd period
Setting Wack A World Miniature golf Emporium. This is were the action starts. This is when Tennyson decides to spy on his sister. He then threatens the bruiser to stay away from his sister. It is a late Saturday afternoon. Tennyson also brings his girlfriend Katrina. Also the house is were they live and this is were most the action goes on.
Conflict • Man vs. Man. Tennyson tries to make the bruiser stop seeing his sister, so he won’t have to worry about her making wrong moves with him. He is only trying to protect her, but she doesn’t see it that way.
Summary of Plot • Tennyson’s sister starts going out with a big,rough,brute that goes by Brewster. Tennyson goes to extreme heights to get Brewster away from his sister. He threatens him while playing mini golf, he even follows him home. Trying to figure out what Brewster has to hide.
Theme • Always look after family • If he touches her I will rip out his guts with my bare hands. Page-1 • I decide to spy on their date to ensure her safety. page- 13 • I threaten him to stay away from my sister. page-15
Point of View • 3rd person. It is from Tennyson's point of view. The story would be very different from anyone else's view, because no one had the same thoughts, ideas, and decisions as Tennyson.
Symbolism • The bull was in my thought is a symbol of Brewster's pride. It showed Tennyson that when the bull died ,so did the bruiser on the inside. It was important because it made Tennyson realize what he had done.
Recommendation • I think anyone should read this book. Because it is a very precise story. It doesn’t go to fast or to slow. It was at the right pace for me and it might be for anyone who wants to read it. It also teaches two lessons. Not to judge a book by its cover and to always look out for family.