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The 12th International Asia Pacific Student Services Association Conference 2010

Presented by : Mr.Tana Kaipunlert From: Center for Student Leadership and Experiential Learning, Student Affairs, Assumption University, Thailand. . Presentation Related Theme:. Student Leadership. Presentation Title:. A STUDY OF LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY OF STUDENT LEADERS PARTICIPATING IN EXTR

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The 12th International Asia Pacific Student Services Association Conference 2010

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    1. The 12th International Asia Pacific Student Services Association Conference 2010

    2. Presented by : Mr.Tana Kaipunlert From: Center for Student Leadership and Experiential Learning, Student Affairs, Assumption University, Thailand.

    3. Objective of a Study To study leadership competency in student leaders participating in extra-curricular activities at Assumption University of Thailand in Academic year 2008.

    4. Background of the Study Thai, National Education Act B.E. 2544 Identified and provided authorization to Thai educational institutions , of 3 types Education as: formal education non- formal education informal education Extra-curricular activities or informal education are tools for educators and are used to enhance student development toward learning by doing, or experiential learning.

    5. Background of the Study (Cont’d) Assumption University of Thailand. Provided all 3 types of education such as: The University has been provided 39 curricula at undergraduate level in 10 Faculties as formal education. The University has been provided alternatives of education via E-Learning among different curricula (9 curricula at graduate level) as non- formal education. Extra-curricular activities for the individual interests of undergraduate students by Experiential learning Approach as informal education.

    6. Assumption University of Thailand Experiential Learning Intervention process through out extra-curricular activities

    7. Assumption University of Thailand Students’ extra-curricular activities Types:

    8. Assumption University of Thailand Experiential Learning Intervention process throughout Project base learning

    9. Kolb’s Learning cycle

    10. Experiential learning Weil, S. W. & McGill I., 1989 Experiential learning Experiential learning is education that people do as individuals, in their lives, in education, in institutions. Experiential learning there are concerns based in four areas:

    11. Experiential learning Outcome Weil, S. W. & McGill I., 1989

    12. Experiential Learning Outcome (Henry, 1989)

    13. Wagner’s Leadership Competency Model (LCM) as a study’s Theoretical Framework Wagner’s Leadership Competency Model (LCM), developed with the purpose to help students develop their skills, knowledge, and abilities in order to successfully function in current student roles and in the futures of their careers, which are considered in five dimensions: Self Management, Leading Others, Task Management, Innovation and Social Responsibility

    14. Theoretical Framework

    15. Wagner’s Leadership Competency Model (LCM),

    16. Conceptual Framework

    17. Data Collection Population and Sample. Population The population in this research was comprised of student leaders of Assumption University of Thailand who registered in student activity units committee by the Center for Student Leadership and Experiential Learning (CSLEL) in academic year 2008. The CSLEL’s database in the academic year 2008 identifies that there are 613 Student Leaders registered. From 42 Activity units, includes: Student Organization, 10 Student Council for each Undergraduate faculties, 10 Student committee of Majors in the School of Management, 22 Clubs

    18. An assessment was rated by dividing it into a 6-Point Likert Scales

    19. Leadership competency assessment results

    20. Research’s Results (Cont’d)

    21. Research’s Results (Cont’d)

    22. Discussions This assessment result of a study of Leadership competency in student leaders participating in extra-curricular activities at Assumption University of Thailand in the Academic year 2008 was shown the majority in the level of assessment as “Agree”, meaning that the average of student leaders were self determine in their behavior were “strong” in all dimension of Leadership Competency According to Wagner’s Leadership Competency Model (LCM) (2004). From the assessment results, experiential learning in form of extra-curricular activities that provided by Center for student leadership and experiential learning, Student Affairs, Assumption University of Thailand may significant influencing factor for student leader’s to the self development of Leadership competency.

    23. Recommendation As the purpose of this study was to study of Leadership competency in student leaders participating in Extra-curricular activities at Assumption University of Thailand in the Academic year 2008. Therefore, two recommendations for future research will be discussed these included: Recommendation for applications and Recommendation for further research.

    24. Recommendation (Cont’d) Recommendation for applications Assumption University of Thailand, and other institutions may used this assessment research’s result to develop program in training and advising process for student leaders by concerning on lower result of dimensions’ concerned areas in order to supports student development in terms of valuable skills, abilities, behaviors, attitudes and knowledge area of leaders. Students are not to master in every single concerned areas but students may need to be aware of them in different area. Therefore, students can be able to recognize these qualities. Such training and advising process will also help to prepare student leaders with complete leadership skills for their own future in the fast changing and globalizing world of 21st century.

    25. Recommendation (Cont’d) Recommendation for further research Recommendation for further research in term of Leadership competency of student was involves in 3 areas as follows: Population and Sample, Research methodology and Context.

    26. Recommendation (Cont’d) Recommendation for further research (Cont’d) 1. Populations and Samples Comparison approach Among Pre and post process of extracurricular activities. Among ordinary students and student leaders. Between institution

    27. Recommendation (Cont’d) Recommendation for further research (Cont’d) 2. Research methodology Focus groups: Students, Student Leaders, Lecturers, Stockholders of institution. Interviews Students, Student Leaders, Lecturers, Stockholders of institution. Observation of leadership competency of Student leaders and/or Student during the extra-curricular participation.

    28. Recommendation (Cont’d) Recommendation for further research (Cont’d) 3. context context of study area for further researcher(s) may study the effect of influence factors related to student and/or student leaders Leadership competency development such as: Age Gender Student Status Program of study Type of extra-curricular participation

    29. Thank you for your Attention

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