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Under the Patronage of the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Water & Irrigation Regional Workshop on “Water Resources Management: Needs & Prospects” April 22 – 23, 2013 Amman, Jordan. Water Resources Management : Needs & Prospects April 22, Amman 0 Jordan.
Under the Patronage of the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Water & Irrigation Regional Workshop on “Water Resources Management: Needs & Prospects” April 22 – 23, 2013 Amman, Jordan
Water Resources Management : Needs & Prospects April 22, Amman 0 Jordan
Sustainable Management of Treated Wastewater Irrigation Munir Rusan Jordan University of Science and Technology April 22, 2013 – Amman - Jordan
Demand Major Challenge Facing Agriculture Sector * Scarcity of water* Rate of supply < Rate of demand* Needs for new water resources Supply Quantity Time
Water scarcity is a regional & international problem Jordan is the fourth water poorest country in the World
Users of Water Resources: • Agriculture sector is the main consumer • Strong competition for water • Least priority for Agric. • Agric. Need to use untraditional resources (TWW, BW, SW, GW) • TWW= Raw WW treated to certain level to meet guidelines for further reuse • Treated Wastewater (Jordan/2011) ≈ 80 MCM • Account for ≈ 15 % IW • Treated Wastewater (Jordan by 2020) ≈ 200 MCM
Benefits: • Conserves potable water • Safe & cheap disposal method • Pollution abatement • Economically attractive • Source of nutrients Health & Env. Concerns • Surface water utrophication • Ground water ontamination • Heavy and toxic metals • Quality of products • Pathogens & health hazards • Soil salinization & nutrient imbalance in the soil So TWW can't be managed as a traditional IW
TWW is a source of • Pollutants: In-organics and organics • Pathogens • Salts • Water • Beneficial organic compounds • Nutrients • Nutrients commonly imbalanced in TWW • Nutrients can be in different forms (organic, inorganic, reduced, oxidized ) • Excess of Zn, Cu, Fe will be harmful to plant before being harmful to animals and humans • Excess of Cd and Ld, will show no toxic symptoms to plant, yet toxic to animals and humans • So, there are benefits and concerns with WW reuse So TWW should be managed based on nutrients content
Questions to be asked:Are TWW nutrients balanced ?Does the ratio fits the plant removal ? Does the total quantity applied replenishes the removal of nutrient ?
Nutrients Uptake by Crops Compared to Nutrients Applied with TWW 250 150 175
Different scenarios for nutrient balance with WW irrigation • ------Nutrient----- • A: (Input = Output) sustainable system • balanced system • B: (Input > Output) soil fertility increase • imbalanced system • C: (Input < Output) nutrient depletion • nutrient mining” • imbalanced system • B + C Soil degradation So, with TWW , we can't control inputs and outputs, but this can be achieved only with mineral fertilizer & using organic sources as supplements
JUST Research Rusan & Ayadi, 2004
Plant Nutrients Uptake (kg/ha), Rusan & Ayadi, 2004 (PW=potable water; PWF=PW+fertilizer; WW1 and WW2 rates of wastewater application) Nutrient Balance +250 kg N with WW - 123 kg N crop uptake 127 kg accumulation +150 kg P2O5 - 30 kg P2O5 120 kg accumulation +175 kg K2O - 139 kg K2O 36 kg accumulation
P P O O K K O O 2 2 5 5 2 2 Crop Nutrient Imbalances Mismatch between WW nutrients and crop requirements +K -N =N +K +P =P N N Phosph. Balance Corn/WW Nitrogen Balance Corn/WW
Pb Cd
Micronutrient uptake (g ha-1) by corn,Rusan et al., 2004 (PW=potable water; PWF=PW+fertilizer; WW1 and WW2 rates of wastewater application What is the source of the micronutrients/HMs ? Is it the SOIL or WW ?
M = Mn, Fe, Cd, Pb etc CHELATE WW Possible WW Effect on Bioavailability
Accumulation of microorganism in soil Survival of microorganism in soil Malkawi & Rusan, 2004
How TWW irrigation can be managed sustainably and to produce good quality feed ? Answer : TWW-Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Following the principles of the “4 R Nutrient Stewardship” that is to apply the right source, right rate, right time, and right place of nutrient application (which is the foundation of the BMPs and the assurance of the sustainability and efficiency of the system Rate Source Time Place Sustainable and Efficient System
WW is closely associated with goals/pillars of sustainability WW Irrigation Sustainable management of TWW reuse must support cropping systems that contribute to all three pillars, that is being economically feasible, socially acceptable and environmentally friendly this can be achieved by application the right S+R+T+P
CONCLUSIONS: • TWW irrigation should be managed based on nutrient content • TWW can be used as a supplement source of nutrient • Adopting 4R Nutrient Stewardship enhances benefits of TWW and minimizes potential risks associated with TWW reuse • Sustainable management of TWW irrigation should leads to a sustainable system that is economically feasible, environmental sound and meets the needs of the society
Right Source • WW composition greatly varies • WW must be treated • WW should contain no toxic substances • WW should supply nutrient available forms • WW should suit soil physical and chemical properties
Right Rate • To define the right rate, one needs to assess: • Water requirement Plant nutrient demand WW nutrient content ratio • IW requirement & Irrigation frequency Consider the EC of WW and LF • Adjust rate by the crop coefficient (Kc) Define the Target yield Biol. Max yield Env. Max yield Econ. Max yield X No response X Critical Level Toxicity X Crop Response With WW, Target Yield need to be defined : Economically Max vs. Environmentally Max High Response X1 X2 X3 X4 Rate of growth factor
Right Time • Match timing of crop uptake • Assess dynamics of soil nutrient supply • Consider nutrient mobility in the soil and plant • Consider possible accumulation of certain nutrients in products • Frequency of WW irrigation • Consider Kc of each growing stage : ETC = KC ETo Midseason Midseason Development Development Late-season Late-season Kc Kc Initial Initial Time of season (days) Time of season (days)
Right Place • Recognize root-soil dynamics. • Limit potential off-field transport of nutrients • Method of irrigation • Soil physical and chemical conditions: • Texture, Structure, Soil Cracking CEC, Slope, distance from Urban .. etc