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Audio History

Audio History. Kenyanna Easter. 1877. Thomas Alva Edison, working in his lab, succeeds in recovering Mary's Little Lamb from a strip of tinfoil wrapped around a spinning cylinder. He demonstrates his invention in the offices of Scientific American, and the phonograph is born. 1878.

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Audio History

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  1. Audio History Kenyanna Easter

  2. 1877 • Thomas Alva Edison, working in his lab, succeeds in recovering Mary's Little Lamb from a strip of tinfoil wrapped around a spinning cylinder. He demonstrates his invention in the offices of Scientific American, and the phonograph is born.

  3. 1878 • The first song is put on record “Yankee Doodle Dandy”

  4. 1881 • Clement Ader used carbon microphones and armature headphones when he accidentally produces a stereo effect when people outside the hall adjacent telephone lines linked to stage mikes at the Paris Opera.

  5. 1885 • Arconi achieves wireless radio transmission from Italy to America.

  6. 1887 • Emile Berliner is granted a patent on a flat-disc gramophone, making the production of multiple copies practical.

  7. 1888 • Edison introduces an electric motor driven phonograph related to a record player or turntable.

  8. 1895 • Marconi successfully experiments with his wireless telegraphy system in Italy leading to the first transatlantic signals from Poldhu, Cornwall, UK to St. John's, Newfoundland in 1901. • Telegraphy-it sends message without the use of a physical exchange bearing the object. Kind of like a cell phone or house phone.

  9. 1898 • Emile Berliner and Eldridge Johnson founder of “The Victor Talking Machine Company”.

  10. 1901 • Experimental optical recordings are made on motion picture film.

  11. 1906 • Lee DeForest invents the triode vacuum tube, the first electronic signal amplifier.

  12. 1919 • The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is founded.

  13. 1930 • 1930s Wire recording.

  14. 1912 • Edwin F. Armstrong received a patent for a regenerative circuit making radio reception practical. • Patent- grant giving by the government to an inventor of his invention.

  15. 1913 • The first talking movie is showed by Edison using his Kinetophone process. • Kinetophone- The Kinetoscope was designed for films to be viewed by one person at a time through a peephole.

  16. 1917 • The “Scully disk” recording lathe is introduced • Scully disk lathe/Presto- PRESTO Recording Corporation was a powerhouse company in the broadcast and recording industry and most radio stations and networks that made use of disc recorders for delayed broadcast, or air checks.

  17. 1921 • The first commercial AM radio broadcast is made by “KDKA”

  18. 1927 • The Jazz Singer is released as the first commercial talking picture using Vitaphone sound on disks. • Vitaphone- was a sound film system used for feature films and nearly 1,000 short subjects made by Warner brothers and its sister studio First National from 1926 to 1931.

  19. 1933 • Magnetic recording on steel wire is developed commercially

  20. 1938 • Benjamin B. Bauer of Shure Bros makes a single microphone element to produce a cardioid pickup pattern called the Unidyne, Model 55. This later becomes the basis for the well known SM57 and SM58 microphones

  21. 1942 • The RCA LC-1 loudspeaker has developed a reference-standard control-room monitor

  22. 1949 • RCA introduces the microgroove 45 rpm, large hole 7-inch record and record changer/adaptor.

  23. 1961 • 3M introduces the first 2-track closed-loop capstan drive recorder, the M-23.

  24. 1962 • The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers sets the standard for the time code format.

  25. 1962 • 3M introduces Scotch 201/202 Dynarange, a black oxide low noise mastering tape with a 4 dB improvement in s/n ratio over Scotch 111.

  26. 1965 • The Dolby type a noise reduction system is introduced.

  27. 1987 • 1987 - The Fraunhofer Institute in Germany began research code named EUREKA project EU147, Digital Audio Broadcasting

  28. 1999 • Audio DVD Standard 1.0 agreed upon by manufacturers.

  29. Fact’s • All my info is correct I got all my answers from( www.aes.org) and then I went and found a website with the same facts I had on some of the slides(www.timetoast.com) • Enjoy

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