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Cracow Research Centre of Molecular Catalysis and Soft Matter Chemistry „CATCOLL”. "CatColl in progress". Report of 22 months of CatColl activities . Cracow Research Centre of Molecular Catalysis and Soft Matter Chemistry „CATCOLL”.
Cracow Research Centre of Molecular Catalysis and Soft Matter Chemistry „CATCOLL” "CatColl in progress" Report of 22 months of CatColl activities
Cracow Research Centre of Molecular Catalysis and Soft Matter Chemistry „CATCOLL” Call published on 20 September 2001 to promote participation of R&D Institutions from Newly Associated States Dedicated additional measures to further improve participation of Newly Associated States (NAS) in European Commission Framework Programmes
NAS – 2 –- support to Centres with high-level added value for their integration into the ERA (via the thematic programmes) • Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources • Information Society Technology Programme • Competitive and sustainable growth • Energy, Environment and sustainable development, Part A • Energy, Environment and sustainable development, Part B: "Energy"
Call text: Priorities for the call Centres to be supported should bring together theoreticaland applied research, including research in the natural,social and economic sciences, where possible using a multidisciplinaryapproach. Support will be provided for apackage of measures aimed at opening opportunities, which would not be available with the budget the centrewould normally receive. The package may comprisedifferent types of activity, such as: workshops, conferences,coordination of a research network with other countries,visiting fellows (teacher and/or researchers), training forPhD students and/or post-doctoral researchers, twinningwith a fellow centre in Europe and study visits of theresearchers from the centre to other institutions. It shouldhave a well-defined target and envisaged impact.
Proposal preparation – 1 ½ month Proposal submitted 23.01.2002 We succeeded !!! Proposal was evaluated 4.3 out of 5, succeeded in negotiations EU funding up to 250 kEuro. Duration – three years starting from 1.12.2002 Information about CATCOLL was registered in CORDIS database
Where the money can go ? Financed by „CATCOLL” project ... Support will be provided for apackage of measures ..... which would not be available with the budget the centrewould normally receive.....
„CATCOLL” Work programme As in other EC programmes – organised as set of workpackages
WP1International Networking Objectives: To integrate the Centre within ERA by organising visits of researchers from the European scientific centres and visits of the Centre staff to Institutes in EU and NAS. To enhance chances of the research groups of the Centre to participate in the 6th Framework Programme by extending the scope of the research towards priorities of the FP and by establishing links with consortia submitting proposals for Networks of Excellence and Integrated Projects of 6th FP. To maintain links with leading centres in Russia and Ukraine and other NIScountries.
WP1International Networking Task 1.1. Visits of researchers from the Centre to leading European scientific institutions.The aim of the visits will be: to initiate joint projects and prepare the proposals, to discuss the results, to supervise PhD students (WP3) In 22 months: 28 short term missions to European scientific institutions and major European scientific events were organized (8 – Germany, 7 – Italy, 4 – France, 3 – Spain, 2 – Austria, Portugal,, Norway, Czech Rep., Finland, Slovakia)
Task 1.2. Organisations of visits of scientists from EU and NAS to the Centre. In 22 months:9 short term visits of scientists from EU, NAS countries and Associated States were organized (Germany, France, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Czech Rep, Hungary, Israel, Netherlands, Canada, Italy). Task 1.3. Invitation of researchers from EU and other European countries to deliver lectures for PhD students. Lectures in the last 12 months: Prof. Marek Rogalski - France"Self-assembly of crude oil components induced of asphaltenes„ Professor Sandor Barany - Hungary."Stabilization of dispersions by polymers""Floculation of dispersions by polymers„ Prof. Shlomo Magdassi - Israel"Nanoparticles:Formation, Stabilisation and Applications.„ Dr Lee Yezek - Netherlands. "Electrokinetics of the Gel-Water Interface."
Dr. Hubert Motschmann - Germany"Basics of Optical Reflection Techniques""New Insights in Static and Dynamic Properties of Soluble Monolayers" Task 1.4. Arranging mission to the opening ceremony of 6th Framework Programme. Task 1.5. Activities undertaken to enhance chances of successful participation in 6th FP.Participation in meetings and conferences to establish links with consortia submitting proposals for Integrated Projects, Network of Excellence and other types of projects. Organisation of these type of meetings in the Centre. Submitted proposals: 3 – IP, 6 – NoE, 11 – STRP, 2 – CA, 3 – SSA. Majority of the proposals were within the Priority 3 – „Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, Knowledge-Based Multifunctional Materials, and New Production Processes and Devices” 6 proposals for Marie Curie Actions (EST, ToK, IIF, RTN)
Projects of the Sixth Framework Programme in progress • EC 6th FP NMP4-CT-2003-001516 DYNASYNC [2004-2007] Dynamics in Nano-scale Materials Studied with Synchrotron Radiation (STREP-Coordination)prof. J.Korecki • EC 6th FP MTKD-CT-2004-509832 TOK-CATA [2004-2008] Transfer of Knowledge in Design of Porous Catalysts (ToK-Coordination) – prof. E.Serwicka-Bahranowska • EC 6th FP INCO-CT-2003-003355 SURUZ [2004-2007] Scientific Network "Surfactants and Dispersed Systems in Theory and Practise (SSA-Coordination) prof. K.Małysa • EC 6th FP NMP-CT-2004-510318 POL-CAT [2004-2007] Annual Polish Conferences Are Setting Up a New Platform for Dissemination of Knowledge in the Field of Catalysis (SSA-Coordination) – doc. B.Sulikowski • EC 6th FP NMP4-CT-2003-001428 NANOCAPS [2004-2007] Nanocapsels for Targeted Controlled Delivery of Chemicals (STREP) – doc. P.Warszyński • EC 6th FP SSPI-CT-3003-501837 NOAH'SARK [2004-2008] Global Climate Change Impact on Built Heritage and Cultural Landscapes (STREP) – doc. R.Kozłowski • EC 6th FP NMP2-CT-2004-505834 CONCORDE [2004-2007] Co-ordination of Nanostructured Catalytic Oxides Research and Development in Europe (CA) - doc.B.Sulikowski • EC 6th FP ERAC-011784 ACENET ERA-NET [2004-2008]- ERA-NET for Applied Catalysis in Europe (CA) - prof. E.Serwicka-Bahranowska • EC 6th FP NMP IDECAT –Integrated Design of Catalytic Nanomaterials for a Sustainable Production (NoE) - prof. M.Witko – under negotiations
WP1International Networking Task 1.6. Organization of exchangewith scientific institutions in Ukraine and Russia. In 22 months: 3 visits to Russia and Ukraine 2 successful applications for Józef Mianowski fellowship of Foundation for Polish Science 1 application for Marie Curie Incoming Fellowship (rank C)
WP1International Networking Deliverables: Mutual visits of researchers. Integration of the Centre within ERA. Participation in the consortia submitting proposals for Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence, STREP’s in 6th FP. Joint participation in projects. Opening of new scientific topics (priorities of 6th FP). New and renewed links with NIS countries. Still one year to go !!! New calls for NMP and Marie Curie Actions
WP2 National networking Objectives: To integrate Polish scientific community working on topics related to surface chemistry. To establish links between industrial partners in Poland and NAS countries and scientific community. Task 2.1.To establish national networks with participation of universities and institutes working on topics connected with surface chemistry, catalysis and colloid science. Links with other Polish Centres of Excellence in related scientific disciplines will be arranged. Scientific networks coordinated: “Nanomaterials as Catalysts for New, Environmentally Friendly Processes” “Surfactants and Dispersed Systems in Theory and Practise - SURUZ”. Regional Network of Centres of Excellence
WP2 National networking Task 2.2. Organisation of annual workshops with participation of scientists from Polish research institutes and invited experts from EU andpartners from industry. Workshops organized by the Networks with support of CatColl Deliverables: National network of institutes working on area of surface chemistry established. Annual workshops organized. Workshops materials published (in progress) Expected results: Increased links with economical environment. (we are trying) Increased efficiency of research on the national and regional scale (networking against fragmentation)
WP3Study visits for PhD students and young researchers Objectives: To organize study visit to the leading scientific centres in EU for students in the post-graduate school. This will bring long term profit by extending their skills, letting to know new scientific techniques and teaching to work in the international environment to prepare them for participation in multinational scientific consortia. Task 3.1. Organization of visits for PhD students of the Centre to the leading scientific institutions in EU. The students will visit groups carrying out the research on the topics of their PhD thesis. They will be able to participate in the research of these groups and initiate collaboration which can result with joint projects. That can result in increased chances for the students to obtain Marie-Curie scholarships in partner institutions. Alternatively the participation in the high level scientific conference for a PhD students will be covered.
WP3Study visits for PhD students and young researchers In 22 months: 8 short term study visits of PhD students 21 PhD participations in the key European scientific Conferences Deliverables: Visits of young researchers in leading scientific Centres Expected results: Extended links with scientific centres in EU. Increased possibilities for young researchers to find scholarships and/or post-doc positions. (we will see) There is still one year to go. PhD students are invited to participate !!!
WP4Conferences and workshops Objectives: To organize two international conferences to gather leading scientists in molecular catalysis and colloid science. The aim is to exchange and share the information about progress in the research topics of the Centre and to increase its links with EU, NAS and EE scientific centres and also to increase links with economic and social environment of the NAS.
NON-EQUILIBRIUM COLLOIDAL PHENOMENA 2004 Cracow 18-22.05.2004An International Symposium on Non-equilibrium Processes in Colloid and Bio-particle Systems organized byCracow Research Centre of Molecular Catalysis and Soft Matter Chemistry at the Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry,Polish Academy of Sciencesand the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
8 invited keynote lectures 62 presentations (oral + poster) 65 participants Book of Abstract published (ISBN)
organised by: ·Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences ·European Federation of Catalysis Societies EFCATS ·Centre of Excellence "CATCOLL" of ICSC PAS ·Polish Catalytic Network “Nanomaterials as Catalysts for New, Environmentally Friendly Processes” Centre of Excellence "COMODEC" of Rzeszów University of Technology
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME – tematic sections I. Catalysis on a molecular scale · Surface science techniques in description of active centres and of elementary acts · Quantum chemical modelling in catalysis II. New catalytic materials · Nano-materials (fibers and nanotubes) in catalysis · Modified natural materials (pillared clays, hydrotalcites) · Zeolites and zeotype materials as catalysts and hosts for atomic and molecular active sites · Polymers as supports of metal and oxide catalysts III. In situ characterization of catalysts · Determination of local and long order structure and properties by physico-chemical techniques in oxide catalysts · STM technique combined with other methods · Transient techniques in catalysis ( TAP ) IV. Homogenous catalysis · Metaloorganic complexes ·Influence of the ligands V. Trends in applied catalysis- green chemistry Catalysis in renewable and nontraditional energy sources Selective oxidation Fine chemical production
VI. Catalysis in protection of environment Utilisation of CO2 New developments in De NOx processes Removal of VOC Transformations of freons
Plenary lectures – 18 Oral presentations – 25 Poster presentations – 85
Participation Total 139 (68M + 71F) Poland 56 (22M + 34F) Czech Republic 13(7M + 6F) Bulgaria 12 (1M + 11F) Italy 9 (5M + 4F) Finland 9 (3M + 6F) France 7 (5M + 2F) Germany 6 (5M + 1F) Ukraine 6 (2M + 4F) Belgium 5 (5M) Russia 4 (3M + 1F) United Kingdom 3 (2M + 1F) Slovakia 2 (2M) Netherlands 1 (1M) Sweden 1 (1M) Austria 1 (1M) Turkey 1 (1F) Denmark 1 (1M) Spain 1 (1M) Norway 1 (1M)
Workshop on Colloid Particles Characterization24-25 May 2004 DYNAMIC LIGHT SCATTERING (DLS) THEORY AND PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS and LASER DOPPLER VELOCIMETRY ( LDV) ZETA POTENTIAL by Dr. Mike Kaszuba Malvern Instruments Lectures and practical presentations using the eqiupment of ICSC Participation 34 persons
WP5Information, promotion and dissemination Objectives: To improve the informational infrastructure of the Centre. To encourage PhD students and young researchers to use modern media of information. And also to provide favourable research and educational environment for visitors. To establish links with social environment of the Centre by promotion, popularisation of scientific topics studied in the Centre and dissemination of the results. It will help to create image of the Centre and contribute to its educational mission.
WP5Information, promotion and dissemination Task 5.1. Improved access of the Centre computer network to the Internet, to international databases and on-line journals(Academic Press Journals). The access to the Internet was improved by a factor of four. Additional access (over what was normally available) to the Academic Press on-line journals (over 200 journals) was granted. Task 5.2. Organisation of special courses devoted to the access to scientific information in the World Wide Web. The courses will be open for representatives of industry, small business and local authorities. Introductory course organized
Task 5.3. Preparation of Web page of the Centreand special bulletin on its activities. Task 5.4. The Centre bulletin containing information about its activities, materials from workshops and seminars will be issued every year. The web page is regularly updated to contain the information about summer schools, conferences, workshops, etc. The separate web page concerning post-graduate school is prepared. The educational material (lectures) is accessible through the Internet. The first issue of the Centre Bulletin was issued. It contains the “Lecture Notes” of the selected contributions to the international workshop “Current Trends in Molecular Catalysis and Colloid Science”. Second issue in preparation. Additionally the brochure addressed mainly to the PhD students of the Centre was issued. Besides basic information about the Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, its post-graduate school and activities of the CATCOLL Centre, the brochure contains the lecture of Prof. Rev. Michal Heller entitled “How to Be a Scholar – The Asceticism of Scholarly Work”.
WP5Information, promotion and dissemination Task 5.5. Organisation of “Day of open door”. This will be organized yearly to make the scientific researchcarried out in the Centre more popular to the external public. • - 700 visitors 2004 - over 1100 visitors
WP6 Coordination Objectives: To coordinate the activities of the Cracow Research Centre of Molecular Catalysis and Soft Matter Chemistry and to report to European Commission. Task 6.1. Organisation of meetings of the International Advisory Board. Task 6.2. Organisation the Centre’soffice. Office staff will participate in courses devoted to financial aspects of the project and reporting . Task 6.3. Coordination of Centre activities according to the elaborated coordination scheme. Task 6.4.Yearly reporting to European Commission.First report approved
After three years of Centre activities: - Full integration with ERA, - Continuation of the project ? 6 FP „Transfer of Knowledge” projects Further calls ? 7 FP „Centres of Excellence” one of the objectives