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Terrorist group that took credit for crashing planes into WTC & Pentagon. Where terrorist leader, Osama bin Laden, was found & killed during Obama presidency. USA Patriot Act. Just In Time (J-I-T). US elects first African American President.
Terrorist group that took credit for crashing planes into WTC & Pentagon Where terrorist leader, Osama bin Laden, was found & killed during Obama presidency USA Patriot Act Just In Time (J-I-T) US elects first African American President Islamic Fundamentalist group that hid Osama bin Laden & controlled Afghanistan gov’t What is unique about the Presidential election of 2008 Highest paid entertainer in the world/one of wealthiest women Natural disaster that flooded 80% of New Orleans/Bush accused of slow response Roots of 2008-2009 Financial Crisis Illegal Immigrants Stock market crashed in 2000, housing prices went up – we overbuilt, so prices went down, lots of foreclosures Hurricane Katrina Oprah Winfrey Obama Act seeking to make health care available to more Americans Date planes crashed into World Trade Center and Pentagon September 11, 2001
Presidential election determined by controversial Court decision in Florida A company based in several different countries First Hispanic justice to be appointed to the supreme court American prison in Iraq where Iraqi prisoners were tortured Abu Ghraib Taliban What the coalition accused Hussein of having that lead to an invasion of Iraq Barrack Obama Osama bin Laden Leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization President that sought to withdraw troops from Iraq People who enter America “unofficially” Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Bush Act that gave Sec. of Treasury ability to provide funds to keep banks from failing Emergency Economic Stabilization Act Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Event in the gulf revealing dangers of use of fossil fuel 3rd Party Candidate against Bush & Gore BP Oil Spill GW Bush’s law requiring states to test all kids in Eng & Math, 3-8 grade New department created by Bush to keep the US secure from all threats Legal Immigrants Foreclosure Department of Homeland Security People that apply for & receive permanent resident visas (green card) No Child Left Behind American Recovery And Reinvestment Act John McCain Republican Candidate that ran against Obama in 2008 Act giving gov’t power to search w/o warrant, detain immigrants, monitor bank accts, wire tap Production when parts arrive at a precise time in manufacturing process/no need for inventory Pakistan
Ralph Nader Al Gore Bill Clinton’s Vice President Economic system where people use their own resources to produce goods & services Name given to period when citizens of several Arab nations led democracy movements Transportation Security Agency (TSA) The bank takes back the house when home owner can’t pay the mortgage (home loan) Free Enterprise System Agency created by Bush to maintain airport security Arab Spring Former first lady that ran against Obama for 2008 Democratic nomination Obama Act that federal gov’t spent $700 million to bailout the economy Hillary Clinton Multinational Corporation Bush v Gore 2000 Sonia Sotomayor al-Qaeda