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Welcome to Kindergarten

Stay informed with essential information for parents of Kindergarteners at Grand Prairie Elementary. Learn about attendance, transportation, lunch, celebrations, curriculum, and more.

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Welcome to Kindergarten

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  1. Welcome to Kindergarten Grand Prairie Elementary School 2019-2020

  2. Absences/Tardiness • Call the Grand Prairie office to report an absence. 815.469.3366 • If your child is late, he/she MUST stop in the office before going to class. • Tardy or early release that is after/more than 15 minutes is recorded on attendance record as a half-day. • If your child is going to be absent or on vacation, PLEASE let the office know ahead of time if possible.

  3. The BUS • Bus Riders will be dropped off in front of the school 8:05-8:25. • Please wear the colored paw print to school for the first week. • First day: Teachers will greet them in the front of the school. Day 2 +: on designated playground. • Every morning, the children will be directed to a playground sorted by community until the day begins or stay in designated areas if indoor recess. • Students will exit according to their bus numbers along with 1st and 2nd grade.

  4. Bus Changes • A WRITTEN NOTE is required for any change of transportation at the end of the school day! • If you are picking up your child early, you will need to sign him/her out in the office. • Please notify the office at least 30 minutes prior to the end of the school day. • PLEASE attach your child’s bus tag to his/her backpack as soon as possible. Please double check your child’s bus route at Meet and Greet and notify the office a.s.a.p! • 815.469.3366

  5. Car Riders • Car Riders will be dropped off in the East (Sutton Dale Dr.) parking lot. • Teachers on car rider duty will bring children to the car rider line at dismissal. • PLEASE do NOT get out of your car. This will help with the flow of traffic. They will find you. • Please do not email the teacher regarding bus/car rider changes. Please let the office know 815.469.3366

  6. Lunch/Recess • A supervised lunch and recess will occur daily. • If you would like to volunteer to help in the lunchroom, please refer to Grand Prairie and FSP monthly newsletters for a link to sign up. • All Kindergarten classes will have lunch first (11:15-11:35) and recess second (11:35-11:55). • Please be sure to LABEL your child’s lunch box, and/or water bottles with his\her name. • You can sign up for Hot Lunch via District website. Click on FORMS.

  7. BirthdayCelebrations • Your child’s birthday will be celebrated in his/her classroom. • Invitations will only be passed out at school if there is one for everyone, all boys or all girls. • For safety reasons, we do not give student addresses and/or phone numbers for invitations. • For the safety of all, we only allow non-edible treats.

  8. Snack • Students will have a brief snack break each day depending on the daily schedule. • Please pack a healthy snack each day. • You may send your child to school with a water bottle but no juice for snack time, please.

  9. Folders • Your child’s take-home folder will come home each day and should be sent back to school each morning. • Please check all correspondences and clean it out each evening. • Be sure to check your child’s teacher webpage through the district website for newsletters and important events/dates. • Please access the Virtual Backpack through our district website for important information. (See parent handbook)

  10. Labels • Please be sure to label any and all removable clothing. • An EXTRA complete change of clothing must be sent to school in a bag labeled with your child’s name on it. • This helps us be prepared for accidents and spills throughout the school year.

  11. Library • Grand Prairie check-out: • One book per week • 35 minute class • Due back following week • Your child’s teacher will remind you of library day! • Check TIGER schedule

  12. Kindergarten Specials

  13. Field Trips • A field trip notice will come home each time prior to the trip, but payments will be made through RevTrak. Your payment grants your permission. • Volunteers will be determined at that time. • You may only attend one trip for the school year. • About 3 field trips per year

  14. Toys • Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school unless a specific request has been made by the classroom teacher. • The school is not responsible for lost/stolen toys brought to school.

  15. KindergartenCurriculum

  16. Structured Word Inquiry • Instruction that builds an understanding of word structure as a tool for investigating the interrelation of spelling and meaning. • Students investigate the meaning, structure and history of words through word webs, word matrices and guided inquiry

  17. Word Matrix

  18. Word Sums

  19. Real Script • Focus on correct letter formation • Students learn letters with the same pathway together (a, c, o, d,) • Lowercase letters are taught first • Students learn phonemes as they learn letter pathways

  20. Social Emotional Learning • Second Step SEL • Researched based program • 30 minute lesson once a week • Engaging activities – fun songs and games • Children learn how to make new friends, manage their emotions, solve problems, and deal with peer pressure

  21. Shared reading • Oral and written language • Phonics\phonemic decoding skills • Comprehension strategies • Whole group; Turn and Talk opportunities • Shared and Independent reading\writing • Mini-Lessons to support Guided Reading

  22. There will be 8-13 words per quarter. Students are expected to read and write all high frequency words By the end of the year, students are expected to independently write these No-Excuse words: High Frequency Words:Students are expected to recognize all 47 words.

  23. Writer’s Workshop • Daily (40-45 minutes) • Writing will be stored in writing folders until the end of each unit. Genres include: Narrative, Informational, and Opinion. • Three parts: • Mini-lesson • Write, write, write • Share

  24. Reader’s Workshop • Four Units of Study • Guided Reading • Independent reading • Partner reading

  25. Eureka Math What is Eureka? The Eureka Math resource was built around the core principle that students need to know more than just what works when solving a problem – they need to understand why it works. WhyEureka? Eureka has received high ratings from educators nationwide and school districts are seeing growth and impressive test scores after just one year of implementation. Eureka with Growth Mindset Students with a Growth Mindset aren’t afraid to make mistakes. Brain research shows that mistakes are good and help you to learn more. Kids with a Growth Mindset achieve more.

  26. What will Eureka look like in the classroom? Typically, there are 6 components to each lesson • Fluency – Daily math fact practice which is used to maintain skills, prepare for the current lesson, and/or anticipate skills used in future lessons • Application Problem – Word problem which can lead into the concept development or review a concept from the previous day • Concept Development – Majority of the lesson which teaches a particular skill. Can include a variety of activities (whiteboards, manipulatives, partner work) • Problem Set – Independent practice to apply the skills taught from the concept development. Sometimes students will work on only a few problems • Debrief – Reflection after problem set to review as a whole class a few areas • Exit Ticket – Quick gauge of student understanding of the day’s skill

  27. Eureka School/Home Connection Problem Sets Problem Sets can come home unfinished and that is okay. It is encouraged to review and complete the Problem Sets with your child at home. Exit Tickets Exit Tickets will start coming home frequently during 4th Quarter and it is encouraged to review the Exit Tickets with your child at home. Assessments/Rubrics Assessments can be informal observations, exit tickets, mid module assessments, and end of module assessments. Rubrics will be used to grade and inform you of your child’s progress on the mid module and end of module assessments.

  28. Eureka School/Home Connection Daily Extra Practice The purpose of daily practice at home is to reinforce skills taught at school and increase the home/school connection. The expectation is that your child will practice the games/activities that will come home in the fluency bag before each topic is taught. Great Minds/Login If your child is interested in online practice please refer to your parent informational letter with your online account login.

  29. Where can I see what my kids will be learning?

  30. Assessments and Grading • For the 2019-2020 school year all schools will report grades to parents on a quarterly basis. • Teachers will collect evidence of learning in a variety of ways: observations, informally, and formally. • Outcome Assessments will come home throughout each quarter.

  31. MTSS: Multi-Tiered System of SupportFormally known as RTI: Response to InterventionA Regular Education Initiative • Tier 1: Flexible, small group, differentiated, research-based core curriculum. Assessments 3x year for progress. • Tier 2: Not making progress with curriculum, additional interventions in reading and math will be provided (support services). Closer monitoring of progress. • Tier 3: Additional, targeted supports, increased and intensive instruction, one-on-one throughout school day. • Parents: BIG PART of process. Please communicate with us throughout the school year!

  32. Sign Ups • Conferences • Monday, November 25th • Tuesday, November 26th • Set-up alternative day if traveling this week due to Thanksgiving holiday • Classroom Parties ~ Letter will come home in your child’s take home folder. • Fall • Winter • Valentines Day

  33. Fluency Bags • High frequency practice • Independent books • Eureka math games/activities • Fluency bags will need to be in their backpacks each morning.

  34. The FSP is the Parent Teacher Organization for District 157-C. Our mission is designed to strengthen the partnership between home and school through parent volunteer opportunities, student enrichment activities and family fun events. Some of the ways that we have enriched and supported the curriculum include: • Funding for field trips • Sponsoring special assembly programs • Providing scholarships • Providing curriculum enrichment funding to each school • Coordinating volunteers for all our events and programs Each year we also hold FREE family fun events such as: • Family Fun Night and Creative Arts Showcase at Grand Prairie • Exploration Night and Family Fitness Night at Chelsea Come visit our table at Curriculum Night and visit us at www.fsp157c.org Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FamilySchoolPartnership157c Contact us via email at fsp157c@gmail.com

  35. give. grant. grow. • MISSION: Raising funds throughout the year to fulfill teacher written grants for the classroom. Over $2 million granted to date. • GRANTED TO: Grand Prairie, Chelsea and Hickory Creek • FUNDRAISERS: Annual Dinner Auction, Golf Outing, Coin Drive, Frankfort Fall Fest BETA Tent • For more information and volunteering opportunities visit our website at www.ef157c.org

  36. Thank you for coming!

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