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This paper explores the use of Scientific Community Games (SCG) as a platform for programming and teaching, with a focus on the effectiveness of crowdsourcing and refutation protocols. Theoretical background, methods, and results are presented, along with the degree of automation used by scholars and the organizational problem solved. Loose collaborations, extensive-form representation, and refutation protocols are discussed. Overall, this platform offers a way to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among scholars.
A Popperian Platform for Programming and Teaching the Global Brain Karl Lieberherr Ahmed Abdelmeged Northeastern University, CCIS, PRL, Boston
Outline • Introduction Introduction Introduction • Theoretical background Theory & hypotheses Theory • Methods for playground design Methods Methods • Results Results & analysis Results • Conclusions Conclusion Conclusion
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results Results SCG = Scientific Community Game = Specker Challenge Game • Explanation: SCG as a general pattern behind many different competitions: topcoder.com, kaggle.com, … • SCG usage for teaching • Innovation Success with Undergraduates using SCG on piazza.com: Qualitative Data Sources & Analysis • Avatar competitions are not for teaching (but for competitive innovation) • Theoretical Properties of SCG
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results What SCG helps with • How to identify experts? • How to decide if an answer is worthwhile? • Use scholars to choose the winners • How to organize egoistic scholars to produce social welfare: knowledge base and know-how how to defend it. • The scholars try to reverse engineer the solutions of winning scholars.
Claims • Protocol. Defines scientific discourse. • Scholars make a prediction about their performance in protocol. • Predicate that decides whether refutation is successful. Refutation protocol collects data for predicate. • As a starter: Think of a claim as a mathematical statement: EA or AE. • all planar graphs have a 4 coloring. Crowdsourcing
Who are the scholars? • Students in a class room • High school • University • Members of the Gig Economy • Between 1995 and 2005, the number of self-employed independent workers grew by 27 percent. • Potential employees • Anyone with web access; Intelligent crowd. Crowdsourcing
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results What Scholars think about! • If I propose claim C, what is the probability that • C is successfully refuted • C is successfully strengthened • If I try to refute claim C, what is the probability that I will fail. • If I try to strengthen claim C, what is the probability that I will fail? Crowdsourcing
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results Degree of automation with SCG(X) avatar Bob scholar Alice degree of automation used by scholar 1 0 no automation human plays some automation human plays full automation avatar plays transfer to reliable, efficient software more applications: test constructive knowledge Crowdsourcing
happy = no scholar is ignored. Organizational Problem Solved • How to design a happy scientific community that encourages its members to really contribute. • Control of scientific community • tunable SCG rules • Specific domain, claim definition to narrow scope. Crowdsourcing
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results What is a loose collaboration? • Scholars can work independently on an aspect of the same problem. • Problem = decide which claims in playground to oppose or agree with. • How is know-how combined? Using a protocol. • Alice claimed that for the input that Alice provides, Bob cannot find an output of quality q. But Bob finds such an output. Alice corrects. • Bug reports that need to be addressed and corrections. Playground = Instantiation of Platform Crowdsourcing
Theory • Extensive Form Representation of Game • Community Property: All faulty actions can be exposed.
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results Extensive-form representation • the players of a game: 1 and 2 • for every player every opportunity they have to move • what each player can do at each of their moves • what each player knows for every move • the payoffs received by every player for every possible combination of moves
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results 1 scholar 2 scholar 1 refute(C, proposer,other) p(…)?(proposer,other): (proposer,other) s: successful u: unsuccessful propose claim C from Claims agree attempt C 2 refute attempt C strengthen attempt C’ => C refute(C,1,2) p(C, …)?(1,-1):(-1,1) refute(C’,2,1) u:1 2 s:1 2 refute(C,2,1) p(C, …)?(1,-1):(-1,1) p(C’, …)?(1,-1):(-1,1) p(C, …)?(0,0):(1,-1) p(C’, …)?(-1,1):(1,-1) s:1 2 u:1 2 s:1 2 u:1 2
Refutation Protocol • Collects data given to predicate p. Alternates. refute(C,proposer,other) other tries to make p false while proposer tries to make p true. p false means successful refutation. p true means successful defense. p(C, …)?(1,-1):(-1,1) claim payoff for proposer if p true (defense) payoff for other if p true (defense) payoff for proposer if p false (refutation) payoff for other if p false (refutation)
Reinterpret Refutation • Refutation leads to successful strengthening or successful agreement.
blamed decisions: propose(1,C) refute(1,2,C) strengthen(1,2,C,C’) agree(1,2,c) Essence of Game Ruleswithout Payoff • actors: 1, 2 • LifeOfClaim(C) = propose(1,C) followed by (oppose(1,2,C)|agree(1,2,C)). • oppose(1,2,C) = (refute(1,2,C)|strengthen(1,2,C,C’)), where stronger(C,C’). • strengthen(1,2,C,C’) = !refute(2,1,C’). • agree(1,2,C) = !refute(2,1,C) Crowdsourcing
Winning/Losing • Scholar who first violates a game rule, loses. • If none violate a game rule: the claim predicate c.p(1,2, …) decides. Crowdsourcing
Game Rules for Playground • All objects exchanged during protocol must be legal and valid. • Each move must be within time-limit. Crowdsourcing
Example: Independent Set • Alice = proposer, Bob = other. • Protocol / claim: AtLeastAsGood. Alice claims to be at least as good as Bob at IS. • Bob provides undirected graph G. • Bob computes independent set sB for G (secret). • Alice computes independent set sA for G. • Alice wins, if size(sA) >= size(sB) (= p(sA,sB)). Crowdsourcing
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results More examples of Protocols • Let f(x,y)=x*y+(1-x)(1-y^2)). Alice claims Math(0.61): Bob constructs an x in [0,1] and Alice construct a y in [0,1], and Alice guarantees that f(x,y)> 0.61. True claim but can be strengthened to 0.618. • Alice claims Solar(RawMaterials,m,0.61). Bob constructs raw materials r in RawMaterials and Alice constructs a solar cell s in Solution from r using money m and so that efficiency(s)> 0.61.
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results Community Property • For every faulty decision action there exists an exposing reaction that blames the bad decision. • Reasons: • We want the system to be egalitarian. • It is important that clever crowd members can shine and expose others who don’t promote the social welfare of the community. • Faulty decisions must be exposable. It may take effort. Crowdsourcing
Community PropertyAlternative formulation • If all decisions by Alice are not faulty, there is no chance of Alice losing against Bob. • if Alice is perfect, there is no chance of losing. • If there exists a faulty decision by Alice, there is a chance of Alice losing against Bob. • egalitarian game Crowdsourcing
Summary: faulty decisions • propose(Alice,C),C=false • propose(Alice,C),C=not optimum, C=true • refute(Alice,Bob,C),C=true • strengthen(Alice,Bob,c,cs),c=optimum • strengthen(Alice,Bob,c,cs),c=false • agree(Alice,Bob,c),c=false • agree(Alice,Bob,c),c=not optimum, c=true Crowdsourcing
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results SCG Equilibrium • Reputations of scholars are stable. • The science does not progress; bugs are not fixed, no new ideas are introduced. • Extreme, desirable situation: All scholars are perfect: they propose optimal claims that can neither be strengthened nor refuted. Crowdsourcing
Claims: convergence to optimum over strengthening 1 false claims (refutable) correct valuation quality strengthening true claims (defendable) Crowdsourcing 25 0
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results Convergence • if every faulty action is exposed, convergence is guaranteed. Crowdsourcing
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results Methods • Developed Platform SCG Court = Generator of teaching/innovation playgrounds • http://sourceforge.net/p/generic-scg/code-0/11 0/tree/GenericSCG/ • Developed Algorithms Course using Piazza based on platform experience Crowdsourcing
Avatar Interface • AvatarI • public List<Claim> propose(List<Claim> forbiddenClaims); • public List<OpposeAction> oppose(List<Claim> claimsToBeOpposed); • public InstanceI provide(Claim claimToBeProvided); • public SolutionI solve(SolveRequest solveRequest);
Instance Interface • InstanceI • boolean valid(SolutionI solution, Config config); • double quality(SolutionI solution);
InstanceSet Interface • InstanceSetI • Option<String> belongsTo(InstanceI instance); • Option<String> valid(Config config); }}
Protocol Interface • ProtocolI • double getResult(Claim claim, SolutionI[] solutions, InstanceI[] instances); • ProtocolSpec getProtocolSpec(); • boolean strengthenP(Claim oldClaim, Claim strengthenedClaim);
Claim Class, for all playgrounds • Claim • public Claim(InstanceSetI instanceSet, ProtocolI protocol, double quality, double confidence)
Protocol Library • AsGoodAsYou.java • ExistsForAll.java • ForAllExists.java • Renaissance.java • Survivor.java
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results 1 scholar 2 scholar 1 High competition refute(C, proposer,other) p(…)?(proposer,other): (proposer,other) s: successful u: unsuccessful propose claim C from Claims agree attempt C 2 refute attempt C strengthen attempt C’ => C refute(C,1,2) p(C, …)?(1,-1):(-1,1) refute(C’,2,1) u:1 2 s:1 2 refute(C,2,1) p(C, …)?(0,0):(1,-1) p(C’, …)?(-1,1):(1,-1) s:1 2 u:1 2 s:1 2 u:1 2
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results 1 scholar 2 scholar 1 Low competition refute(C, proposer,other) p(…)?(proposer,other): (proposer,other) s: successful u: unsuccessful propose claim C from Claims agree attempt C 2 refute attempt C strengthen attempt C’ => C refute(C,1,2) p(C, …)? (0,0) :(0,1) refute(C’,2,1) u:1 2 s:1 2 refute(C,2,1) p(C, …)?(0,0): (1,0) p(C’, …)?(0,1): (0,0) s:1 2 u:1 2 s:1 2 u:1 2
Competition Knob: minimum • For each scholar • count claims that were successfully opposed (refuted or strengthened) • encourages strong claims • gather information from competitors for free • count claims that were not successfully agreed • Good for teaching • students want minimum competition • good students want to build social capital and help weaker students
Piazza Results • Lower competition knob for teaching. • For optimization claims got significant scientific discourse. • Playgrounds cannot have too many scholars, otherwise they are overwhelmed. • about 5 is a good size • use hierarchical playgrounds: winning teams compete again
Piazza Results • Do not give hints at solutions. This significantly decreased the amount of discourse taking place.
Conclusions • Transition • refute: (1,-1):(-1,1) -> (0,0) :(0,1) • strengthen: (-1,1):(1,-1) -> (0,1): (0,0) • agree: (0,0):(1,-1) -> (0,0): (1,0) • creates a better playground for learning by lowering competition and increasing teaching between scholars.
Conclusions • Flexible use of SCG using a forum environment with threads and replies using optimization optimization playgrounds is productive: • teams took turns leapfrogging each other
Conclusion Introduction Theory Methods Results Transformation: performance debate • Diverse governance modes • Liberalization • Underperformance - legitimacy • Mixed results of privatization • Challenges for state Public Output Input Public-private Private