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Final Presentation 964 LS

AMERICAN DATING Mariam & Anokina. Final Presentation 964 LS. Interview Questions. 1. When do American people begin to date? 2. Where do American meet people to date? 3. What is the attitude of American parents about their children’s dating?

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Final Presentation 964 LS

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  1. AMERICAN DATING Mariam & Anokina Final Presentation 964 LS

  2. Interview Questions 1. When do American people begin to date? 2. Where do American meet people to date? 3. What is the attitude of American parents about their children’s dating? 4.Where do American usually go on their date? 5. What do they usually do for special occasions like Valentine's Day? 6. How long until they have a sexual relationship? 7. Who pays for the first date?Do they share after the first date? 8. Is it normal for couples to live together while their dating? 9. How many dates until there is a relationship? 10. What is the most important reason for breaking up?

  3. Most American people begin to date around 16 years old. They can have group dates when they are 13-15 years old. I started dating at 14. They usually meet at school, college, work, online. Specially they go to websites like match.com which has made dating easier. It is vary. Depending upon their religion and cultural backgrounds. American people usually go to their date at clubs, bowling, movie theater. Gift exchange, a card and flowers. They usually have special dinner in a restaurant. It’s varies among people. Some of them have date for months before having a relationship. Growing up I always thought that gentlemen pays for the first date, but now either parties split the cost. Not at the moment. People in long relationship usually live together before they get married. infinitely. Lots of reasons. The most important is dishonesty. Interview Guy Sole

  4. Around age 16 or probably around 14 or once they enter high school. Teenagers mainly at school and activities. Adults probably at work and clubs, online dating. Depend on home circumstance and religion, but most would be cautious about dating too young. First dates they usually go to dinner or movie. For special occasion there would be a nice dinner at home or in a hotel. Depends on individuals. There is no “limit frame”. The gentleman pays for the first date. They usually share after that. While dating no. There is no definite times. Lack of communication. Interview Josh

  5. 1. I think most start when they are teenagers, on average probably around 16yrs of age. 2. Just by living, doing normal things, like going to the store or maybe the gym, from work and though mutual friends.  3. Most are probably scared, and cautious more so for parents of daughters than I think for sons. 4. Dinner or movie or even both. 5. For valentines day or anniversaries most I would say go out for a nice dinner or maybe stay in and have a romantic dinner/night at home, depending on age. 6. Depends on age, but I would say probably anywhere from a week to a month.7. Most always the guy pays for first. 8. While dating, no, I say you shouldn't move in till after there is a relationship, and not till you have been together for at least a year I would say. 9. Depending on your definition of "relationship", but if meaning how long till you are going steady or exclusive, maybe somewhere around 5, or time wise around a month maybe 3 10. Most important reason for break up, probably one or the others or even both needs not being meet. Interview Brigit Doran

  6. 1.I would say mostly begin to date at age 16. 2. They meet at parties, places or through friends. 3. Most seem to be okay with it. Dating seems natural part of growing up. 4. The most traditional places are movies, parties, or doing some kind of activity like bowling or mini golf. 5. They go to a nice expensive restaurant. 6. People do not really wait it out anymore. That aspect of the relationship seems to occur a lot sooner than it should. 7. The guy, unless he is a bad date and asks you to split. 8. Living together is for when you are older and I think they are considering long term relationship. 9. 3 or 4. depends on how often they hang out or how much they like each other. 10. Lack of honesty, cheating, not having enough in common. Interview Alexandra Cimino

  7. Early teenage years. At work, school, and play. Usually it depends on parents and most likely they do not like their children have relationship in young ages. To the movies, rock concerts, school dances. Go out, stay home, visit friends. People usually have sexual relationship sooner than it should be. The male. Most cases they do share. Not really. They need ample time to get to know each other. At least 25. Personality differences, disagreements and Personal habits. Interview Neel Thomas

  8. American normally begin to date in their early teens. They meet people at school work, online and social events. The attitude varies. Some of these factors are education level of the parents, religion and how the parents were rise by their own parents. They usually go to the movies on their first date. In special occasion they like to go out for dinner. After dating for a while. The first date is paid by the man. However, more dates are being shared. No, it is not normal for couples to live together while dating. They live together when they want to have a relationship. I have known people who have been on one date and go into a relationship, and I have known people who date for years before going into a relationship. Lack of communication. Interview Glen Keesling

  9. 15 or 16 depending on parents. School, work and any social activity. They set limits and are careful about their children dating. Dinner or movies. Nice dinner. Depends on couples. The guy usually pays for the first date, but they share after the first date. No. It depends on. It could be 4 or more Dishonesty. Interview Joan Collins

  10. When beginning to date? Around 16 years old Around 18-20

  11. Where meet people to date? School, work, online Church, ritual ceremonies

  12. Attitude of parents about their children’s dating? Depends on religion, but many are cautious Not acceptable, but if it happens, very restricted

  13. Where go on the date? Dinner, movie Coffee bar, park

  14. What they do for special occasions? Have a nice dinner Exchange gifts

  15. How long until a sexual relationship? Varies, some have after months, and some sooner Never have sex before marriage

  16. Who pays for the first date? share afterwards? The guy pays, they share after that Always the guy pays

  17. Live together while dating? No, live together when they go to relationship Never live together before marriage

  18. How many dates until there is a relationship? Depends on, but between 3-5 Between 5-10

  19. The most important reason for breaking up? Dishonesty, lack of communication Parent’s objection, cheating

  20. conclusion • Although American and Assyrian dating are same in some ways, Americans have more freedom in their dating, so that their decision for marriage will be easier. Assyrians, on the other hand, are restricted due to cultural and religion reasons.

  21. Question & answer

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