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Overview. Types of monitoring Partnership monitoring needs Current monitoring coordination efforts. Monitoring Overview. Status and Trends What is the current condition and has it changed over time? Indicators data. Monitoring Overview. Effectiveness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Overview • Types of monitoring • Partnership monitoring needs • Current monitoring coordinationefforts

  2. Monitoring Overview Status and Trends • What is the current condition and has it changed over time? • Indicators data

  3. Monitoring Overview Effectiveness • Did management action result in an expected, measurable change in the environment? • Adaptive Management

  4. Monitoring Overview Validation • Are our assumptions and hypothesis correct? • Science/management feedback

  5. Monitoring Overview Implementation • Were programs initiated as planned? • Policy feedback

  6. Monitoring Overview Compliance • Are rules/policies being met properly? • Policy feedback

  7. Puget Sound Partnership and Monitoring • In statute: Strategic Science Program* • may include: • Continuation of PSAMP • 2. Development of a monitoring program • (in addition to PSAMP) • *with advice from the Science Panel

  8. What is PSAMP con’t • Collaborative network • Long-term status and trends (since 1989) • Some effectiveness monitoring • Puget Sound Indicators • Regional and local scale Drayton Harbor. / Linda Farmer

  9. What is PSAMP con’t • Regional Indicators • State of the Sound Reports • Transboundary Indicators Reports • Other Products • Puget Sound Update Reports • Conceptual Model • PS/GB Research Conference Drayton Harbor. / Linda Farmer

  10. Source: Ecology (EAP), Partnership

  11. A B Human Uses,Impacts (health impacts, well being) Atmospheric Exchange Pollutant deposition, carbon dioxide absorption, warming temperatures Harvest, aquaculture, consuming seafood, recreation, etc. Harmful algal blooms, changing ocean properties C C Salmon,bald eagles Marine/ Estuarine Species and Food Webs Aquatic/ Terrestrial Food Webs Nutrient inputs, toxic impacts on food webs Contaminants in Orcas, pathogen transfer Vegetative cover inriparian zone, aquatic insect abundance and diversity Ocean Exchange F E F Salmon spawning capacity, amphibian abundance Eelgrass shelter for Dungeness crab, herring spawn on kelp fronds Water Quality Freshwater Flows/Quality Contaminant loadings, freshwater impacts on marine circulation Suspended sediments reduce light for eelgrass, kelp beds filterparticulates Beach nourishment from stream sediments, stream flows balance salinity and sustain marsh plants D Habitat Quality and Quantity, Processes

  12. English Sole survey. / WDFW Monitoring Coordinationand Forums Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) • Coordinate state, federal, and tribal freshwater and estuarine monitoring programs in the Pacific NW • WA, OR, Northern CA

  13. Monitoring Coordinationand Forums Washington Forum on Monitoring • Coordinate technical and policy issues and activities related to monitoring salmon recovery and watershed health. • State-wide, legislative mandate

  14. Monitoring Coordinationand Forums Puget Sound Coordinated Monitoring Program (‘Monitoring Consortium’) • Establish a new coordinated multi-party structure • Built on existing programs and efforts • Initiated by local governments

  15. What’s needed to strengthen current monitoring programs? • Link to regulatory community • Broader representation • Secure funding • Political independence • Prioritize monitoring - strategic science program • Transparent and trustworthy

  16. Bat star. / Jennifer Vanderhoof Monitoring and the Action Agenda • Linkage between PSAMP, PNAMP, Forum, • Consortium, other programs, and Action Agenda • is important • Science panel can help with linkage • Science plan will define activities based • on Action Agenda • Monitoring is the accountability tool

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