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Rapport Auto Apprentissage Groupe InnovHabitat. Mercredi 16/10/2013 - 17H30. DESPINASSE Aurélien EMANUEL Caroline HARIZI Abire SEVESTRE Yann. • QUESTION How to get self-confident enough to speak English between us? • OBJECTIFS
Rapport Auto Apprentissage Groupe InnovHabitat Mercredi 16/10/2013 - 17H30 DESPINASSE Aurélien EMANUEL CarolineHARIZI Abire SEVESTRE Yann
• QUESTION How to get self-confident enough to speak English between us? • OBJECTIFS Our main objective during our English activities was to lose the fear to speak English in front of others and that it gets natural for us. • RESSOURCES Ourselves Paper and pens UNO cards ENT-website • ACTIVITIES We decided to get a little bit more used to speak English with an oral expression activity. We built 2 groups and the two persons in one group had to be back to back to each other and person 1 painted a little picture on a paper. Afterwards person 1 had to explain to person 2 his picture still back to back to each other. The difficulty was to describe the drawing only with geometrical forms. Another activity was playing cards (UNO) in English. While playing we asked ourselves what is the word for “contre-UNO”. Then everybody had to write down three sentences about him-/herself. These sentences had to be two trues and one lie. After this we asked ourselves questions to find out which one was/has been the lie. (Which time do we have to use? We are going to work on this next session) For the more professional part we did research about sustainable architecture on the ENT-website. • EVALUATION When we played UNO, we tend to get really fast and sometimes said some words in French. In contrast when we explained our drawings and the time wasn’t limited we took more time to find the right words and really stayed in English. • CONCLUSION UNO: counterproductive because we hadn’t enough time to reflect before acting. We arrived to lose our fear and speak almost the whole time just in English but there’s still the need to make more activities to facilitate our oral expression.
• Abire I really enjoyed speaking English with the members of my group. Moreover, I appreciate that Caroline encourages us to work our English. I need this kind of person to get me working when I don’t want to. I prefer oral exercises because it’s easier for me to find the words to express myself. It’s more natural for me to speak than to write. I don’t like writing. Finally, the fact to write our report in English makes me work my writing expression little by little and I appreciate it • Aurélien I doubted that I would be able to speak only English in front of other people, but I was surprised about my motivation and my commitment. When we are doing these activities I see the interest in teambuilding. I feel very good in my group. I found the first exercise (drawing) very interesting because it taught us to think in English. Furthermore this activity encourages the communication in the group. Personally I read articles in English about the evolution of condom in our society for a project (Design). • Caroline After our meeting I was really excited to start our “English project”. During our activities I realized again that I’m having an issue with switching between French and English. For example when someone asked me if I know the translation for a word, it helped me a lot when Aurélien translated first in German and then I translated the German word in English. I was really surprised and happy about how good we got used to speak English to each other. I think that we are on a good way to get to our objective to do one whole project meeting in English. • Yann For my part practicing English as part of our industrial project is more attractive than practicing it on my own. With the project, there are many opportunities to conduct different activities as for example team building activities in English, document research or reading papers/books about management. One of my biggest difficulties is to speak English during our team building activities because I tempt to speak French when it gets fast. I realized that during we played UNO.
Appendix • Professional Language Passport • Voice les éléments qui nous semble important d’inclure dans notre Passeport Pro : • What can I do in a company? • Can I read scientific articles? Do research? • Can I lead a team? Can I lead a meeting in English? • What type of job can I do in an English speaking country? • Can I take education? • How do I see my language experience in 5 years? • Past experiences in foreign languages? • Projects in detail How did you co-work with others? • How do you prefer to be in contact with others? Do you prefer to write mails or do you prefer to speak on the phone? • What kind of activities are my training methods in a foreign language? • Can I evaluate the English level of somebody?