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Curriculum Design. Sarah Locke EDU 707 Instructional Leadership August 10, 2010. Day 1: Pre-Assessment & Introduction to Key Concepts. Review: Triangles and Quadrilaterals - What do they look like? Names? (parallelogram, trapezoid, etc.)
Curriculum Design Sarah Locke EDU 707 Instructional Leadership August 10, 2010
Day 1: Pre-Assessment & Introduction to Key Concepts • Review: Triangles and Quadrilaterals - What do they look like? Names? (parallelogram, trapezoid, etc.) • Place two keywords on board (Area & Perimeter) and ask students IF they have heard of either word, WHAT they are or mean, WHERE they have heard these words, and HOW these words are connected/related to math. • Review how to measure with rulers and different units (cm, in, ft, yd, & mm).
Days 2-4: Perimeter • Introduction in the Math Lab… • Using student-led discussion to question posed on the board, “Mrs. Miller needs to the find the perimeter of her garden so she will know how much fencing to buy in order to keep animals out.” • Allow students to work in small groups to think of other real-life situations where perimeter is important or needed. • Students are given definition to perimeter and its formula. • Students use Unifix cubes (1 cube = 1 unit) to find the perimeter of different objects in the Math Lab.
Days 2-4: Perimeter (Ctd.) • Introduction in the Math Lab (Ctd.)… • Students are introduced to the 3-Steps to Answer. Example: • P = side 1 + side 2 + side 3 + side 4 • P = 6 in. + 12 in. + 6 in. + 12 in. • P = 36 in. • Back in the classroom… • Each class starts their own bulletin board poster of formulas. • Students start to practice the 3-Step to Answer work as a class with teacher-led group problems.
Days 2-4: Perimeter (Ctd.) • Back in the Classroom (Ctd.)… • Whiteboard review activities. (Shape pictures and side measurements shown on classroom whiteboard and students show 3-Step to Answer on individual boards.) • Classroom and Homework worksheets including word problems. • GeoBoard activities (Shape and Perimeter is given to students. They must create that shape with an elastic of individual Geoboards. Each space between pegs equals 1 unit.)
Days 2-4: Perimeter (Ctd.) • Assessment… • Formative • Tickets Out The Door • Math Lab Self-Evaluation • Teacher Observation • Informative • Class Word Problem: Given picture and measurements find Perimeter using 3 Step to Answer process. • Independent Work Worksheet: “Mad Measurements - Perimeter”
Days 5-7: AreaSquares & Rectangles • Introduction in the Math Lab… • Using student-led discussion to question posed on the board, “Mr. Lomonte needs to the find the area of his office floor so he can order new carpet to go with the new paint on his walls.” • Allow students to work in small groups to think of other real-life situations where area is important or needed. • Students are given definition to area and the formula for squares & rectangles.
Days 5-7: Area (Ctd.)Squares & Rectangles • Introduction in the Math Lab (Ctd.)… • Students are introduced to the 3-Steps to Answer. Example: • A = l • w • A = 5 cm. • 10 cm. • A = 50 cm.2 • Students use Unifix cubes (1 cube = 1 unit) to find the area of different square & rectangular objects in the Math Lab. • Back in the classroom… • Students add area formula for squares & rectangles to class bulletin board poster.
Days 5-7: Area (Ctd.)Squares & Rectangles • Back in the classroom (Ctd.)… • Whiteboard review activities. (Shape pictures and side measurements shown on classroom whiteboard and students show 3-Step to Answer on individual boards.) • Classroom and Homework Worksheets. • Class activity using graph paper. Students are given graph paper and different perimeter and area measurements and must draw a square or rectangle to that has the measurements that were given to them.
Days 8-10: Area Triangles • Introduction in the Math Lab… • Students review different types of triangles and discuss bottom (base) and bottom to highest point (height). • Class discussion takes place relating length & width (squares & rectangles) to base & height (triangles). • Students are shown a rectangle and square and asked if anyone can break either shape into to smaller shapes. (After discussion, suggestions, and possible hints, students see each can be divided into 2 triangles. This is where the 1/2 bh or bh÷2 is introduced.)
Days 8-10: Area (Ctd.)Triangles • Introduction in the Math Lab (Ctd.)… • Students are given the formula for area of triangles. • Students are introduced to the 3-Steps to Answer. Example: • A = b • h ÷ 2 • A = 4 ft. • 6 ft. ÷ 2 • A = 12 ft.2 • Students work in pairs and move to different stations set up in Math Lab to measure base and height of triangles.
Days 8-10: Area (Ctd.)Triangles • Back in the classroom… • Students use measurement from Math Lab stations work to calculate and find the areas of different triangles. • Students add area formula for squares & rectangles to class bulletin board poster. • Classroom and Homework Worksheets. • Whiteboard review activities. (Shape pictures and side measurements shown on classroom whiteboard and students show 3-Step to Answer on individual boards.)
Days 11-14: Area Parallelograms & Trapezoids • Introduction & Activities in classroom… • Class as a whole reviews area formulas for square, rectangles, & triangles. Teachers asks students of any other quadrilaterals they have learned about. (Parallelogram and Trapezoid are mentioned and pictures of each shape are shown.) • Class discussion on how parallelograms and trapezoids are alike and/or different to the shapes they have already learned the formulas for.
Days 11-14: Area (Ctd.) Parallelograms & Trapezoids • Introduction & Activities in classroom (Ctd..)… • Students are given the formula for area of parallelograms and shown where to find base & height. • Students are introduced to the 3-Steps to Answer. Example: • A = b • h • A = 9 in. • 3in. • A = 27 in.2
Days 11-14: Area (Ctd.) Parallelograms & Trapezoids • Introduction & Activities in classroom (Ctd.)… • Students work through a handful of parallelogram area problems using whiteboards while teacher walks around to observe and assist. (Using 3 Step process.) • A large trapezoid is held up in front of the class while teacher takes suggestions, opinions, and ideas on what the formula for area of trapezoids might be.
Days 11-14: Area (Ctd.) Parallelograms & Trapezoids • Introduction & Activities in classroom (Ctd.)… • Students are given the formula for area of trapezoids and shown where to find both bases & height. • Students are introduced to the 3-Steps to Answer. Example: • A = (b1 + b2) • h ÷ 2 • A = (3 cm. + 7 cm.) • 5 cm. ÷ 2 • A = 25 cm.2
Days 11-14: Area (Ctd.) Parallelograms & Trapezoids • Introduction & Activities in classroom (Ctd.)… • Students work through a handful of trapezoid area problems using whiteboards while teacher walks around to observe and assist. (Using 3-Step process.) • Students add area formulas for parallelograms and trapezoids to class bulletin board poster. • Classroom and Homework Worksheets.
Days 5-14 &15-16: Area (For All Shapes Covered) • Assessment… • Formative • Teacher Observation • Whiteboard Activities • Math Lab Self-Evaluation • Class & Homework Worksheets • Informative • Bulletin Board House Perimeter & Area Assessment • Independent Work Worksheet: “Mad Measurements - Area of Squares, Rectangles, Triangles, Parallelograms, & Trapezoids
Days 17-22: Final Assessments • End of Perimeter & Area Unit Assignments • District assessment “Trading Spaces” completed in Math Lab by all sixth grade students (1 Day) • Student Choice Perimeter & Area Unit Project • Students are given the three choices for the end of the unit project with explanations, rubrics, and examples. Students will have a week to work in class to complete the option they chose. • Before and after school help available along with option to work on projects at home. • Students with their own ideas may present to teacher for consideration.
Materials & Resources • List of material and resources needed to complete Perimeter & Area Unit… • Worksheets • LCD projector • Pencils • Paper • Coloring utensils • Whiteboard markers & whiteboards • Classroom student folders • Calculators • Posterboard • Rubrics • Teacher examples • Geoboards & elastics • Unifix cubes • Computers • Objects/shapes to measure
Possible Issues/Barriers • The following are factors that may contribute to roadblocks during the Perimeter & Area Unit described above: • Length of unit may decrease or increase • Amount of continuous review needed • Student absences, assemblies, field trips, snow days • May require more visits to Math Lab • Students may need more time to complete District Assessment or Unit Final Project • Time may need to be set aside for RTI, re-teaching, and additional lessons