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Parallel Visualization with ParaView

Parallel Visualization with ParaView. Ken Moreland (Sandia National Labs) Berk Geveci (Kitware Inc.). What is ParaView?. Open-source, multi-platform visualization application. Supports distributed computation models to process large data sets.

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Parallel Visualization with ParaView

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Parallel Visualization with ParaView Ken Moreland (Sandia National Labs) Berk Geveci (Kitware Inc.)

  2. What is ParaView? • Open-source, multi-platform visualization application. • Supports distributed computation models to process large data sets. • Has an open, flexible, and intuitive user interface. • Extensible architecture based on open standards.

  3. History of ParaView • Project started in 1999 • Developed by Kitware, Los Alamos and Sandia National Labs • Funded by Trilabs and Army Research Labs

  4. Why use ParaView? • Large data / scalable parallel processing • End user application • Application framework • Visualization and processing features • Data models • Open-source • Commercial support

  5. More Information • ParaView information: • ParaView Guide - http://www.kitware.com/products/paraviewguide.html • http://www.paraview.org • Mailing list - http://www.paraview.org/HTML/MailingList.html • Wiki - http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView • FAQ - http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:FAQ

  6. Basics of Visualization • Large amount of data • Using pictures to understand raw data • Debugging simulations • Communication/marketing • Several post-processing techniques

  7. Basics of Visualization • Present data visually • Use algorithms to process data • Focus on important features

  8. Basics of Visualization

  9. More Information • VTK information: • Visualization Toolkit Book • VTK User’s Guide • http://www.vtk.org • Mailing list • Wiki • FAQ

  10. Building ParaView • Use CMake www.cmake.org • Run CMake GUI to configure • Run native build system to build

  11. Introduction To CMake • On Unix (or Mac OSX) ccmake • Example: ccmake /src/ParaView

  12. Introduction To CMake • On Windows CMakeSetup

  13. More Information • CMake information: • CMake Book • www.cmake.org • Mailing list • Wiki • FAQ

  14. Different Running Modes • Local • paraview • Client server • pvclient • pvserver • Render server • pvclient • pvdataserver • pvrenderserver • Batch • pvbatch

  15. Local • Executable: paraview • Can run on multiple processes • mpirun –np 2 paraview

  16. Client/Server • Executables: pvclient, pvserver • pvserver processes data and renders • Data remains on server • --reverse-connection (-rc) argument • pvserver can run with multiple processes

  17. Render Server • Executables • pvclient • pvdataserver • pvrenderserver • Specify host on command line • Connection ID to further specify connection • Used when large data resides on server with no rendering resources

  18. Render Server Multiple socket connections with data server M->N redistribution executes on data server then data is transferred to render server Geometry can optionally be sent to the client for local rendering

  19. Basic Usage • GUI • Readers / writers • Camera manipulation • Filters • Accept / reset • 3D widgets

  20. GUI View Filters Center of rotation Toolbar Sources and filters Parameters for current filter Error message Progress bar Message box

  21. File Menu

  22. Loading Data

  23. Loading Data: File Types Chombo SpyPlot / CTH (.sptch) Exodus Partitioned Exodus HDF5 Raw(.h5) Extensible Data Format (.xdmf) EnSight (.case .sos) Plot3D (.xyz) VRML (.wrl) Protein Data Bank (.pdb) XMol Molecule (.xyz) Stereo Lithography (.stl) BYU (.g) Gaussian Cube File (.cube) Digital elevation map (.dem) • ParaView Data (.pvd) • VTK PolyData (.vtp) • VTK Unstructured Grid (.vtu) • VTK Image (.vti) • VTK Structured Grid (.vts) • VTK Rectilinear (.vtr) • VTK Legacy (.vtk) • VTK Partitioned PolyData (.pvtp) • VTK Partitioned Unstructured grid (.pvtu) • VTK Partitioned Image (.pvti) • VTK Partitioned Structured Grid (.pvts) …

  24. Source Menu

  25. Parameters Accept Reset Delete Time step (File series) Array selection

  26. Auto Accept

  27. Information Data type Number of cells Number of points Bounds Extent

  28. Display Options Wireframe Surface Points Representation Gouraud Flat Shading

  29. Color By Attribute

  30. Volume Rendering • Only unstructured grid • Future plans • Structured • AMR • Faster algorithms

  31. Volume Rendering

  32. Transfer Function Editor

  33. Level of Details Decimation Distributed / local rendering Image reduction

  34. View Properties Select

  35. View Properties: Camera View manipulators Center of rotation Reset camera Axis aligned views User defined views User customization of view manipulators

  36. View Properties: General Background color Parallel / Perspective Performance

  37. Filter Menu

  38. Navigation Selection Filters Filter menu Filter toolbar

  39. Toolbar Filters/Sources Contour Cut Clip Threshold Extract grid Warp vector Stream lines Integrate flow Surface vectors Glyph Calculator Pick cell Probe Group Ungroup AMR outline AMR extract part AMR surface Wavelet Measure Fractal Sphere Superquadric

  40. Contour (Iso Surface)

  41. Cut

  42. 3D Widgets • Point Widget • Box Widget • Line Widget • Plane Widget • Sphere Widget

  43. Clip (Scalars)

  44. Clip (Plane)

  45. Extract Grid

  46. Streamlines

  47. Pick Filter

  48. Group Dr. Jean M. Favre, CSCS, Swiss Center for Scientific Computing

  49. Attribute Calculator Scalar menu

  50. Probe

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