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Advanced ParaView Visualization

Advanced ParaView Visualization. Kenneth Moreland, David Thompson, Timothy Shead Sandia National Laboratories Utkarsh Ayachit Kitware Inc. John Biddiscombe Swiss National Supercomputing Center.

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Advanced ParaView Visualization

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Advanced ParaView Visualization Kenneth Moreland, David Thompson, Timothy Shead Sandia National Laboratories Utkarsh Ayachit Kitware Inc. John Biddiscombe Swiss National Supercomputing Center Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company,for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

  2. Army SBIR ERDC Contract US NSF SBIR Current Funders and Contributors Swiss National Supercomputing Centre • Support Contracts • Electricity de France • Mirarco • Oil Industry

  3. What This Tutorial Is NOT • An introduction to ParaView. • No hands on GUI learning (go to Supercomputing). • A description of building visualization pipelines. • We’re already vis experts, right? • A comprehensive list of ParaView features. • Read the book. • A series of use cases.

  4. What This Tutorial Is • A selected set of “advanced” features. • Some are unique to ParaView, some are not. • All go beyond the classical visualization pipeline model. • Descriptions of usage coupled with descriptions of implementation. • Learn new things you can do with ParaView. • Learn new tricks for your own visualization applications. • Keys to customizing ParaView. • Learn to use ParaView as a deployment platform for your own visualization research. • Informal • Ask questions, offer suggestions, argue, defend, throw tomatoes.

  5. Agenda

  6. ParaView Library Stack Client pvpython OverView UI (Qt components, Python wrapping) ParaView Server Research, Prototyping, Serial Apps Titan (Views, Data Types, Algorithms, Readers, Writers) VTK

  7. Client pvpython OverView UI (Qt components, Python wrapping) ParaView Server Research, Prototyping, Serial Apps Titan (Views, Data Types, Algorithms, Readers, Writers) VTK ParaView Library Stack Selection Utkarsh Ayachit InfoVis Timothy Shead Scripting Utkarsh Ayachit Particle Vis John Biddiscombe Customizing Timothy Shead InfoVis Timothy Shead Particle Vis John Biddiscombe Scripting Utkarsh Ayachit Time John Biddiscombe Parallel Vis Kenneth Moreland Higher Order Elements David Thompson

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